• PISS c.1290, from O.Fr. pissier "urinate" (12c.), from V.L. *pissiare, of imitative origin. As a pure intensifier (cf. piss-poor, piss-ugly, etc.) it dates from World War II. Pissed off "angry, fed up" is 1946, U.S. slang. To piss off "go away" is attested from 1958, chiefly British. Piss and vinegar first attested 1942. Piss-prophet "one who diagnosed diseases by inspection of urine" is attested from 1625. Piss proud "erect upon awakening" is attested from 1796.
  • Usually from the mouth
  • Funnily enough, I recently saw on youtube an insane preacher pull a quote out of the bible using the word "pisseth". He was preaching to his congregation that the bible clearly stated that they were not supposed to piss against a wall and read some passage that said basically that. So, it's a biblical reference. Go figure!. here's the link
  • I don't know for sure, but I wonder if it's a form of Onomatopoeia? It does sound like the "sssssssssss" at the end of the word. Gosh, did you ever notice that there are very few opportunities to use the word "Onomatopoeia" once you've passed seventh grade grammar and school spelling bees? LMAO!
  • Middle English pissen, from Anglo-French pisser, from Old French pissier, from Vulgar Latin *pissiare.
  • Spanish "Pisso" means wet
  • It's all piss under the bridge to me.
  • You've got the answer from someone else but just thought I'd pop in to mention that "PISH!" was Queen Elizabeth 1st's favourite sweary word. The current Queen probably says "drat" or something polite like that :-)
  • Go take a pee outside. That's where the word came from.

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