• yes but thats only when their really there
    • Nosmo King
      When their what are really there? Who are "they" anyway?
  • Well, it depends if you've "opened your mind". I know this may sound weird, but it really depends if you've opened your consciousness to accept sights of worlds that do not belong in our linear physical world. Reality, is like a layered cake. We are but one layer of the cake in our time and existence. Now the real question that interests me is, do you see such things when you wake up? ;) Cheers.
  • My Father left me when I was 7. Sometimes I wake up and think I see him. Sometimes I even sleep walk. It's all very weird.
  • Yes all the time, I usually see these lil dark eyes followed by a licking on my face wanting me to wake up & take them outside. Luckily the furry fellas would let me know if anyone came near my house much less my room, I'd have a heart attack to wake up & see someone standing by me. Unless its my baby(well big baby he's 16)
  • No and if I did it would scare the poop out of me....hope it never happens.
  • When I was a kid I woke up at night and thought I saw a man standing in the hallway of my house. I think it was my grandfather that had passed away long before I was born. He built the house I grew up in.
  • In the middle of the night, yes. It doesn't too often, if at all, happen after I've taken a nap in the middle of the day. It shakes me up every time it occurs, I must admit.
  • Yes. It has happened to me.
  • I have seen a little girl that ran from the livivg room to the back room she would hide things from us then she would put them back in differnt places ,
  • i have never had to be awake or asleep to see things in the room with me...its a matter of life for me, and ive grown quite used to it...however, sometimes things that are seen need to be removed..the ick factor comes into play with some occasions...ive learned how to deal with, i sound like a nut case
  • Sometimes at work I see "something" moving along the edge of my peripheral vision. At times it's unnerving.
  • Yes, quite often. But it turns out its the blood vessels in my retina. Apparently my brain ignores them normally, but when I awake sometimes, and my brain doesn't "know" I'm up, I see movement and strange goings on... Another time I had a bit of sleep deprivation. It was midday and, with my eyes closed and staring at the sunny sky I saw people dancing on the insides of my eye lids. I told my brother... he said, "Really? Cool! Keep watching!".
  • just my angels
  • So far, only in my dreams and I sure hope those dreams do NOT come true!
  • yes and this has just started happening to me recently. The first time I woke up and thought I saw something on my stairs. Then I woke up the other day and thought I saw someone in my room. The second time it was scary because the thing that I saw was a girl with her mouth open like she was screaming so I sat up and blinked and it was gone. It has gotten so bad that I am afraid to fall into a deep sleep now. I don't know what to do I'm nto a person who believes in this type of thing.
  • Yes. It started a few days ago, I woke up and saw a man (dark shadow) looking at me. The second time (the day before yesterday), I woke up and saw a different man ( he was not a shadow). This man was leaning on my mattress. The only explanation I have so far for this is that my neighbor has placed a wind chime outside. I am seriously considering moving. DQ p.s: thank you for posting your question. It lets me know that I'm not the only one this has happened to.
  • My dog hovering over me :D
  • i used to see purple people. i was sent to a scary place, and now i don't see them anymore (or do i?)
  • husband glaring at me because I woke him with my snoring!
  • I haven't, but I've heard of those that have and from what we gather, it's actually sleep paralysis or a waking dream (depending on other goings on). As an investigator, I'm pretty sure ghosts aren't standing there as you wake. :) Waking dream if you can move. Sleep paralysis if you can't and you're afraid.
  • yes i started by seeing shadows of ppl like silhouettes but now the people are in full detail sometimes they walk around myroom other times they are sitting on my bed or leaning in looking at me. though this only happens when i wake up ofcourse im paralyzed at the moment this occurs and they are usually not scary. ive got to say the scariest one was in the beginning i saw the silhouette of a tall muscled man and he walked in my room stared at me.. idk what all these things mean but iive lots of different types of peopl e.. usually the image of them either make u feel scared or safe and ive gotten the image of a little girl sitting in my bed various times.. she doesnt pose a threat she just looks at me.. but thats the only one thats come more than once.
  • yes I do, last night I woke and saw a person or something that resembled a person hanging upside down. My husband actually woke me because I had crawled on top of him screaming. Even after he got me semi awake I could still see the thing. After awhile they slowly disappear, but last night after this one I smelled sulfer? or some iron compound which was so strong I could barely breath. My husband did not smell a thing, nor does he see the hallucinations I do. I do not do drugs or drink alcohol.
  • No, but sometimes I see them standing over there.
  • Yes several times I have woken up and see up & down iron bars. Sometimes there are law enforcement people staring back at me! WOW, what weird dreams I have!
  • All the time, especially since I sleep on the living room couch, and sleep late, and end up waking up to about 3 people in the room, watching dr. phil!
  • When I stayed at my Uncle Leo's place awhile ago, I woke up to one of his kitten sitting on my pillow, and staring right into my eyes. It was actually the cutest thing ever.
  • Only all the time
  • I used to wake up to the outline of people. Once it looked like a woman putting on lipstick in a mirror. Another time I woke and to a face just below my chin and the mouth was moving like it was screaming at me. I woke up to a large purple figure looming at the end of my bed and to a rather life like dog stnding atop my dresser I used to think I was dreaming awake, and yet when I look away and look back they're still there. Not like looking at a picture and closing you eyes and still seeing it. It gives me a fearful feeling sometimes but not always.
  • yes my seven year old son.:)
  • Lol ive been lookin for someone that does this same thing it started at my aunts house when i first started stayin there and i would wake up in the middle of the night and see a person standing by the door and i woke up and was tryin to ask who it was. I knew i was fully awake because i got up and turned the light on and no one was there. Im not gonna lie it scared the shit out of me the first couple times it happened but then it started doin it to me all the time and it doesnt phase me anymore. One time i was in my friends basement in his room and i woke up out of nnowhere and saw someone standing on the table in the corner of the room. I put the covers over my head and fell back asleep. Ive done it at my house to where i saw my little brother standing there and my mom who actually leaned over me and then disapeared. I dont no what it is so if anybody does then tell me about it please, thanks.
  • not my the house since I always sleep with my bedroom door closed and locked. However, in college I had a suitemate and often times I would wake up and have my then girlfriend there standing over me. She would often come by to give me a surprise visit.
  • It has happened . It is sort of disturbing. Isn't it? It is most disturbing when it is not really a dream and someone actually has come into the room. So far, they have all been loved ones :)
  • I have been waking up out of a dead sleep and as soon as I open my eyes I see a big spider or but either right in my face or coming at me. I usually end up throwing the blankets of the bed and jump up and turn the lights on. My heart goes a mile a minute. I know it is not there but it scares the shit out of me.
  • There is a little blond boy that darts around my home. I'm the only one who has seen him. One day, my 12 yr. old was mad at me and started to speak in an angry tone when he grabbed his neck. "Something just hit me! Like...hit me in the NECK!" I was sitting across the room so he knew it wasn't me. Whoever that boy is, he doesn't like the mama being yelled at.
  • I have woken up (and felt wide awake) only to see a person in my room. They would vanish in seconds. The weird part is that it only happens right when I wake up at like 3 or 4 in the morning. I'm wide awake and aware when these things occur and it seems so real. But how can this be real? It must be some sleep disorder of some sort. Maybe I"m still dreaming when I wake up or something. Who knows. It only happens once in awhile, but it scares the hell out of me.
  • I always do. I wake up just about every night freaking out and gasping for air because I see someone in my room Staring at me by my bedroom door (which by the way is closed so I would hear if it opened) So I freak out, Jump up and run past them to turn on the light and then they go away....Then I have to sleep with the light on all night. I Don't know if I'm just crazy, have a tortured mind from seeing my boyfriend die or if I have a gift that I don't understand. I know I could believe either side and everyone would fight to tell me its either mental problems or I have a gift. I'm just confused. Please heeeelllp.
  • Yup and I was scared to death :(
  • yes!!! yes i do. what is this is it some sort of stage in the sleep/waking process?
  • I saw a jacket hanging off my bed and jumped up really fast cause I thought I thought it was a person. I almost shitted myself.
  • Yes I do.. Im only 15 and its strange. I have to slap myself or stand up so they are not there anymore. I think this happens because I am probably half asleep and my brain associates distorted figures to human shapes.
  • A few times I've awoken in the middle of the night with a female figure staring at me in the middle of the room. It only lasts for a second and I never know if it's real or not. I AM awake when I see it though
  • I have the rather frequent episodes of nocturnal paralysis, so I "see" things, or rather dream and/or imagine them. It's pretty classic too at times...once it was a wicked old lady in a rocking chair sitting right by my bed and looking at me with accusations in her eyes. But I'm not crazy enough to believe that any of it is real, even though it seems very real when it occurs.
  • If I did, some intruders are going to be in for serious trouble. But if you're referring to "shadow" people, I have never been troubled by them. I also haven't been kidnapped by aliens, seen a UFO, or confronted a ghost. What a boring life!
  • My Wife wakes up screaming claiming she saw a person in the room. The most recent was she woke up scraeming and told me she seen a woman looking over me.Most of the time she cann't Identify between male and female but she did this last time.It happens every cpl months.
  • that's so funny and re-assuring that other people experience this as well..i thought i was just going crazy but it has started happening to me in the last year or so, but a lot more recently...i dont know if it is down to stress, being tired, alcohol or drug withdrawal but every once in a while i wake up and there will be someone sometimes two people either staring at me or i cant really tell what they are doing (dancing almost?)...anyways i either shut my eyes and go to sleep or i try and focus in on the subject and it quickly disappears...either ghosts or figments of my imagination, closest thing i could find in research is sleep paralysis...who knows!
  • I have many times woken up in the middle of the night, opened my eyes and see a 'being' of some sort there. It changes often - last night it was like a sphere. Other times I see what looks to me like a face. I never recognize the face though. Sometimes its a bright light-type thing. I'll watch it float and disappear often into the top corner of my room. At first I was freaked out but because it happens so often now I wake up wishing I could communicate enough to find out how/what/why, etc. if it is indeed something 'out of this world'. I can't explain it but research tells me its called hypnagogic hallucinations??? I haven't decided yet what it is.
  • Yes. Last night. my son woke me up and I opened my eyes and saw a translucent man moving towards the babies crib on my side of the bed and disappeared. This happened 2 other times but I only saw faces the other times. They all just disappeared.
  • yes- when i wake up looking at the wall i see words on the wall or thin spiders- i love when that happens.
  • Yes quite often. It wakes me up as I feel someone is in the room, I then see a form off a person. My heart races and for a brief moment I think its an intruder..but then I realise its just that familiar figure I see at night then it goes away. Anyone have any ideas on this?
  • No. But I'm sure if I did it would freak the hell out of me!
  • I've seen stuff like this since I was very young...ranging from full figures to disembodied heads, spiders, weird geometric things, maps, flags...etc. It's always upon waking up (fortunately!)...Of course at 41 years of age, I'm used to it now. It's actually kind of amusing sometimes...when the imagery isn't too unnerving. I agree, it's nice to know you're not the only one who experiences these visual oddities...Our brains are amazing things!
  • Always. Last night I caught a woman praying by my door. Instinctively I jumped out of bed at her, inadvertently taking my bedsheets and comforter with me, and slammed into the door. I think I broke my foot. Even opened the door and yelled, "hello?". Nobody there. This has got to stop.
  • This morning, at about 4:30 AM, I was awoken by a jab in the right arm (I was laying on my left side facing the window), which is how my wife will often wake me up since I wear earplugs at night (which she doesn't like, so it is often not a friendly jab, not rough or painful, but not gentle). When I awoke, I saw a face toward the bottom of the bed, not on the bed or at the foot, but a little off to the side of it, directly in my line of sight. The face was very square, seemed a little larger than normal, and I could not make out the details surrounding the face ( and body), even though it seemed like they were there, but I could clearly make out the features of the face. I had enough awareness to count how long I could see the "ghost", as it was clear that it was not real and it would probably go away soon. After about 3 seconds, the face started fading away, and after 5 seconds I couldn't see it at all. I looked around the room and nothing else was strange. The dogs were sleeping and were not making noise (I couldn't really hear them breathing because I had the earplugs in), so it did not seem that it was something else that woke me up. At the time, I could remember my dream and there did not seem to be anything in my dream that would have woken me (like often I will be woken by a loud noise or music or a sense of falling in the dream). Also, the person that I saw was not someone from the dream. I can no longer remember what the dream was about. I took out the earplugs and could not hear anything either. After putting the earplugs back in and lying down to try to go to sleep, I could not go to sleep quickly. I tossed and turned for a couple of minutes and then decided I had to go to the bathroom, so I turned the light on at the bedside table (I never do that at night, but since my wife wasn't home, there was no one else to bother with it). After going to the bathroom (turning more lights on along the way) and taking a good look around the room, I climbed back into bed (all the lights off again). On the way back, I looked for the pen and paper that I normally keep beside the bed to make notes, but I had moved it a few days before and it was no longer there, so I didn't write anything down (otherwise, I would have been better about remembering the dream). After a few minutes, I was able to calm down and fall back to sleep. I don't believe in ghosts, and it was clear to me, even at the time, that there was something going on my mind that resolved itself by telling my brain that I was seeing something that wasn't physically there. However, I freaked out enough that it bothered me enough to have trouble going right back to sleep. It was what you can accurately describe as "weird".
  • My husband does this all the time. He used to wake me up & it would scare the shit out of me. Not sure if we are being visited or if he did too much acid in his younger day.(seriously...he did ALOT of acid). If you did acid too this might be a flashback. I know this may sound like a smart ass answer but I am being serious.
  • I woke up one day and felt angry as all get out, fresh from sleep and I was ready for a fight, dreamt about fighting in war and being killed and when I was in the shower in an empty house I heard the bathroom door open on its own and I could hear impressions on the floor like someone walking in, looked and saw a faint figure checking himself in my mirror, all I really saw was a crew cut on a white guy, chilled me right out. for me I see them in a glimpse and then theyre gone seldom stay long enough to describe, but Im getting good at getting alot of info in little time. waking is not as bad as having your mood thwarted by an unseen guest though. requires constant focus and an open mind. but around three oclock the "spooks" are more active, so I try to be awake if theyre the interfeiring types, saves em the trouble of waking you :D
  • i used to be big into witchcraft, and i had done a very bad spell one day with my "sister". That night, I woke up and felt a presence, and at first i thought it was my step-brother trying to steal from me again...but it was a man standing by my bed. He kind of looked like mix between Moby and Elton John. And he kept talking to me, but i couldn't understand what he was saying. he was talking way too fast, and not loud enough. the only thing i understood was "help you". and when i asked him to repeat it again, he disappeared. needless to say, i didn't sleep at all that night after that.
  • I have not seen things directly after waking up, but I have seen silouhets of a very large man on a couple of occasions, and a couple of times with in a minute of laying down in bed I felt as if someone has laid half on me and was pinned, kinda like when your partner rolls over and throws their arm and leg on you to cuddle. this freaked me out. on a few occasions when i was a kid laying in bed and staring at the wall i went into some sort of trance and heard many, many voices all talking at once, quietly at first then it got louder and louder to the point of it hurting my head. It didn't seem like they were talking to me and it was like hundreds of voices all at once and I couldn't really understand what they were saying. To add to this I have seen and heard other things before, even just yesterday. and I tend to have dreams that seem to come true, whether it is a few days later or a year or 2 later. I am not sure if it is me going crazy sometimes or if i have some sort of gift, but thinking of going to see a medium.
  • Yes, this has happened to me for years. I've had a blonde woman sat at the end of my bed, a young boy dragging me out of bed, several old people in a hotel room in the Lake District. I also wake unable to breathe a lot and there are usually people staring at me, even peeking around corners. The funniest is when I leaned over to turn the alarm clock off and a man was standing on my desk, I had to reach between his legs to turn it off, but I'm so used to it, it just makes me chuckle now, except for the lack of breathing, but its all linked, hallucinating because your not getting any air.
  • I have several times. The first few times it looked like a man and he is usually standing beside me wherever I am sleeping. Last night I saw someone again as I was waking up. I thought at first it was my husband or son and then realized it was him again!! He scares me and I don't know what he wants. I wish he would just leave me alone.
  • Yes! it's happened quite a few times. Mostly I see giant spiders or misty figures when waking up in the middle of the night, but then they disappear when I'm fully awake
  • my army barracks 37 yrs ago.very strange.he was just standing there.flicking a lighter off and on
  • It happened quite often in my young and foolish days.
  • Yeah, my cat likes to sit on my head board and stare at me while I'm sleeping.
  • no and i hope it doesnt ever happen to me cuz id freak out and start punching
  • No I cannot say that I do.
  • Yes, but usually they are living with me at the time.
  • Yeah I saw the tooth fairy once.
  • Yep, a few times, but it wasn't paranormal +5
  • YES. A doll that me and my cousins "destroyed" was standing at the foot of my bed when I remember putting it in the closet. Till this day I don't know if it was a joke or not.
  • Yes, It's happened to me a few times. One was a little girl that I just coulnd't blink away. I really felt like I was awake. I could see everything in my room plus her. Once she got to about a foot away from me then I woke up. And the second was just yesterday. I woke up and there was a man standing next to my husband's side of the bed. He was wearing all red with glasses. He stood there and glared at him till I finally thought he was a real person and sat up to make sure. I would like to know what this meant. If you have any ideas where to research this, post a blog.
  • ya'll are trippin. i'm for real. ya'll trippin.
  • yeah. once when i was little, i was sleeping with my parents and i saw like a cloudy mist in the corner of the room. i put the covers over my head but then it came towards me and lifted them off and just stared. freaky stuff........
  • actually i have a thing called ''sleep paralysis''.. so i see stuff often..
  • Not yet, but that's what the shotgun next to the bed is for. +5
  • I awoke one night to go pee and saw a girl about my age at the time with red hair in a white night gown standing right beside me looking down at me. My room was on the second floor and there was a yard light that illuminated the room at night so I could see her easily. I quickly pulled the covers over my head and thought who could it be as I didn't recognize her. As she didn't appear scary I pulled the cover down and looked again. She was still there and as soon as we made eye contact she turned and started moving toward the end of my twin bed. I got out of bed and followed her. She seemed to glide as she moved and at the end off the bed she turned toward the wall and then went through it. I knew that wasn't possible but I still put my hand on the wall and touched it a couple times to be sure. I've not had any ghost appearances since and that was about 47 years ago. It wasn't a dream within a dream as I've had those and know the difference and have never dreamed of anything similar before, I.e exact replication of my bedroom complete with feelings of touch. And it wasn't sleep paralysis as I actually experienced that years later where you wake up and can't move; which I've had happen dozens of times.
  • Not very often.

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