• Well there is nothing wrong with being nice. It would be great that all of my neighbors are nice, but that's not the case. Anyone who loses respect for being nice is just being taken advantage for their kindness.The nice person needs to stay who he/she is and turn around and run from those who are bad news.
  • If it's genuine I don't think it's possible to be too nice. I think it would be a good thing if there were MORE nice people, if people cared more about being kind and caring to all.
  • There is nice and there is just ridiculously to nice. Almost fake nice.
  • They're in danger of losing my trust.
  • No, they do not. They actually gain my respect because it is hard to be nice to the world and easy to be mean.....
  • Not my respect but I can tell you from personal experiance that 'too nice' can cause problems for some people. Sometimes they expect you to get upset or mad all emotions are good to some degree.
  • G'day Jez2008, Thank you for your question. If they are genuinely nice, they earn my respect. Anyone can be an ignorant jerk. It takes character to be nice even if you aren't having a good day. Regards
  • no...on the contrary, nice people earn my respect because it shows good breeding. being "too nice", though, when it feels fake...makes me feel suspicious, like, there must be something deceitful in there somewhere.
  • I don't think there is such a thing as too nice....they sure make my day a little brighter.
  • I get alot of crap for being "too nice" if thats what you mean. Some people just don't take me seriously. :(
  • I think some people disrespect me for being "too nice", but that's just the way I am. I'm not stuck up on myself, I'm not out to prove how tough I am, I just want to get along. I only lose my confidence in someone if I feel they are insincere. i.e, they are polite and friendly one minute and loud and obnoxious the next. I have very little respect for people who are only "nice" when it suits them.
  • Not really... I usually respect them more... It's hard to keep being nice in today's world, and I respect the apparent fact that they can! ;-)
  • no. only when they are pushovers. likewise that goes the other ways, i don't have a problem with assertive but i dislike bullies
  • I worry about people who are too nice. Sometimes they give more than they should and often they run into money problems. I lose respect for them because I find myself calling them stupid and gullible. They tend to think with their heart more than with their brain.
  • No they do not lose my respect. My husband was too nice and I used to get really angry and yell at him because I felt that people took advantage, but everyone that ever met him loved him and never had anything bad to say about him. I wish I was half as nice.
  • People deemed as "too nice" are the ones who are the flagship material of goodness today. If you ever see or meet those men or women, consider yourself very lucky. I've had the pleasure of knowing a few individuals who were definitely 'too nice', and I know this; Their actions are truly one of the few that can jolt people into a stupor of inspiration. That's power you cannot buy.
  • Certainly not! I enjoy surrounding myself with extremely nice people. :)
  • Maybe "lose mt respect" is a bit too harsh, but if it seems overly phony it does grate on my nerves a tad.
  • If I see them getting hurt and I step in and give them assistance or advice and they fail to take it or continue to behave in a way I know and they know gets them into trouble, then they loose my respect.
  • Jesus of Nazareth did!
  • Over many years in law enforcement, i have discovered that people, that tend to be "too nice" to you, have a devious motive. I worked at a department store for many years, as their security, catching shoplifters. some of the employess were overly "too nice" to me and later i discovered why. they were stealing the store blind. One night, i decided to have a pocketbook and bag check as the employees exited the store for the night. while waiting in line to be checked, 3 or 4 employees decided they left something in their locker and turned around. i was prepared for this. two other officers followed these people to the employees restroom, where one employee attempted to flush two pair of blue jeans DOWN THE TOILET. She was arrested. Being nice to other people is truly great. Being "too nice", usually has an ulterior motive.
  • Nice people are sometimes mistreated. If u r too nice people tend to climb up your head.
  • They don't lose my respect. I like nice people. :D
  • Well, first, who really needs my respect? Second, nice people don't lose my respect. Keithold for one is very nice, and I respect and admire him because of that.
  • i believe so, my boyfriend is this way, and i guess its fine to some degree. but if you continue to be nice to people who don't deserve it or people who have hurt you in the past, then they will just walk all over you.
  • no when they are too mean is when they lose my respect.
  • no, they gain. Why should they lose my respect? I can't stand arrogant people..
  • well, in some cases.. yes. I was really nice to my friend kala. Bought her things and she eventually expected it. she ended up being a complete monster.. trying to tell me what to do and acted like she owned me. When i realized it was hurting my feelings, i toughend up a bit and i got my respect back.
  • How can people be 'too nice'?
  • If I had a choice between spending time with someone who is too nice, as opposed to too nasty, I'd pick nice every time. If they got on my nerves I'd find something else to do for awhile.

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