• God's law. One of the first things you would read in the Bible.
  • Gods. And a great one, at that.
  • Marriage is God's idea, but man decides on who gets to do it and who doesn't.
  • It's God's law. Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
  • Both marriage law and god are man-made
  • Marriage is man's law that is based on Biblical ideals.
  • Love is God's law but marriage is man made law
  • Man made by men. Women who like it are like Jewish Nazis. Just doesn't make a lot of sense.
  • marriage simply means a coming together
  • If you're a theist, both, no? ;-)
  • All you have to ask is "do you believe in the Bible" and you'll get the short answer.
  • Made by men who say it's God's law...which means men created it. Retards.
  • Man, which is why it's so sad we don't practice marriage equality.
  • Man made law.
  • God's Law. Man has adopted it into secular gov. --The solution to the problems with is that Marriage remains Gods as it has always been. And gov. has it's own union. And then the gov can make it's own law of its own union.
  • Marriage isn't God's "law" but God's institution, plan, gift, and allegory/prophecy for His people's relationship with Him. That being said, men have created laws concerning marriage (and reasonable facsimiles of the same) which fall primarily into the category of estate law. These have governed: 1. [typical] Marriage: the man agrees to provide for and protect the bride and their children for his whole life, and also to make the bride and their children his heirs, and the bride agrees to make sure that the children will be his. 2. Morganatic Marriage/Concubinage: the man agrees to provide for and protect the bride and their children for his whole life, but giving them no rights of inheritance. The children are still considered legitimate. 3. Levirate Marriage: the male next-of-kin of a deceased childless male relative becomes husband by proxy to the dead man’s widow to give her and his dead kinsman and legitimate heir. 4. Pauline Marriage/Domestic Partnership/Marriage of Convenience: a celibate or barren couple, or one without sexual or romantic desires for each other, set-up house-keeping together for mutual aid, benefit, advantage, and a division of labor. As it is essentially a partnership, each partner is fully liable for all liabilities of the partnership,, and each is heir and beneficiary of the partnership should the other partner pre-decease them. 5. Matrilineal Marriage: the man agrees to provide for and protect the bride and her family, and to faithfully manage her legacy/holdings, and she agrees to let him run/manage her legacy/holdings in her name, and bear him children ... and if he ever drops the ball she's free to dump him and find a better custodian/steward/champion who can do a better job of it.
  • Marriage is a legal agreement often presided over by a member of the clergy. It, as all other legal agreements, is man made.
  • Man made, it predated organised religion by quite a few thousand years!
  • Marriage contracts exist in all countries. Regardless of religious affiliation.
  • Man made but with all laws, it's nice to keep God in mind and pray for God's blessing.
  • A man made law. Who regulates it??? I have never seen god in a divorce court or in a church marrying two people.
  • Marriage is man's law but it was long governed by the church - which has a legitimate stake in the marriages it performs even though it no longer has much authority over marriage. . This is why so many Christians are upset about gay marriage but don't have much of a problem with gay unions: to them, marriage is a sacred thing and homosexuality is a sin.
  • marriage is an union of a man and woman Adam and Eve did....its how God meant it to be....and the only union HE recognizes......til death do they part.... Biblical unions ,marriages were not done as today.....but they were meant to be forever.....Moses made DIVORCE LAWS , not God...HE hates divorce and HE does not 'overlook' broken vows... besides Moses did write divorce laws but he never said they were free to marry, just to put them away.... becoming ONE is how God meant man and woman to be....
  • Marriage is an arrangement instituted by God. God required that a man and woman make a lifelong commitment to one another before they entered into a physical relationship. That means they would be faithful and loyal to their partner. You can see why this was so important since sex often produces children. And children thrive when they have parents who care for them and are devoted to one another. The different ways to legally establish a marriage ARE man made and vary according to where you life.

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