• It's as safe as you make it to be.
  • It's safe, meeting strangers through the internet is what's risky. You have to follow precautions, get the their number first, then follow up and call that number. Don't meet people who can't give you their number whatever their excuse.
  • Yes it's safe. Set your profile to private and only add people you know in real life and there will be no problems.
  • I am...I think it depends on how you use it!
  • I am and I don't put anything extra personal or private on it, so I think I'm safe *shady eyes*. Anyone's welcome to add me or chat with me or whatever: :)
  • No i dont go on that although i am a memeber of tagged and i came across some nasty child porn some one posted so i dont go on there any more either after reporting it 3 times it still didnt get removed so i dont go on anythink like that
  • It's safe, as long as you keep the idiots at bay.
  • I am. It's as safe as you let it be. It's possible now to set it so only someone who knows your last name and/or email address can request you as a friend or even SEE your profile. They're starting to crack down on the Bots and Phishers, too. That makes me happy ^_^
  • i have one, i believe it is safe as long as you don't befriend stupid people.
  • I am and yeah it is safe as far as i know.
  • I technically am, though I don't really spend much time there anymore. It's safe there, but you have to be careful of what you click on. There's so many damn advertising profiles on Myspace now that many people are being driven away.
  • yeh its safe just make you profile the acct. settings PS: i need friends on myspace!!!
  • Yep... a great waste of time :) I've never experienced any problems with it... you just have to watch what you put up there. I've heard of employers and schools checking them out sometimes.
  • Yeah it's pretty safe so long as you don't display your home address or your personal phone number, or any personal information of any sort. Only accept people you know personally. :)
  • It's safe for adults. I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near it.
  • I myself don't have a Myspace account because I just don't dig that particular social scene. But I can tell you this much about Myspace, it's only about as safe as interacting with people in real life, it only starts to get truly risky if you forget that. Most of the stories I've heard about bad things happening to people on Myspace had to do with them letting their gaurd down and being more trusting than they really should have been, and there's some risk of that with any site that offers message boards or social interaction. As long as you keep in mind that just knowing someone on Myspace without ever having met them in real life doesn't necessarily mean you should trust them any more than you would a stranger. As long as you keep that in mind, keep your personal information private, and keep your gaurd up to a reasonable degree, Myspace is safe enough.
  • i don't have a myspace account but no place in this is completely safe.just becareful,if you don't like what goes on there.LEAVE.
  • I'm a member, it's safe... just keep your profile private, and make it so if people want to add you they have to know your last name and things like that; just be careful and you're good!
  • Oh yeah, I got a myspace... sometimes wish I didn't though. I think it's quite safe. Like the last person commented, you can setup security features and also keep your profile private to people you don't know.
  • Its safe just make sure you only let people read what you want them to read
  • I have a myspace and you can do alot of things on it.. you can set your settings so your friends can only see ur profile they have to have either u e mail or last name to add you as a friend and u can have it so only u can see ur pics or just friends or everyone... i think its become much safer in the past year.
  • mines set so you have to know my full real name =D
  • ok i personally have a myspace. and what alot of people dont realize is that there are ALOT of ways to keep yourself safe. you can block people, which means they cant contact you in any way. you have to aprove people's friend requests. you can have a private profile. you can set your pictures to private. there are so many ways to stay safe that anyone who blames it on myspace is dead wrong it's your own fault if your talking to people you dont know
  • Well, click on the link and find out!
  • i am not. i refuse.
  • It is safe. Just have your profile private, and add your friends in real life!
  • i am, and so far its safe, bcuz i only acept ppl that i know...
  • I was but haven't been back on there in soooo long. It got to the point that everytime I went there I got attacked(detected by my virus + software, not verbally). Could be just a coincidence, but since I stopped going there, I haven't been attacked.
  • hello, yes i ami assume its safe but then no website is without its troubles,three years ago my space deleted 32000 accounts tha belonged to pediphilles,so id go with my intuitions,im on my space with my cousins and two friends.
  • MySpace promotes itself as a success of an organic search, a search without spending money to get visitors, created by Tom Anderson. MySpace is not only slow and defective as a web site, but it is also a spam highway. Do not post any email address you care about on your MySpace. For some good info on MySpace see links: Part I: Part II: Tom is not your friend!
  • A lot of hackers. I'm glad I resigned from that site.
  • It's safe if you're not careless about the information you put out for everyone to see. Oh, it's also safe if you use your brain when it comes to choosing who to trust. Remember that what you hear on the news is BLOOD!!! Seriously. So many people want a scapegoat they can pick on and blame for society's problems. So many people have the attitude "Oh, it's not my problem! I'm not like that! I'm different!" So many people just want to point the finger at everyone and anyone but themselves. You know what? That's why reporters and parents love MySpace when they pick on it, as much as they say they hate it. Why? It gives them an excuse for bad parenting or something. "Oh, I didn't cause problems with my children! Oh, I didn't cause problems with my student! Oh, I didn't contribute to those problems! It was all MySpace!" *rolls eyes*. No. It's the child's fault. Any decent parent would see that. They would also ask themselves if THEY themselves contributed to their child's problems instead of being so quick to point the finger at something else in the child's life totally unrelated to himself/herself and/or his/her child. Anyway, maybe I should just shut up now. Be cautious on the Internet, but don't be too paranoid about everything. Paranoia can destroy a person.
  • I have mine, but I feel unconfortable when they offer to see who are my friends who also have account in myspace by typing my personal email account password through their website, that's kind of dangerous. I chose not to do that.
  • Yes i have one & yes its safe but be careful who u become friends with.

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