• Yes. Australia is a key example.
  • Yes, there are two. Australia and Antarctica.
  • Yes ... Austrailia & Antarctica. Before the Himalayas were formed, India was also one.
  • yes it can
  • I live on one Australia!!
  • Here it would depend on how you define continent. Normally people say Australia is a continent, but it is not one on its own! New Zealand and many minor islands are also part of continental Australia. However, Antartica is one! So the answer is yes.
  • but of course! the most obvious answer is austrailia. there's also antartica... brr! i'm gonna take a stand on this and say fork that freeezing island. so, put that in your pipe and smoke it. heh
  • Absolutely. Australia and Antarctica are both continents that are also islands. There used to be more,i.e., India and South America. North America was once two seperate island continents. To travel even further back, all continents that exist today were once part of a single "mega-island" continent which we have named Pangaea. "And God said, 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place,and let the dry land appear': and it was so.." (smile) Yeah, I know, this isn't from a geology textbook, but the textbook says essentially the same thing. (And I never expected to get any points with this bunch of fuss-budgets here. bltzpfkl!) And what does it matter how many islands cluster around Australia? You killed everything of interest on them years ago, anyway.
  • 1) "An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide." Source: 2) "An island [...] is any piece of land that is completely surrounded by water, above high tide, and isolated from other significant landmasses." "There is no standard of size which distinguishes islands from islets and continents. Any landmass surrounded by water could be considered an island. Under this terminology all the land masses on the planet could be considered islands. Also, when defining islands as pieces of land that are completely surrounded by water, narrow bodies of water like rivers and canals are generally left out of consideration. [...] This also helps explain why Africa-Eurasia can be seen as one continuous landmass (and thus technically the biggest island): generally the Suez Canal is not seen as something that divides the land mass in two." Source and further information: 3) "A continent is one of several large landmasses on Earth. They are generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, but seven areas are commonly reckoned as continents – they are (from largest in size to smallest): Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia." "The ideal criterion that each continent be a discrete landmass is commonly disregarded in favor of more arbitrary, historical conventions. Of the seven most commonly recognized continents, only Antarctica and Australia are separated from other continents. Several continents are defined not as absolutely distinct bodies but as "more or less discrete masses of land". Asia and Africa are joined by the Isthmus of Suez, and North and South America by the Isthmus of Panama. Both these isthmuses are very narrow in comparison with the bulk of the landmasses they join, and both are transected by artificial canals (the Suez Canal and Panama Canal, respectively) which effectively separate these landmasses. The division of the landmass of Eurasia into the separate continents of Asia and Europe is an anomaly with no basis in physical geography. The separation is maintained for historical and cultural reasons." "There are numerous ways of distinguishing the continents" Source and further information: 4) So, of the seven most commonly recognized continents, only Antarctica and Australia are separated from other continents and could be considered as islands. Of course, we would then exclude their minor islands: "As Australia the country is largely comprised of a single island, and comprises most of Australia the continent, it is sometimes informally referred to as "the island continent". Source: "List of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands":
  • Yes. Australia is an island and a continent.
  • theoretically, yes (for details, see my other answer...)
  • No, because the definition of an island is a landmass surrounded by water that is smaller than a continent. One can't be the other. Proof:
  • Pluto is now more a dog than a planet, but Australia is still surrounded on all sides by water.
  • All depends on government established, population, stable carbohydrate, demanded stable of some kind, and most of all the civilization of the natives.
  • Australia is an island-continent.
  • anything is possible

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