• Is anyone in your household employing any kind of divination? tarot cards, Ouija boards, seances, fortune telling? This instance you describe sounds quite frightening and it is a cause for concern.
  • It's not a paranormal phenomenon, sorry. It's a proper medical, recognised condition called ''sleep paralysis''. If my partner started telling me things like that, he'd probably be my ex too.
  • That has happend to me 3 or 4 times in my life. What I have been told it that certain times in our normal sleep patterns the body becomes paralyzed. Normally we don't wake during this time. Once in a while it happens. If it is new and frequent you may have another problem and may want to talk to your doctor.
  • Yes I have and you are right it is terrifying. I have never thought of it in a spiritual sense but that I have trapped a nerve in my neck that has paralysed me. The first time I was so afraid I would never move again because it was after a back injury.
  • I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but once I had an experience of seeing my dead grandfather after he passed away [I know this sounds crazy but it's true] and I couldn't move or talk during the experience. I had been sitting in my room reading a book that reminded me of him, and thinking of him, when suddenly the temperature seemed to drop instantly and I couldn't seem to turn my head or move at all. All I could move was my eyes. Then he was sort of there in the room with me for a while. Ok I'm definitely feeling like I'm going to come across as insane, but that's what happened. If you find it scary, you should find a way to stop it if you can. After the experience with my grandfather, I had a few weird weeks where I would catch glimpses of dark shapes in mirrors etc - very very scary - and one night I really cracked and just shouted out for whatever it was to stay the hell away. Never saw it again.
  • I have experienced someting similar -- the paralysis and the fear anyway. There's a name for this (I forget what it's called) and it has a normal, scientific explanation. What happens is, when you're in deep REM sleep, your brains sends chemicals to your muscles to stop them from moving -- you are literally paralyzed. This is normal and very important, otherwise your body would thrash around while you dream. Sometimes, you might wake up from this sleep phase, while your muscles are still paralyzed, you will be awake and aware, but literally unable to move. Also, because the amygdala -- the fear center of your brain -- is very active during this phase of sleep, this experience is often accompanied by extreme fear and even visible hallucination and strange auditory sounds. (I saw a thing on Discovery Channel about this.) In other words, it's a normal phenomenon that's often interpreted as evil spirits holding you down, because that's how it feels.
  • I've never had THAT happen but, I have woke up twice in my life, (fairly recent), and not known where I was or what day it was. It took several minutes for my senses to come around, but it was quite scary!
  • I have had this happen to me, but it hasn't panicked me because it's been going on for so long now I don't take any notice! The paralysis episodes I now treat as my "coming to" time... The visuals first happened when I was about 8 years old, just after my grandad died - so I supposed it was him. I couldn't move and I was very frightened, but then it wore off and I told my mum - she just told me not to be so daft and to get to school! I see someone in the mirror sometimes, and I catch sight of a shadow - it's usually dark, rarely white. Since then, I've also experienced the feeling of having someone sitting on the bed as well - all of a sudden someone just sits down and the bed shakes! That happens a lot... I was very interested in Sherrif Raff's answers - excellent insight! ++ I think you may be on to something there - I've got lots of old books from childhood that I'm hanging on to, and I've no intention of geting rid of them, but maybe I ought to relocate them to see what happens..
  • This has happened to me numerous times. Usually a few mintues to an hour after I've fallen asleep. Sometimes I'm able to snap out of it and then after sometime has passed I'll fall back to sleep and awake with it happening all over again. I use to believe it was something super natural. I'm glad to know that it's just Sleep Paralysis.
  • Me and my mother have both had this. The answers I have found were 1. that this is right before you would normally leave your body while asleep but you were "caught" awake and 2. some entity trying to enter . I havn't a clue, but it scared the hell out of me and I couldn't even scream!
  • Yes, normally this is as mentioned sleep paralysis and often can cause an anxiety attack. A more paranormal explanation is something called an Incubus Dream which is what your ex was describing. She could have been dreaming as well however.
  • You know, I was very happy to wake up and find this. I just had this happen to me, I usualy work the overnight shift and tonight I am off, I drank a little bit, I had a good buzz going on and then when I went to bed about 3 hours later, this happened. I was laying in bed next to my husband, I had a headache all day long that I couldnt get rid of no matter what I did.... Well I could hear him breathing behind me and I felt like he was infront of me, I was dreaming that we were in bed and facing eachother and I started to feel his breath on my lips and then the sound started, and it was weird, I made my self open my eyes, It was VERY hard to to, but I managed to get them open a crack and it was pitch black in the room.... Once the noise subsided and I regained control over my body my skin was cold for about 15 seconds. My headache is now gone. I had been laying on my husbands side of the bed facing the opposite direction that I normaly do(I have done this before, but yaknow, not often) Anyhow... I rolled over and faced my husband, more so to prove to myself that I could still move, and started to doze but couldnt go to sleep, I was uncomforatable, so I went back to facing the other direction. Soon as I was going out again, it happened, and I was trying to move, I was trying VERY VERY hard, and couldnt, I tried to grip the sheet, tried to nudge my husband, and every time I tried to do it, the sound got louder(the sound that I am refering to is a low helicopter kind of sound, not quite sure how to describe it) I kept trying to call out, but couldnt, my tounge was stuck to the top of my mouth, I could hear myself making a low moaning noise(as if hearing someone in their sleep saying 'no'). This time seemed to happen longer, like it had a stronger bind on my body, Finally it subsided and I woke my husband up. And this is what we found, Thank you for this, and the great responses that were on here, the link that was provided made me a bit more at ease with knowing there was a medical explination for it and I didnt have some ghost hating me!
  • yea, this has happened to me before thats why i had to search for it. it felt so scary . i kept trying to scream to call my mom and i couldnt, i couldnt move anything besides my eyes and this also happened to my girlfriend soon after it happened to me, i cant wait to tell her what it is so she wont be scared anymore thanks
  • This happens to me lots(with no ghosts albeit). My wife and I have a system now. I discovered that I can shake and move my leg when it happens, enough to wake up my wife, or get her attention. She knows then that I am having an episode and begins shaking me to help wake me up. The last time it happened, I noticed that I was unable to breath. I am usually very calm when its happening, but that was scary. I've worked with a guy who said his wife saw a ghost holding him down. He'd mentioned that he's practiced witchcraft, and voodoo and a lot of other crazy stuff, many of which has some sort of drug in it. That having been said, I don't know what to believe.
  • Hey that happened to me once when i waz 10. I woke up and i couldnt move. I saw ghost like figures caring my bed. I tryd screaming but i couldnt. It felt like I was chocking. I didnt understand what waz goin on since i was so young. So I lied there pretending I was dead and a few min later i could move.
  • No on is holding you down and your ex needs to lay off the crack. I've had this happen to me for years and you are not yet fully conscious. I have been in a dream within a dream and it can be quite scary, but that's all it is.

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