• Most use the word 'bitch' as a female version of the word 'bastard', but Bastard Nation, an advocacy group for the rights of child and adult adoptees, has attempted to reclaim the word "bastard" as a neutral or self-respecting term.
  • so am I a bitch or a bastard cause I thaught a bitch was a female dog in heat
  • A bastard, no female version of the word. And a bastard is someone whose parents were married out of wedlock, not someone whose father left them...Idiots.
  • It seems that Wikipedia under the topic "Bastard (Law of England and Wales)" has a name for a female bastard which is "iglet". Look under "Common law origin" on that page. and_Wales%29
  • Sorry the link was broken. Here it is again
  • The same as you would call a man ...Illegitimate. Which is somebody (regardless of gender) who is born out of wedlock. A woman left by her father is simply that...there is no noun that I know of to discribe it
  • I found this post attempting to find the answer to another more pertinent question. When somebody cuts me off in traffic I want to call him a bastard. To be fair to the real bastards I’ll call the other driver a rat bastard unless she’s female. Most people upon hearing someone yell the word bastard will assume the target is male because bitch is generally accepted as its female derogatory counterpart. What do people think of calling a female psycho driver a bastress or bistress? It’s a coined word as far as I know. Or it’s a township in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. It’s not PC to yell expletives and derogatory names at people but I find it’s a good way to vent my frustrations and nobody hears me anyway. “That FRACKING BISTRESS just cut me off!!!” At least if I am heard they won’t know what I’m fracking saying.
  • Mary-Therese Hummer
  • How can I reach Leonard?
  • Why do you people argue ad nauseum about this shit?
  • Why do you people argue ad nauseum about this shit?

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