• too young is when you still count months. so like um under 16....or under 18.
  • Under 16.
  • Under 16.
  • When you're too young to deal with the possible consequences (i.e. paying for doctor's visits and medication for STDs, supporting the raising of a child both emotionally and monetarily).
  • 14 is too young!!
  • 16 or under.
  • It's not an age, but a maturity level. I would argue to wait until marriage, but there is not an age that defines when someone is ready to have sex. I have seen 25 year old virgins that lose it after having sex, but yet some 17 year olds handle it fine.
  • If you are still in high school, you are too young. If you are not ready to have a child, you are too young. In other words, if you are not ready for the responsibilities that come with sex, you are too young.
  • 1) Here the legal aspect: "While the phrase age of consent typically does not appear in legal statutes,[1] when used with reference to criminal law the age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered to be capable of legally giving informed consent to any contract or behaviour regulated by law with another person. This article refers specifically to those laws regulating sexual acts. This should not be confused with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, or the marriageable age. The age of consent varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.[1] The median seems to range from 16 to 18 years, but laws stating ages ranging from 12 to 21 do exist. In many jurisdictions, age of consent is interpreted to mean mental or functional age.[2] As a result, victims can be of any chronological age if their mental age is below the age of consent.[3] Some jurisdictions forbid sexual activity outside of legal marriage completely. The relevant age may also vary by the type of sexual act, the sex of the actors, or other restrictions such as abuse of a position of trust. Some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a hard and fast single age. Charges resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a relatively low-level misdemeanor such as "corruption of a minor," to "statutory rape" (which is considered equivalent to rape, both in severity and sentencing)." Source and further information: 2) Normally, 14 would be too young, but there are probably exceptions.
  • 15 because you are done with developeing all your parts
  • If you're asking this question, you're probably too young. Also, the decision to have sex shouldn't be based just on your age, but what type of relationship you are in. Is it a committed relationship? Are you both ready to have sex? There are too many variables to really answer this question without a lot of thought. If you are mature enough, you will process these questions thoughtfully and carefully. Once you do have sex, there's no going back!
  • 16 yrs old
  • 3 years old. or 13. or 16. Probably 18-20 is fine, i'd rather wait till marriage! wish me luck!
  • >_> anything under 50!!! LOL
  • its not age its maturity i would say when youre old enough to say you DONT want to have sex you are old enough to say you DO want to
  • Before senior prom.
  • Under 18
  • Tough to answer that one. Definitely depends on the society you are in. For example - an amazonian tribe (I believe they are there) has girls married and often pregnant by 8 years old (yes, their bodies mature early). Now, in the US or Oz, that would be criminal and rightly so - but in their society life is short, fathers and mothers are young, it is expected behaviour so there is no stigma involved and therefore it's not "too young" for them. In developed countries, children are 'children' for a lot longer. I'd say under 15 or so is definitely too young and 16 sorta borderline - and only if the partners are within a few years of each other.
  • Do you still live with your parents? Do you have no job or a minimum wage job? Can't stand the sound of a crying baby? You're too young to have sex.
  • Anything under the age of 18 I think is too young but it also depends on how mature you are for your age.
  • Under 16 years old
  • here it is, if you are not able to deal with the consequences - ie, support a child and family - then you are not ready to have sex. simple as that.
  • i think its when yu are at least 16 but you have to want to do it because if your just having sex to please your partner then it isnt because you want to, then you are not ready
  • Under 18.
  • i agree with the rest of them but also like to make the point that if u have to ask then ur prob too young
  • Before you are Married.
  • When your married and all that if your mines because like Mariah Carey says " YOU'LL ALWAYS BE MY BABY". I was 20 so i would think to young is 17 or any age that you are not by law considered an adult....
  • If you still live with your parents, it is too young!
  • Before 18.. because someone else is responsible instead of you. Sounds reasonable?
  • I'm a senior in high school, with sex hormones raging, and I still cannot see an underclassman having sex. They are still just too young then, when they are at the ages of 16 & 17.
  • I'm old fashioned. Any age before you're married :-)
  • If you are too young to have and take care of a kid yourself... If you do not have your own home or apartment... If you still need money from your parents to live on... If you are still in HS school ... If you are immature in any way... You are too young.
  • I believe you're too young for sex if you can't handle the responsibilities that come with it. Sex is not a game. A lot of people my age seem to think that it is.
  • Although age is a factor really maturity is as important.
  • any age before marriage.
  • I think under 15 is too young. As long as you're doing it safely and educate yourself about the consequences (physically and emotionally), there's no harm in it. I am so sick of all these abstinent-only mindsets. People, teenagers especially, need to know all of their options so they can make informed decisions!
  • I say, if you can't tell me where babies come from/how they're made and how NOT to make a baby, you shouldn't be having sex. No specific number, though I think that under 15 might be pushing it... It's all about the maturity of the people involved.
  • If I have a daughter, then the age of consent will be 30, for everyone else, it depends on individual maturity level
  • sex is something everyone does..for the most part. its NATURAL. god WANTS us to have sex. A girl gets her period at a certain age, usually young. the point of having it is to reproduce. So, if you're able to reproduce, why is it bad to have sex?
  • Under 16
  • below 16 is way too young
  • If you're too young to get married, you're too young to have sex... (not that I followed that, but that's what I'll tell my daughter when I raise her -- Call me a hypocrate, I just learn from my mistakes..)
  • When those involved are not emotionally and physically mature enough to deal with the effects of sex in a responsible manner that protects their health and prevents unwanted pregnancy. I do not believe that there is a set age, although I do have ranges that I consider. I don't think anyone 13 or under is able to truly consent to sex while fully understanding what they've agreed to. That age climbs as the difference in the age with their sexual partner grows.
  • I'd say under 15 sounds reasonable. Even that might be kind of a stretch.
  • You should be married, under 20 is too young :)
  • You should be married, and over 20 :)
  • Anytime before you are married.
  • If you are not yet married, you are too young for sex.
  • anytime before marriage is too young. if you have sex before you may not regret it yet but when you get married you will.
  • When your not married. or when your old enough to take care of a kid.
  • when your not married yet
  • If your not mature enough to sau penis, or vagina without giggling you are not mature enough to have sex, Also like alot of other people have said, if you cant be strong enough to walk into a clinic by yourself; your not ready.
  • i was just reading all the answers to this question...and yes i do agree with most one shoud have sex before marriage...however, premarital sex is such an outdated is is being promoted everywhere..i strongly support those who are waiting after marriage..
  • you are too young when you are under 18.when you are under 18,then you are too cant even get a drivers license...duh?
  • I don't think marriage really has anything to do with it, but you shouldn't start having sex until you're positive you can deal with the consequences. A baby being the big one.
  • because there are so many deseases going around today and you can catch one. so its better to wait until marriage. You can catch A.I.D'S. I know you dont want that to happen to you. God also said marriage!!!!. you are young to have a baby.There are just so much consequences in life ya know.
  • When you are ignorant of how to protect yourself and when you view sex too lightly. Sex is something for couples in love and not two 14 year olds to mess around with.
  • under 17..
  • Before marriage would be good but most people can't handle that so under 18. If things in the world are still restricted to you then how can you handle an unplanned pregnancy?
  • I think under 18
  • Under 21 and before marriage (I stick to my beliefs)
  • i think that 13 is too young
  • I fell in love with a girl when I was 15, had sex with her, best decision I have made so far.
  • I find tht if you are not mature and can't handle responcibility you are 2 young 2 have sex . I am abstinent && have been so for years . That's my religious backround. So I think nothing befor marriage
  • If a child is too young to understand and respond positively to "Would you like a piece of candy, little girl?" then she's probably too young. Maybe.
  • under 18
  • You are too young if you can not support the child regardless of your age.
  • yeah 16, under 16 your still to young
  • If you are not married you are too young for sex. Wait and have a tremendous experience.
  • It depends on the person and their readiness for it. Some people are ready early, some later. Iwas 13 and VERY ready. That was definitely the right decision for me. i think 14 is the ideal age to start, but again it depends on the teen. Some people are fully ready as young as 12. So i guess I'm saying, it's up to the individual. But I personally think it's silly to wait until marriage.
  • I believe that is something based on someone's personal morals, and so based on my morals I believe late 16s isn't a bad age to start experimenting.
  • not until your married its an amazing feeling to be able to give your spouse the gift of your first time

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