• Get used to it.
  • No he's sending a message to his people. Some thing that is not talked about enough, but those who know will talk about it. If you don't understand then you do not know.
  • Why would that be? Fatherhood is universal and so are fathers' obligations. There are absentee fathers of all "ethnic groups". I may not agree with Obama on everything he says, but I have no argument with that.
  • No. There is a well acknowledged problem in the black community that almost half of all black children are growing up in a single parent household. It's a sensitive, but very serious issue and it takes guts to bring it up in a church on fathers days. Kudos to Barack.
  • I think if President Bush had called on all black fathers to be supportive in raising their kids there would be rioting in the streets. The headlines would all have the words "racist and President" in them. I don't think Obama is wrong for saying this as a black man to other black men but if we were President I think it would in poor judgement to make this distinction. A President must consider all Americans his people. If he is going to address concerns specific to black Americans, then he also needs to address specific concerns of other races.
  • Over half of all black children are born out of wedlock and grow up in households without black males. Somebody with some power needs to say it. Remember, he's only talking to half of "his" people.
  • No, he responding to a well known problem, in the African American community. It would have been better, had he said, it to all fathers.
  • No, it was something that needed to be said. His goal is to see children being raised by BOTH parents instead of the fathers running away after conception.
  • Well, you know, you have to see where he is coming from. He is a black American. I don't know what black Americans have had to face because I haven't been there. But, I can tell you that I despise racism of any kind. My black American brothers and sisters I grant you have had a more difficult time in this world because of that ugly word. They have to feel the necessity to unite for strength and support. In my opinion, however, Mr. Obama does need to expand and realize that should he be elected President, he will be in service for All The People. That means All. See, if we all unite then maybe we can really accomplish some great things. Racist will be the minority.
  • You ain't seen nothing yet wait until takes the pledge as prez.
  • Actually he most likely is uniting them.
  • It's not intended to, but is... Obama sees that many black fathers seem not to care about their children, even though many of THOSE do. The call itself is valid. HOWEVER, there are also white fathers, asian fathers, and fathers of other races and religions who are NOT supportive. Why should he single any race out? ANY call like this that specifies a race, religion, etc., segregating, and discriminatory.
  • I think we're all guilty of picking the fly shit out of the pepper at some time or another with this political stuff. I accept Obama was talking to black fathers because he was addressing a predominant problem in the black community. I think he was focused and right on. This PC thing gets way out of hand sometimes.
  • well, in a word,yes.
  • I did not hear him say that. However, I believe that statistics show that there are many more single women in the black community who are left to raise their kids because their men leave..I think Obama is merely pointing out the fact that these men need to take on their parental responsibility. I don't think that is the least bit racist..I believe he is acknowledging a truth in the black community and asking the men to step up and be accountable. Just my opinion. If he were to say he is "calling on all fathers to be supportive in raising their kids" some men would get their noses bent out of joint for the implied insult that they were not already doing that. I see nothing wrong with his statement, though I did not hear it. I am puzzled why you would have a problem with it! Happy Monday! :)
  • More than that, I think he diminished himself. He wasn't speaking to the whole electorate. Maybe he thinks he's already won the election and doesn't have to be as sensitive with that ole racism card.
  • No it is not. He was addressing a certain part of society to educate them as black fathers are not quite close to their children, of course there are exceptions. Regards.
  • It would have been better if he had asked ALL fathers to challenge themselves to be better dads. Maybe he thinks that black fathers need more encouragement or something??
  • Yes, and this a perfect message as to his thinking. It will be for blacks not for ALL man! Some won't like this, but some don't want to hear the truth!
  • If Hilary would have said:"Women, be sure to take your daughters to work on career day, the ceiling to the white house would have caved in!!!!!!!!!!! WHY???????? Because as President her responsiblity is for all the people. And this statement would have been unpresidential, to say the least!!!!!!
  • Once again Obama is not black...If anybody has a transcript to his speech I would love to read it...
  • for sure he does, if such a significant, Americans didn't get then nothing will make them wake up and see the truth.
  • Obama always separates the whites and Blacks. Tht is why he uses the race card so often.
  • Yes. He is doing that, but I don't have a problem with it. He is asking that an entire generation of fathers to step up and take care of their kids. Anything wrong with that message?
  • Hussein and his wife a big racists.
  • I think he understands that single mother families are far too common in the black community. I know its a sensitive issue, but it needs to be addressed. It continues to be a cycle in the black community along with other problems. I think addressing it head on is an excellent strategy. I also applaud Bill Cosby for doing the same.
  • in a word--YES-- +5 for you
  • Well he is a racist.
  • Seems to me he is insinuating that black dads have little to do with their kids..if I were a black father, I wouldn't much appreciate that remark.
  • Since he is a Marxist and a die hard socilaist he does not see the american people as people. He separates them by income gender sexual orientation age. This is the mentality of the Democrats
  • This question is dated at the time I am answering. He is now the President-elect. I'll say that to date I think that is the best speech he has given. I admire him standing up and speaking straight about such a sensitive subject. It should be noted he was speaking about something with which he has personal experience. If his message results in more black fathers taking responsibility for their children that would be a wonderful thing. I thought it was a good, strong message and Obama should be given credit where credit is due for speaking up.
  • It sure sounds like it to me
  • I think he is addressing another problem that has been ignored for a long time.
  • Here it is John John.
  • He is, but black men as a group do not support their children, and Obama is in a place that he can do this. And he may even be listened to. He surely makes a good example.
  • Who cares man so what? I don't see people complaining when Judge Mathis does the same thing or rioting outside his office feeling that he might be separating blacks and whites in his courtroom. I don't hear any complaining when Mexican american state and national offical say hey Mexican Americans need to XYZ. The reality is folks we all have some things that stand out for us. The man worked on the southside chicago so seeing the absent fathers create a epidimic is something that disturb him. It's not like jhe said im going to give a trillion dollars to blacks and half that to whites. And I don't remember him saying that anyway but my uncle assured me sooner or later the he's only looking out for black card would be played by some. This is minimal bs focus on real things
  • I really wish people would stop picking apart the man's every eye twitch for scrutiny and conspiracy theories...
  • If he did in fact say that sounds a little racist to me
  • I think he is addressing a problem that if a White said would be called racist, however saying that I am glad someone is addtressing the problem of My babies daddy problem.
  • White men usually stay with their kids. Black men leave.
  • Hopefully when it comes to Mother's Day he will remember his mother is white and say the same for her
  • Statistically, black fathers leave far more often then fathers of other races. Fathers day may be a national holiday, but it's a very personal holiday between fathers and their children. He's speaking out as a biracial child who was left by his black father too so this hits even closer to home. I don't think this is segregation at all, I think this is someone in the public eye trying to pass on an important message that means a lot to him.

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