• I cannot get over 9/11 because I saw it with my own two eyes. It was very different in person than it was on TV. It was a very disturbing thing to see and it was a devastating day. I am in NYC.
  • I'm sorry but what kind of fu@Ked up question is this?!
  • Why? It doesn't seem like something that people need to get over... I'm from (and in) Maryland.
  • depends, who should get over it the people that lost their husbands or wives, mums and dad siblings or other family members? the people that managed to survive? the people that saw it happen? i think its a huge thing, yes it was ages ago but for the all these people they live it again every day! im from the UK
  • Of course I don't think they should just get over it, but I don't think they should use it as an excuse to start any more unnecessary wars or invasions.
  • I live in Atlanta. My wife knew some people that worked in one of the buildings and I travel to NYC for business. I don't think "getting over" 9/11 will make any of the problems or threats go away. My wounds of that day have not healed, but scarred over. I don't ever want us to forget the fact that we are being hunted by a large group of people from around the world.
  • They'll never be able to, so it's a moot point. It was invasive, and the media coverage was so horribly extensive that it has already become the equivalent of historical divination - a religious event. Millions will die in Iraq and Iran thanks to American actions, the American government will continue to makes villains (and matyrs) out of mystery Arabs with oddly few connections to any major events, they will continue to tell us of some gigantic, powerful phantom organisation named Al Qaeda and keep us from seeing the bigger picture, but America will not let go of its divine justification.
  • OK, i GOTTA put my 2 cents in here... . The only way to make sure we don't make the same mistake twice is to NOT forget history..... .....People should be informed about what happened that day and should get the facts..........People are actually stronger when they are more informed....... . Does this mean we should we keep a big hole in the middle of New York just because terrorists brought down the towers? NO......we should rebuild the towers higher and bigger than before and let the terrorists know that you might be able to knock down america, but we will just get right back up and we will be stronger than before! . I live in Wyoming, USA and proud of it!
  • I'm from Canada and i don't think its possible to "get over" what happened there 100's died. I do think the US should try some kind if peace talk.
  • i'm from tennessee and it's my opinion that no one,no matter what country you're from, should "get over 9/11"......i think it should always be a reminder that there are "those" out there that choose to create chaos in the name of _______(fill in the blank as you see fit) and no one is ever safe from that kind of insanity! to learn from tragedy~to learn how to move on is a great lesson for us all :)
  • You're kidding right? Get over the murder of 2500 Americans?
  • No! Never! I am a proud citizen of the United States, and will not forget the blood of thousands upon thousands upon thousands shed that day and on many others simply because they were Americans! War has civilan casualities, I realize that. It's an ugly fact. But targeting them on purpose is a horrible crime that has been committed by nearly every nation (including my own) at some point.
  • No. I don't think it should rule your every waking moment, but it shouldn't be forgotten (Californian here)
  • I'm from the US, NY to be specific. And no. Families of those who have died cannot get over it. Losing a family member who went to work like any other day and was killed by terrorist attacks along with thousands, isn't something easy to get "over with".
  • im not realy sure. but i do see why u want to know where we are from. Alabama
  • There is a different perspective from a nation such as the UK where we became inured to terrorism with the IRA, and suffered the bombing campaigns of WW2. We do not minimise the effect that the atrocities had on the USA, but we do not see it either as a reason for more than a simple commemoration. It has been used to remove civil liberties "in the name of security", and has been the excuse for unlawful invasion of Iraq. It is time to move forward with the correct level of commemoration. This is not the same as "getting over it"
  • No, and I'm from New York. What's there to get over?
  • I think the Americans who are being hypocritical should "get over" 9/11. I think the Americans who aren't being hypocritical are alright, though. Just my opinion..
  • "Get over it"?!?! Are you freaking out of your mind? Seriously, it's obvious you are one of the fortunate who did not have a family member or loved one die in that horrible "accident"! How insensitive can you be?! And yes, I'm from the US!
  • Hell,no.
  • I'm from the UK, and no, I don't think they should, but, we have had our fair share of terrorist attacks, and we remember the victims, but we never used it as an excuse to go to war.
  • dude the US still isnt "over" pearl harbor they'll never be over it btw i live in massachusetts in the US
  • I don't think we will ever "get over" it and we SHOULDN't, but it would be easier to move if the government would admit to their errors in the original 9/11 Commission report, and re-open a non-baised investigation as to what really happened. It would be easier to move on once we know what really happened exactly, and WHO was REALLY responsible. : George W. Bush still has to explain himself for issueing the Order W199I-WF-213589, ordering FBI to stand down from the arrest of Bin Laden and other al qaeda member, under penalty of law. : : Until the CORRECT individuals receive punishment for this attack, it will be hard to move on. And Iraq, had nothing to do with 9/11.
  • I think they should stop drawing attention to it at every oppurtunity (the vast majority of people don't anyway, but there are still some who won't stop talking about it), however... It should NEVER be forgotten. We should NEVER stop working to resolve the problems that lead to it... I am from Australia.
  • America will NEVER "just get over" 9/11. We remember our towers. We remember the people there. We remember WHY they died. We promised then, and most of us promise now to NEVER FORGET. It must be nice to "get over" attacks like this in your country. I'll bet if you ask those who lost people, those who actually have sensitivity for those who lost people, and those who love them, you will find most of them singing a different tune. As with the Alamo, as with the Maine, as with Pearl Harbor, and many other attacks on us, WE WILL NEVER FORGET. Now, can YOU get over THAT fact, please?
  • How dare you! I think America needs to do more about the damn terrorists that bombed our country with our own resources. I say nuke them all!
  • Why should we? Why should we just shrug off to some douche bags stepin' onto our territory and killing our people? When has this been acceptable? We are America!!! The strongest country in the world. We do not tolerate BS. Lives were lost, and in my books, those lives should never be forgotten. It is now in our history, permantly!
  • sak you really believe he didn't do it ?
  • I think you kinda underestimate how difficult it would be for a lot of Americans to jus "get over 9/11" I certianly think that it is an important event we must be aware of so that we prevent another 9/11 from happening but at the same time I do agree with basic philosophpy behind the question which is that there are other problems in the world other than just terrorism and they all need to be concentrated on.
  • America has been very stirred up since that incident almost seven years ago. I do not personally, know anyone who lost a loved one at the World Trade Center, but I have several friend who know people who have lost loved ones there. To ask them to “Get over it” when they are still grieving is rather harsh. I am from Pennsylvania.
  • yea this was a good one Thanks abbey, CS, and BigDaddyBS, and you too Sak. really good luck to you
  • America does far worse to other countries. Yes: the Twin Towers were destroyed. Yes: the same group tried to crash a plane into The Pentagon. No: cities were not bomed into ruins No: Millions of people were not killed No: it did not happen on more than one occasion. If America went on about Pearl Harbour the way it is STILL going on about The Twin Towers/Pentagon, Russia and Cuba would have nuked you into the ground in the 60's. Continually going back to the events of one day (i refuse to use the "mourning title" that was used in the question) is what the extremist group was trying to do. Cause a large group of people to change their lives on the basis of one event, which for most people did not even have an impact on them. I'm from Canada, we have never been bombed, we also don't go around waving guns in the air and telling everybody else in the world that "we're #1" and forcing our opinions through the military. America is like an 8 year-old bully - it forces itself physically on smaller countries (usually for oil/money) but cries non-stop when one of the little kids gives him a bloody nose.
  • Im from Britain and no I don't think America should "Get over" such a major tragedy. People from all over the world were killed in that incident, not just Americans. It was a terrible, terrible day and I hope America (and the rest of the world) continues to remember the people who were murdered on that day forever.
  • thanks Gonzo I agree with you
  • It was very traumatic, that's why it continues to linger so long.
  • I'm from UK. I think that the tragady that happened should never be forgotten, and the people who died should always be remembered. However, I also think that the attack shouldn't be used to justify wars/ killing of civilians/ not to sign treatys, becuase what happened, happened, and that can't be changed. In order to promote peace and make this world a better place, we need to put the past behined us and move forward.
  • well it depends to who you think are responsible of the 9/11 attacks Queens New York 8 miles of ground zero
  • any person who would ever ask such a stupid question should be shot..9/11 took many lives..its not like when your dog gets killed or you break a window..those people died at the hands of a complete idiot..its not something you get over..its now apart of history..get a life dude..i can believe you would post such a thing
  • I am an American, I will NEVER, get over it. Just as people in their countries, will not get over wrongs, done to them.
  • I am an American. I don't think America should just "get over" 9/11 any more than I think that the Jewish People should "get over" the Holocaust. :(
  • how long would it take you to get over everyone on your street block being gunned down except you because you were lucky enough to be at the store.
  • No i dont a lot of people died in 9/11 and they were'nt all american the least we can do is get revenge and never forget them,im from england.
  • no they sudden that was a serious crime commited and we need to find out the real truth and not sweep it under the rug somethings happening and its BIG
  • America will never be the same again. Just talk to anyone in the airline industry. I believe sociologists refer to it as a paradigm shift.
  • i'm from chicago and if you no your history no one start a war with the united states come on guys were is all the proof that we were attacked
  • yeah we got here that too, but that's history. HISTORY. but they don't talk about it everyday and they are not trying to show everybody how sorry they feel bout their people, and more important is that they are not here making us have hard time here, dropping bomb on us, on the other hand the u.s. have troops for revenge taking care of "business" in other countries right? the us ain't over it.
  • Never. In fact, it seems a lot of people have forgotten and this is a national tragedy. We must all work to make certain that this country is never attacked again. How can anyone forget the families of the 3000 killed anyway??
  • First and formost my heart goes out to everyone who lost someone on that tragic day. Get over it may sound harsh but how can anyone touched by that day get on with their lives when the president (or anyone running for high office) keeps repeating over and over "The tragetes of 9/11". How much can someone take over and over and over. I have lost people I cared very deeply for you really can never get over it but showing the towers getting hit over and over again you know what happened ( If I lost someone in those towers on that day I would never want to see it again) It doesn,t do any good. The past is gone. People have to move on

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