• Depends, if they can provide for the child, then i think that they have every right to have a child, it's the one's who can't afford to feed themselves i would be worried about. There are plenty of government programs out there to help should an "accidental" pregnancy occur and you keep the child.
  • I hate the idea of certain people only doing it for additional income from state programs. That maybe a small percentage. But to me there's no worse reason for having children. On the other hand, not every situation is so simple to analyze.
  • This is going to sound incredibly politically incorrect. I will probably receive my first downrating here. It is a fact that those with less education, less intelligence, and less income have more babies. This, in turn, widens the gap between the wealthy and the poor. There are also studies suggesting that IQ scores are at least somewhat affected by genetics and the intelligence of those around when growing up, also. So, poor families have many kids and are less able to support so many kids. Uneducated families are more likely to have uneducated or lower IQ children. I know it is not as black and white as that. I am utterly opposed to forced birth control or limits on the number of children any couple can have. However, it is a positive feedback loop. I am not sure what should be done.
  • As long as they can support the child, and see to his/her needs, they have the right to have kids. If they have kids for the government money, then they are dead wrong for it. If they can't give the child the time he/she will need, then having children may not be the best idea.
  • What do you think of only the wealthy having the luxury of children?
  • They are also are intitled to having children as people with money.
  • I represented a client (pro bono) who was about to lose her third child to Children's Health and Services. She and her husband (at least according to their Muslim doctrine...but not legally)were both on public assistance. Bear in mind, she had two children already taken away from her. While trying to prevent that for the third she had another child which was placed under watch by CHS. The couple could not care properly for their children. They lived in squalor, yet each had a cell phone. The three year old was malnourished on a diet of McDonalds and Cheetos. They would spend their government stipend on phones, movies etc and not the kids. My answer is NO!
  • Some of us turn out OK.
  • It is their right to do so,and love children as much as an social class.
  • i think the state should control our sexual desires
  • I think if you are receiving government aid to support the family you have, you should wait until you are in a better financial position before having another child.
  • poor people can be great parents and rich people terrible one.s so you probably can't generalize. however, when public intervention is required, either because of care or finances, the the question of "rights" and appropriatenbess should probably be addressed.
  • Poor people can give love to children just as well, and in some cases, better than a rich person. As long as they have food to eat, a roof over their head, clothes on their backs, and the love of their should be enough. I came from poor parents and, though I wouldn't be considered poor now, I sometimes have trouble making ends meet. I do not think that a person should keep having children if they can't support them, or having children just to get more state aid. But sometimes people cannot help their circumstances and should not be deprived of the joy of children because of it.
  • I'm poor and i came out ok.
  • I came from a very poor family and my mum had 7 of us and i turned out ok i had older brothers and we sort of look after each other.
  • I think it is fine. Some of these poor kids grow up and strive hard and most of them know how to survive and don't take the little things for granted. Some of the wealthy ones wouldn't know what to do if their lights were turned off, probably pack their bags and head to a hotel.
  • I don't think anything about it. People have babies. All people. And they love their children and want the best for them. A few turn out bad, most turn out fine. This question is a bit distrubing to me.
  • My parents were very young and very poor when I was born. They were/are great parents ! I had a great childhood ! I've had a great life and love my parents very much ! I think I've turned out O.K. ;-)
  • I didn't know love and care were dependant on the size of someones cheque book... I know of 'rich' people who wouldn't know how to raise anything but a glass for more champers and I know 'poor' people who take the food out of their own mouths and clothes of their own backs to give to their children... in fact the less well off people I know shit all over the ones with money when it comes to the way they love and cherish and take care of their kids
  • it's not bad to have kids but be sure to give them what they truly deserve. the attention and adequate nutrition and education.
  • They truly are the greatest wealth in the parents' eyes.
  • I think canabalism is deplorable but it certainly happens. If poor people are going to have children I suggest serving them fairly early in the day.
  • The same as I do about rich and middle income people having kids - I wish them well and hope that they raise their children to have good values, particularly not to judge everything in terms of money or other material 'success.' I can think of a few rich people who probably shouldn't have had kids - the Hiltons, Marlon Brando, Bush Sr, to mention a few.
  • i certainly didn't mean to be insulting. you must be pretty thin-skinned. i simply said it was non-comiittal. changing the subject-from where in South Louisiana do you hail? i was raised in Northwest Louisiana, which is somewhere up around Canada ;-)
  • depends...what do you mean by Poor? Well what i take from poor is the people i see sitting next to me in the doctors office i have to go to near my office. In that case NO. Here's why...because they are poor, obese, have 5 kids running around in dirty clothes and cant afford an apartment or any type of home. every time i go to the doctors i get uncomfortable and then i end up learning how to appreciate what i have and be thankful that i have my life.
  • I think it is more up to the parenting not the money. Poor people can be great parents and rich people can be terrible parents.
  • As long as they work to support their children and only use public assistance in special cases and not as a life style, then more power to them! I've known people who had another kid only because welfare decided their kids were getting old enough for the mom to go to work, so she'd have a baby to not have to.
  • I think it's stupid! Because then they get all stressed out about how they'll take care of them and depend on everyone else to help them! That's why I'm glad I don't have kids right now!
  • I love children and want them very badly. However, I am not having children right now b/c I can't financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically take care of them. A responsible parent makes sure they can take care of a child before they have one. I know that sometimes people run into problems when they already have children and I see nothing wrong with asking for help in that case. But if when you are TRYING to get pregnant and you are not capable of taking proper care of a child then that is irresponisble and unfair to the child. I want to add that I am refering to people who have children even though they do not have enough money for basic needs. Food, clothing, diapers, ect.
  • Poor people can't afford children, but they can't afford condoms either. I hope my answer matches the question for silliness.
  • I guess as long as the parents can support their children (without welfare, or living in a homeless shelter), then its their right... But those who have children and expect others to spend money to care for them are criminally IRRESPONSIBLE! Of course, you're always going to have people who don't care (after all, not caring about anything got them into their situation).
  • It takes a lot more than money to raise a child. Being poor does not mean you do not have these skills.
  • I believe that everyone should be able to have children as long as they are willing to be parents. Thank you and may God bless you. :) -In Jesus' Name.
  • Define poor! Your poor may be way more affluent than my poor. What I think is, if a person is currently receiving any time of financial aid, it should include birth control, and they should not be having babies until they are self supporting. I don't think that anyone should be having children if they aren't able to care and support themselves.
  • Well if they sell their children or something i guess its ok. i mean i f you gotta make money...
  • Depends what you mean by poor. Poor meaning you already are living on assistance I would say they shouldnt have a kid. I am 23years old and half the girls my age have kids. I personally want a career and money to care for my child and not depend off the state to do it for me.
  • They have the right to do so. I just hope they are intelligent enough to understand the amount of money and time it takes to raise a child. But if they will be good parents and are able to afford (even though not as affluently as others) to do so then why shouldn't they?....
  • having a child, poor or not is a very serious decision. a child not only has physical needs, but emotional and just as important spiritual needs. this is the one most do not take into consideration. so if a child is conceived in poverty, a parent can still be successful if that child is brought up with moral values. being poor should not mean you cannot be a good parent. however, seriously consider the needs of the child.
  • well if they can't have the joy of money why not have the joy of kids? they are more special anyway
  • Nothing wrong with poor people having kids. Now, ...chronically UNEMPLOYED people having kids? THAT I have a problem with.
  • Im here aren't i?
  • I think if only rich people had children then eventually the rich would inherit the earth but, thumbing through the bible quickly tells me otherwise. What a relief! :) Seriously, I think that everyone needs something bigger than themselves. We work, build, and grow for our children. The children are the future. (not trying to be corny) Would you really want the only children in the future to be rich, spoiled, Paris Hilton types?
  • I had my kids beacuse we could afford it, but my husbands health got bad and he had to give up work, we now live on sickness benefit...anyones circumstances can change.
  • Are you for real? money is not everything Love is what makes us human.
  • I don't see why they shouldnt have children, often times they can give their children more than wealthy people can. Money has nothing to do with love :)
  • Well, I'm sure this is a hotbutton topic. But here goes my answer. Should they? It depends. Are they out working for their money and not relying on the government for WIC, Welfare, FIP, and whatever? I am far from being financially sound, but both my husband and i work our asses off to provide for our kids. They may not have a Nintendo Wii, or get boutique clothes, but the clothes I buy them at Target are bought with my money. This in turn is upsetting when I see a friend of my oldest child's. Her parents are always on the list for handouts at Christmas, get every government aide available, and just had their 4th child. Oh, and by the way, they DO have a Wii. That's the crap that pisses me off. I'm "poor" in the fact I can only afford what we absolutely need, but I take care of my own, I don't make taxpayers do it.
  • I don't think anyone should have the right to say who can and can't have kids. But if you are poor and can't support them, don't expect the govt to help you. I'm not paying for it with my taxes and if that means your kid starves to death, oh well, next time you'll use a condom or go out into the world, get an education and a well paying job and make something of yourself.
  • ALL people outht to consider what is happening before they have more then "replacement children" the world is getting crowded, poor folks are having 3x the children of educated middle class people. Areas of the USA are running out of water, we're importing food from China, two countries have 40% of the world's population. Those countries have more poor people then they have working folks. Having said all this it is really a personal choice, but I doubt it will still be by the end of the century a date children born today are likely to see.
  • If you mean poor by not having grand houses and cars or going on extravagant vacations 4 times a year, I think that applies to most of us and probably our parents and most of us turned out fine. However, if you mean poor as not feeding or taking care of their kids because of addiction such as drugs, then maybe it isn't in child's best interest to stay in that situation. Neglect is never good and the only ones being hurt are the children.
  • Everyone has a right to have children, but those decisions come with responsibility. Don't I have a right to what I earn? Why is that right not as important as the right to reproduce? Have as many children as you want. However, if you have children when you are in an obvious position of weakness and know you will likely not be able to afford their care you are just a jerk. You aren't doing anything honorable. You don't deserve to be coddled. One mistake, OK I understand. But to have multiple children while depending on responsible people to foot the bill? Come on. What would happen if those paying for the food your children are eating all acted like that? When did being responsible become being evil? Ridiculous.
  • as long as theyre taking good care of them i dont have a problem with it
  • I think people should stop judging them and start helping and educating them.
  • I think with all the programs that goverments and NGOs have, poor people should be more aware that that help is temporary and not try to use it for every child they want, also, even if they really want to, they should think if they really can afford to have childrens. On my personal experience, use them to feel bad if you don't help them is one of the worst things to do.
  • The question can be divisive given how someone interprets the very general category of "poor people". I will say this: No one can accurately assess how loving, capable and responsible parents will be based on their income. Muhammad Yunus said it well: "In my experience, poor people are the world's greatest entrepreneurs. Every day, they must innovate in order to survive. They remain poor because they do not have the opportunities to turn their creativity into sustainable income." His dedication to this population has revealed many talented and gifted individuals. And in life there are many more like Henry Ford, Oprah Winfrey, Celine Dion, Jim Carrey, J. K Rowling, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lebron James, and many many more. Who is to judge?
  • at least theyre having thenn instead of aborting thenn
  • The Bible tells us that children are an inheritance from God in Psalm 127:3. We all deserve to benefit from God’s blessings.
  • What do YOU think of my family they were poor and raised my brother and me just fine and provided us for our needs the whole time.
  • it happens, people have sex and then get pregnant
  • Future voters for the DEATH TO AMERICA party.

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