• We keep a good supply of canned and dried foods, we have a good spring that provides water, we have weapons and ammunition, and we raise a lot of our food. That's about all we got going on for any emergency. 9/24/24
  • living in a small town in the southern hemisphere pity if my state were to get nuked it would probly be aimed at a power station which I live close to. no I have no pre plan take it one day at a time and see what happens.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      You could ask some people to help build a bomb shelter. Sooner is better than later just in case.
    • ★Stevo
      I would have to pay them. Personaly I rather die than live in a hole.
    • ★Stevo
      I think being stuck in a bunker would be worse than a prison cell teven prisoners get to go outside in the yard at least an hour a day.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      You would be able to get out eventually when the war is over. You wouldn’t be permanently living in the shelter. Thinking positive is better than saying you would rather die than live in a hole. You shouldn’t say that about yourself. Life is worth living regardless of the conditions where you are living. You wouldn’t be a prisoner because the shelter would be temporary. I guess each to their own and whatever you think is best. Each to their own.
  • There's not much we would be able to do, honestly. If we get lucky, we will be vaporized before any of the suffering starts. Those who survive the nuclear war will be left in a world with likely no form of government, little arable land, nuclear winter, contaminated resources, etc. Good luck.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      We would be able to go into bomb shelters. That would be a start and make sure there is enough food and drink supplies when inside it.

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