• Love doesn't hurt, on the contrary, it is amazing! It is the absence of mutual love that hurts. Love is a bond between two people that goes beyond logic and reason, one that overwhelms the mind and senses enough to do things that are aporiable. But when only one person out of these two have this emotion they might not realize that the other might not reciprocate and it is this naiveity that blinds them from the plain and simple truth that they might get hurt as if they were in a relationship that doesn't mean anything what so ever! When/if they do get hurt then they can't understand why this person, who apparently loved them, did what they did. The answer is quite simple: Either that other person doesn't reciprocate or they need reminding that what they are doing to those that they love the most is in fact hurting them! If they change their ways, at least enough to show that they desperately want to try, then they love you back. If they don't then they don't love you back. Unfortunately the word love is used far too often or perhaps the bond associated with that word is perceived to be far stronger that it actually is.
  • In asking, "Why does Love hurt so much?" Offers a clear indication that you, like many people, do not understand (or have been misinformed about) what Love truly is. Love is the action to choose unconditionally in the process of offering to another human being the qualities of: Affection, Care, Concern, Respect, Thoughtfulness, Forgiveness, Compassion, Trust, Joy and many other positive emotional expressions of value and worth toward ANY living being as being Loveable and valuable. Let's take a look, now, at what is opposite of Love, or what Love is not: Love is NOT a feeling. The opposite of the above positive qualities (actions) are as follows: Each of the following are choices. Each have either a positive effect or a negative effect. POSITIVE NEGATIVE Affection - Disregard. To ignore. Care - Careless. A lack of compassion. Concern - Indifference. Impassivity. Respect - Contempt. To despise. Thoughtfulness - Thoughtlessness. To be inconsiderate. Forgiveness - Bind. Possessiveness. Greed. Compassion - Inhumane Ignorance. Brutal. Trust - Betray. To delude. Joy - Sorrow. Grief. The opposite of Love, is Hate. Again, Hate, too, is a choice. Many people will disagree with this definition of Love and Hate being choices and not feelings. But it is time, then, to rethink the definitions of old thinking and accept a new working definition that does not promise false hopes, nor any misleading confusions about what Love and Hate truly are. Many people mistake Love or True Love as being a series of emotions that equate to an intrinsic summation of justifiability. In so doing, the very foundation of ANY relationship is bound to fail when the expectation of the intrinsic value falls short of what was anticipated. Therefore, on the basis of a false pretense that True Love is anything other than a choice, an illusion is created. Thus, when True Love is literally the premise behind what IS true, the illusion can never be supported by what is false. True Love, therefore, IS an action and very much a choice. When you ask, "Why does love hurt so much?" Ask yourself, "Is Love Truely responsible for the pain that I feel? Of course it isn't. Now ask yourself, Is Hate Truly responsible for the pain that I feel? with the new Working definition of what Love and Hate Truly are... Yes. Hate, is responsible for the pain that you feel. Therefore, all things being true... DO NOT HATE. You must let go of Hate in the absence of Love and learn to Love again. Suddenly, you will no longer feel the pain. You will choose to Love and BE loved now that you know what Love actually IS and is not.
  • I agree with farino, love is an incredible feeling i havent ever been loved but i know it's good. hey man if your hurt just letting you know your not the only one. true love can hurt more than anything imaginable. but most of the times it is not a is something that draws you in and sticks to you. love can make you happy or it can ruin your life. if there is anyone who has advice for being happy for someone pleas tell us all.
  • Love hurts cause it is the realization that you did some really dumb and stupid things for someone you're not too sure is or was worth it. not to mention people are sadistic by nature and have no real compassion for his fellow man!! basically people are selfish and no one cares... we're all either psychopathic by nature or professional victims...
  • If you love someone and care unconditionally about them, it's going to hurt if you're not loved in return. But love will continue loving and acting in the best interests of the other person, regardless of whether love is returned. I am assuming that this question is asking about love, and not lust. Whenever you care about someone or something very deeply you are opening your heart up, your feelings up, to being hurt very deeply, proportionately to how much you care.
  • 'love' is afterall a word. how one may interpret, show, express it will differ from person to person.. however, there remains a constant.. this topic will remain to baffle and confused the human species til the end of time. it is not the love that hurts so much, its the threat of losing the love that hurts the person. though, I beg to differ that love is a choice, but it is a choice to show/express such a thing. a person is a fool to think that he/she can be so egotistical to control themselves when pertaining to this subject. such a strong feeling is not meant to be kept hiden within.. and to those who do so, the only person you are trying to fool is yourself. -ree1nvented
  • because you love that person so bad you will do any thing for that person love hurt when you cant be with that person you want to be withthat person
  • Love is something dangerous but love is a part of life that hold it make everything complete you may get hurt again and again but then when true love walks in on you trust me you would feel its a beautiful thing morethan anything theres nothen more stronger that loveing someone or being love by somebody love hurts because without experincing it on your own what pain is then you wont understand love if it was perfect and I know its not you know it would be boring but yea nobody wants to get hurt for my situation right now am so inlove with my bf we been together for about a year ad 7 months but am putting my guards up because im trying to protect myself but honestly I realize you cant protect yourself because love will always be there no matter how much you want to get rid of it without giving it a chance sometimes then you would just wonder what did I just miss what kind of chance did I just love because it go to the point where that could somebody you could spend your life with everybody wants it to end like a fairytale but yea theres no such thing coz you make your own fairytale love is pain apart of life sometimes something that hurts in the past some point you gonna have to let go and that if you open up to a new relationship you cant hold yourself back or cant blame that person who's not fault of your past which is not a part of them at all because you never know if that person didnt come to make it worst and they came to make a difference
  • love is a battlefield, sometimes it tough and sometimes it is really easy, you must take the best with the worst of times.
  • i think love hurts a little when you do it right.
  • When the person you love doesn't love you back.
  • Whne you love someone so much, and things that are nothing to do with them start to destroy everything around you, and you have to try and leave them because it would be better for them to avoid it. Then you can't make them understand, and you just hurt them and you.
  • When it pretends to go away.
  • All the time, every single day and night, it hurts everyone, all the time, because it keeps you from giving up, and it makes you keep on standing and taking the pain when it would be so much easier to just give up. So it's not love so much that hurts, it's everything else, love just gives you some objective comparison.
  • In a relationship, two people uses each other for their own personal needs. Now depending on the situation, if u lose that person you love, its like losing your favorite toy. You will feel bad until something else comes out. I do believe in true love and I know, though love hurts right now, there is a time and place for everything.
  • Because if love didnt hurt then how would you know you truly love that person. you have to hurt in order to realize that you love this person, that you're willing to make anything work. its just like fighting with your loved one, if you dont fight then you dont care. love is very beautiful, but to reach that stage you have to walk through needles and broken glass, and if you do, you're in love.
  • G'day Jonesy, Thank you for your question. There is nothing like being with someone you love and who loves you. That is why it hurts so much when you discover that they have stopped loving you or that someone you have fallen in love with doesn't feel the same way about you. I hope that the hurt you feel doesn't last too long. Regards
  • So it feels real good when it doesn't.
  • Love is very a powerful and yet beautiful emotion. Life without love is meaningless and empty; However whenever we love someone there is always a chance the person won't love you back or they just don't feel the same way as you do,that is when love HURTS. You can't stop caring about that person b/c you love them and yet you don't get anything in return. Love Hurts but it makes me feel alive.
  • Love only hurts if you're doing wrong. And I didnt mean that in the sleezy way.
  • becasue you put your heart and soul into loving someone and when they hurt you it hurts you all over, no matter how hard you try to not let the pain effect you it will and always does, but on the plus side things can and usually do get better!
  • Love shouldn't hurt unless it's being damaged. Love, when it's going well, should be warm, comforting and enjoyable. Pain only comes with love when it's been damaged... unfortunately love sometimes can fall into the same pattern as other things that we take for granted. Sometimes we never realize the joy until the joy is gone. When it is gone, the hole left is huge, so huge that we cannot imagine life without it being filled again. Don't wait until love hurts to realize it's something that you should cherish.
  • Because there is no cure for a broken heart. So, you just feel the pain, and come out stronger.
  • I think that love hurts sometimes because in order to truly love someone, you have to let them inside your circle. You let your guard down around that person and give them your trust. You're allowing someone else to know you on a more intimate level. When someone truly knows you, then they know what makes you tick. They know what brings you joy and what makes you laugh; but they also know how to get under your skin and push your buttons.
  • Because when you get cheteed on and miss someone you feel really bad i was missing someone i love and it felt like my heart was being puched or beaten or stabed but after that you fell better. WHEN YOU FEEL PAIN ILL ALLWAYS BE THERE WITH YOU AND MAKE SURE YOUR OK.
  • *starts singing The first cut is the deepest....* Because it's new. Things are scarier the first time. You aren't sure how things go as much and once it's over you know what to do better the next time. Until you finally get it right.
  • i just broke up with my gf and it feels like this pain inside me i want to cry but it wont come out she told me she didnt want a boyfriend but early that day i asked her if she loved me and she said yes then later that day she told me she didnt want a boy friend it hurt me so much i could die!!!!!
  • I don't know. But I wish there was a pill for it. : (
  • when someone you love leaves you!
  • wen u love someone you dont care that they cheat and you dont care that they lie to you and all that as long as they arent taking the piss. and if shit stirrers cause the end of the relationship its cus the other person wanted an excuse to leave maybe cus they got bored of you or cannot keep lying anymore as most relationships only last becus its biult on a lie and its easy to fall in love when you start off lying as your stil a mystery and its stil intrestin for you, and forbiden friut tastes the sweetest. some girls who are sik minded play sik games lyke "lets make this guy fall in love with me", and some girls love people they cant have. I hav been hurt before and am now too far gone and dont care anymore and stick to shagin 16 yr olds as they dnt no any beter
  • I wish I knew. The person that ends up figuring that one out will probably end up a millionaire.
  • Love only hurts when it's not reciprocated. When you really feel love it is very powerful. The reason why it hurts so much is because it is a bond between people and when a breakup, separation or a loss occurs it can feel like a part of you died. One sided love is never fun and when you're on the receiving end of unrequitted love it can hurt like hell. One day you're going to have to let it go and move on and when you do it can feel like a relief but you still feel the pain and it can be excruciating. Some days I feel fine and other days I feel really depressed. It's like an emotional nightmare LOL. So yeah, when you experience love for someone it can definately hurt.(experience)
  • Mate, I tell you all these answers will not help. It hurts when you dont get the love back in return. I tell you, I am going through the same thing and probably millions around the world right now. It kills. and everytime you get up in the kills more when you remember it. Time heals..but long time in some cases. Be busy, stay busy and see your mates, dont be alone even though thats what you moslty feel like doing. Dont. Keep distracted. I got drunk but thats no answer. It sucks man. Good luck and I hope you get her or the one who is meant to be with you 4eva. Take care
  • It doesn't hurt. It's the lack of it that hurts.
  • ok, love is the worst and the best thing in life. You cannot choose who you love, and you cannot choose to just stop loving someone. Basically love hurts when you would do anything for him/her, but they don't feel the same way. It also hurts when they tell you that thet love you, but its all one big lie. It also hurts when you break up with the person you love. The only time love is good, is when you both cannot stop thinking about each other, and would do anything for them without question. I have learnt that for you to be loved, or love someone, you need trust. Without trust no-one gets anywhere! Sometimes when you love someone, it hurts, this can show you that it is true love. true love hurts because you are continually worrying about tht person and you could not live without them. If you loose someone you love, it feels like the end of the world, but life goes on... you need to put it behind you, pick up the peices and be a man. And yes, that can take months, years, decades, but this just goes to show that you really did love them, and if they felt the same way, you never know, you may end up back together. I hope you can all find someone you love, because i have, we have had alot of bad times, but fantastic good times that i know niether of us will forget. Remember don't give up on love!
  • Love doesn't hurt. The ABSENCE of love is what hurts.
  • Love sucks and is the most wonderful thing at the same time. The heart is easily fooled especially when you mistake other emotions as love, like lust and pity and fondness.
  • love is a really strong feeling between TWO people and if one of them cheats it DOES hurt no matter how tough u r my gf cheated on me on our 5 th year and i was about to take her to a expensive dinner and than to the lakes far aways from the city and look at the moon but she cheated on me when i went to the bathroom and i saw her kissin a guy and it took me a month to get over it and stop thinking of her lots of my friends tried making me happier or anything but i just couldn't let go of her
  • love does hurt especially if you have been betrayed by the one person that you felt was your life. it hurts the most especially when you put all your time an effort in order to try to make the other person as happy as they can be and regardless of all that work the one you love is not able to see how much you love them and they betray you.
  • Love Hurts Did you ever love someone so much, you thought you'd die. You sit home alone all night, and just cry cry and cry. He looks at you but sees nothing. You look at him and yes, you see your world, your hopes, your dreams in a place inside his chest. You tear yourself apart inside, searching for reason to care. He doesn't care about you. Loving him gets you nowhere. This time you got to learn, to say goodbye to him. He couldn't care less about you, so neither should you.... in short learn to say goodbye love should not hurt
  • love is something that can be seen in 2 ways which are negative and positive, it’s beautiful when its going good but when it goes pear shape between the 2 it’s a feeling between dying or living. The most painful moment is when the relationship is no more and you spent your days, nights, minutes, seconds and hours thinking about that person and you, when you both were together, the beautiful moments you both spent with each other, at that time you have a graving feeling you just want to snatch that thing off and have it to yourself and not let it out of your sight, it really hurts, thinking that the person is not with you anymore and that he can be someone else’s just like that and not just belonging to you anymore.
  • Wrong hole.
  • I wonder the same question. Me and my boyfriend just broke up. It was my idea, because my daughter didn't like him. I had no idea it would hurt this bad. I did him wrong and now he won't speak to me. I don't blame him, but it hurts soooo bad. I can't function. I just want to lay and die. I can't eat, sleep or move. Just barely able to breathe. I have managed to let my daughter manipulate me into losing the man I loved. So whenever someone figures out how to fix a broken heart, let me know.
  • love kills, but its really worth it. it must hurt so much because we invest ourselves in it and besides that growth is always painful.
  • Loves hurts so bad because ur partner may not understand exactly how deeply in love you are. or maybe they jus don't know how to show you love. Love stings... When ur heart is broken it feels like a piece of it is on fire. I think that's a big reason why it hurts. Because ur burning inside from so much pain!
  • The pain of love is so terrible because the joy of love is so great~
  • Because no matter how badly we might want to, we have no control over how someone else feels.....
  • Because it's matters of the heart and the heart can be touched very easily. And touched the wrong way hurts a lot.
  • We all have these trials. We learn from them and get stronger every day.
  • I think there might be something wrong with me because it never really hurts me, it only pisses me off sometimes. Maybe I am cold hearted . I have been accused quite a few times.. this week
  • Love is what helps me get up in the morning, sleep at night, and get throught he tough days... one day the kind of Love that i feel, will be felt by you too... and that day will be incredible!
  • I don't think love hurts... I think it is when you realize that the love has died, or maybe that it never really existed is when it hurts. When you are sincerely loved by someone it makes you happy and makes most feel like they belong somewhere and have a purpose. After the love ends, it is realizing that you have find all of those things within yourself that often hurts the most. When you rely on someone else for your happiness and they are suddenly not there anymore, it breaks your heart to rebuild that happiness alone. I really hope that I have the strength to do it... this one really hurts.
  • It doesn't. You are obviously in love or were in love with the wrong person.
  • love hurts and u will never get over it no matter how hard you try it will always eat away at your head be in your dreams in your thoughts it will never ever leave you in peace no matter how hard you try to get pver it
  • I think love is a beautiful beautiful thing. But it can also be something that can hurt you because the person you love may not love you back. and even if they do its hard for you to recognize it because they show it in an completley different way than you. they express their feelings in other ways that you may not understand. love can make you do crazy things as you should all know or at least have grown to know. for me its a struggle maybe because im young but its definatley hard. i love the man im with with all my heart and as much as he tells me he loves me i just cant always see it. im unsure about us alot but im trying not to let my slefish actions get in the way. im not gonna let him go but im not gonna hold onto him if theres nothing holding us together love being what i want is not always gonna come. thats what i think about love!
  • truly there's no such thing as love, its just a fairytale, to give you a view on how life can be thn suddenly your brought back to reality, to find out that the person you love is indeed inlove with someone else and the person they love is in love with someone other thn them, its ridiculas i tell you.
  • because something that can make you feel so good has to make you feel equally as bad at some point in your life it's all the the balance!! the sweet isn't as sweet without the sour
  • Because the rewards are so sweet yo...
  • im in love with this girl, and she dont know and she said th worst thing ever!! she said when you met me did you think we would end up being best friends sounds nice i know but it hurt so fucking much!!
  • Love will only hurt if something is struck against the person with the love. For example, a breakup will always create the sense that love hurts when in fact the only hurt there is, is the hurt of emptiness. When people become attached to something they like, it is natural for it to invoke hard feelings of longing to have it back. Same thing with love.
  • Because it's in our nature to love
  • Because it's the best feeling in the world when it happens. It's the risk we have to take.
  • Love doen't hurt. Love is a wonderful thing. What hurts is that you love someone and you aren't receiving love back. Sometimes we love someone that hurts us and we wonder why someone that loves us would hurt us. If someone loves you they won't hurt you. They will listen to your every need.
  • love with out pain would not be love at all... one of the paradigms of life...
  • I think we expect too much in a relationship. If the other person cannot give what you want or need then you feel like you are being ignored or denied of your rights. Then the pain of rejection comes in.
  • cause thats when you truly expose yourself to somone and your at your most vulnarable and sometimes it gets thrown back in your face
  • life hurts, and being in love is as being alive! love = life so, love hurts!!!! Seriously though, I think love hurts cause you can’t predict the ones we love, they might surprise us and it’s more of a gambling thing!
  • because it feels good just as much as it hurts
  • Because we come to expect them to care about us. Then when we realize they don't we feel terribly alone.
  • yes it does hurt i believe its the worst pain ever. I mean dont get me wrong LOve is the most beutiful emotion ever! but it hurts alot. maybe im juz sayin diz cuz ryt now im suffering for the love of my life and what hurts the most is that i know he loves me as much or more as i love him but hes acting so weird and i dont know what to do. anyone wana give me an advice ill be glad to listen
  • Love doesn't hurt. It heals, and fills you up. It nurtures you, it excites you and gives you hope. It's the lack of love, the throwing away of love, the twisting and misuse of it that hurts. But love is always a good thing.
  • because the person that u fell in love with you does not feel the same, has hurt you physically or emotionally or is no longer in your life. even the strongest most bravest people need love , it is a necessity in life, and when it is not present or damaged its kills you inside!
  • I don't know but it makes me want to die.
  • love doesn't hurt.... you must be mistaken
  • not olf enogh so i dont know lol pluss why would it?
  • So that it is so much better when you find the one true love of your life.
  • Because there is good and bad in EVERYTHING in life...:)
  • true love never dies love is never truely lost just complications ifedility and other seems to get in the way . love is never lost its something you never lose. i believe in that. because i still love all my x's no matter how bad the situations was cause they are the part of reason why i am who i am today. why i am more wiser to the certain complications and infedility . but hey things happen. and theirs never an answer at least not one that is good enough to listen to. but love dont die.
  • i also wanted to state that the reason why love hurts is because its a mix of emotions some of which can stress us out which stress alone can hurt. love involves a feeling of happiness as well as sadness . most people are also afraid of the fear of losing that love. as a fear of are you doing things right. love is a feeling that makes people they have to be perfect to do things perfect.
  • i think that love is one of the most powerful emotions one can experience,so it's exected to hurt because of the great importance it has to our lives
  • love is bliss. i get butterflies in my tummy. i can't concentrate. i always am thinking, wishing that we could be together again. we dance. we open up our feelings and lives and souls. we mesh. sometimes we're very intimate. then, we begin to drift apart. maybe she handles the kids 168 hours a week and needs me to attend to her needs, but, i'm busy working 80 hour work weeks to provide for us. we drift further apart. we stop sharing. we're not meshing. our souls, our spirits no longer take delight with one another and dance. she does something with my friend that betrays my trust. trust that has built up after decades. how can i trust again after that hurt? suddenly, i'm afraid i'll lose her. i reach out but there's nothing. i frantically reach out, but, nothing. i'm alone. again. all of the emotions and thoughts and hopes that i've shared with her now become cannon fodder to be used against me in our next argument. i protect myself. i shut down and close myself to her. i can't stand being further hurt. the attack seems to somehow be propelled by my need to crawl in the fetal position. the attack strikes a fatal blow. she leaves. i cry. alone. again.
  • When you fall into love or love someone with your whole heart there is a joy that you experience, which can’t be explained by words. And when this joy is taken away from you that’s when you get hurt because you won’t be able to feel or experience that joy again and that’s the reason love hurt a lot. Cause love is a joy that gives you a new beginning in life and when it’s taken away it breaks your heart apart.
  • Because you let love hurt you! But thats part of growing up and moving on and makinhg mistakes
  • b/c it is true and if you fall and hit your knee it will hurt b/c it is true but love is always ganna have its ups and downs just dont let those downs get to you everything is ment to be so just let things go and dont let them ruin your life
  • "Only love can break a heart, only love can mend it again." -- Bobby Vinton
  • Love hurts because it's an overwhelming emotion we can't control.It's constantly changing and it takes effort and sacrifice to keep it from going the wrong way.When we love someone we love them with all we have to give, in a sense we give them ourselves.We open up to them, share our dreams,goals and hopes.And when they say they don't want to love us anymore or don't want to be around us, ect. it hurts.It hurts because we've become so attached to that one person and we have devoted so much time it's something we are use to having. Like the saying goes "You don't know what you have until it's gone". And after its all said and done we are left with these emotions and feelings we don't know what to do with.It hurts the most when you ask yourself "Do I keep loving this person even though they don't love me, or do I push these feelings aside and move on".
  • we get hurt because we forget about ourselves, we want to give our all for that love and just wake up one day that its not worth it we are not loved back in return the way we want to be loved.its much more worst when you know he doesnt love you yet you let them use you thinking that one day he will fall for you while he is waiting for the one. we get hurt becaue we are allowing them to hurt us. love is such a wonderful feeling its more than amazing and magical it could even be the death of us.
  • my opinion is, that it hurts when you are in love.listen, i love this girl(she used to be my classmate) for 3 years.i don't feel pain at all.i love her with all my heart, and i know that whenever she needs me i'll be there. and not only that, i feel so...weirdly in love. i mean this girl is my better half and that is little weird cause i feel sometimes a little worried that i can't be with her, but i'm so happy knowing that she is fine and happy and that i'll be there for her and she knows that. ps: i've never had any relationship with her.i was and still am kinda unlucky... anyways, my that love is strange.there is one love, but there are different ways to express it due to the difference between humans...i mean i differ so much from the next guy that will reply...and so on... by the way, i'm not so good cause my girlfriend not on;y broke up with me, she said she was and is in love with someone else than me and that she didn't feel anything she said that she was feeling.anyways, it hurts cause i was in love with her and i though she was with me too...and just the f word ...:(
  • Because if love did not hurt enough or so much where would the tragic break up songs and the blues come from. "She left me for that man" Mr Bill
  • baho mna gud bilat ba
  • when the guy doesn't love me back it hurts sooo bad & when the guy doesn't want a relationship. I want him.
  • Music is the cure to this hurt, and more! It brings you up and past how you felt before you were hurt, dont be alarmed, that is just the feeling of becoming stronger.
  • Mismatched genitalia LOL
  • I am trying tpo figure this out. We are in a nasty court battle for our daughter. Although he seems uninterested in her, I believe it is his ego that is at stake. He has not treated us the best in the past and seemed uninterested in change when we tried counseling. I was upset at first and now I am so hurt and in pain because I miss him so much. I have full custody of our daughter. I do not know what to do. I want him back so bad. But I do not think he loves me anymore.
  • It hurts because love makes us feel the most of everything. It gives us the highest high we could ever possibly know, as well as the lowest low ever possible. If it didn't make us feel so much we wouldn't realize how important it is. Love doesn't just hurt when there's a lack of it or when there's an absence of mutual love-- it is not that simple. Love hurts whenever someone puts their entire being into loving someone and they get dissapointed by them in some way. Love hurts when there are more than two people involved, also.
  • Love,its a feeling that exists in the depth of your heart capable of making you breath.A touch of perfection living in two bodies making them a single soul.Its an emotion that tels you,how much in life you are capable of being anothers joy.If love came your way so perfect,you wouldnt feel its gravity,its the pain in love that makes you wonder about in each others minds. Why love hurts is when you build up expections and when they seem to be out of grasp.It hurts when you tend to feel that what is priceless in ur life is just another priced thing in the other's(talkin literaly).It hurts when u dream beyond what your partner can provide you.These r just some of the very reasons but what is love without pain,it comes in a bundle. this one is fr ma gf,love u loads angel,the only girl who showed me what love is yet may not be mine in many ways now,still shes all i have when it comes to whispering I LOVE U to another's ears
  • Love isn't supposed to hurt.
  • i believe it hurts that much because we care so f***ing much so when you are in love and have been 5 years together for example with your first wonder why didn't we try?or why doesn't he want me anymore? As much thinking about it,it hurts you so much that you cant sleep any more..and thats when you meet some one new that makes you smile every single day of your life...when your together.But when you go home you still think about the man you love,the man you spend 5 years of your life with!Thats why love sucks and love hearts! And just move on and don't think about it as much as you can...other wise move to another country...for example Australia!
  • There is many things can hurts in love. One of the most common which is that love hurts when people don't love each other equally and not understanding each other.

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