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  • This is the life of most housewives. That's another reason why so many work themselves. If you love him, what about getting yourself a job or hobby to fill that time? Above all, talk to him about it.
  • how bout an experiment? go on living the way you are, without being the one who's trying to make an effort to spend time together...i.e. DONT ask him when he's working, when you guys are off, dont be the one to say "what are we gonna do today?" if you can handle this, this might let you know how much he really wants to be with you and for what REASON he wants to be with you (as in, someone convenient to fulfill physical needs/household needs/financial needs) i suggest this cuz from your question and comment, it seems like you've already put a lot of effort in trying to be close/ seem very unsatisfied...follow your gut
  • Sounds like it's time to get a job so you don't have time to be alone!!!

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