• The Democrat party has become a Satanic cult.
    • LeeInSC
      LOL. U R an ignorant fool.
    • Army Veteran
      Thank you for your Liberal-leaning comment. Now go educate yourself on the demoncratic party and learn something.
  • A - that's a pic, not a video of a speech - B - er..."Satanic-themed"? If Satan has a do you know that is it? Certainly *I* don't see anything Satanic in that pic.
    • Army Veteran
      Good eye! I never called it a video. I did, however, want to provide some kind of visual so people would have something to refer to. And since you can't see anything "demonic" about the theme, it appears that you, above all else, need a visual. There is more to a "theme", in this case than tell-tells like dancing demons and sulfur pits. Even the mainstream media had no problem picking up on it.
  • Reminds me of the time they put the arch of Baal in London as a protest against the destruction of it. These things are usually staged deliberately, take a look at these..
    • Army Veteran
      Loved the last one showing Merkel with the mustache. The fact that she's (was) the German Chancellor and is standing in front of the Israeli flag makes it hilarious.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Careful CC those "halos could be genuine little people from another planet. lol
    • Creamcrackered
      Yeah, Merkel's one made me chuckle AV. Honestly, Hulk I think all politicians are from another planet.
    • Army Veteran
      You'd know all about "people from another planet", wouldn't you? BTW - how's the tinfoil hat business going? Family and friends still buying?
    • Creamcrackered
      I said "politicians" are from another planet AV, not "people," are you offended by my saying that? Back to the childish and meaningless name calling, and for what? I see no need to succumb to it, and it don't wash with me I'm afraid, stick to facts and plain talking.
    • Creamcrackered
      As for tin foil hat JFK must of worn one...
  • I noticed two Marines. Do you now wish to say the Marine Corps is connected to Satan? lol 😋 I gotta say it was a boring afternoon until you showed up. lol
    • Army Veteran
      If they had their druthers, I'm sure they'd druther be somewhere else. Biden used them to signify a show of force. It's quite funny how he campaigned on bringing the country together and then he has to go and pull that stunt - demonizing half the country. Then the icing on the cake was the next day after he received so much criticism for his divisive speech, he couldn't backpedal fast enough and started "explaining what he really meant and what he didn't mean" - when it was so obvious what he meant that even Helen Keller would have seen it.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      If must have been on Fox only. Nothing I have heard was contrary to the intent.
    • Army Veteran
      It's easy to miss when you're in denial.
  • Hey, if you want to think Satan every time you see the color red in politics, cool!
    • mushroom
    • mugwort
      red is one of the colors of the US flag. its hues are red, white, blue.
    • Army Veteran
      You might think that way, but for the rest of us, it's a matter of interpretation of what's happening at the moment and the intent behind it.
    • Army Veteran
      Loved the video, Mushroom. I haven't done SNL for years. This was a funny episode.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I loved that video Mushie. I wasn't aware Mitch was in Hell but I guess not. lol
    • Army Veteran
      Why not? The rest of us are - until 2024, anyway.
  • Those drugs affecting your brain.
    • 11stevo73
      They sure have fried yours. Drugs are bad how many rich people are profiting from importing them scumbag?
  • Hes the most diversive president in the last 50 years. How much respect do you all wish to lose by the time hes done what will be left of the USA? How many allies will you all still have? Divide and conquer?
    • Army Veteran
      "Divide and Conquer" has always been the Communist agenda. It was the only strategy they used in WW2.
  • I have two questions: What about the picture makes it satanic? Did anyone see this speech broadcast in real time to know that this is not photo-shopped?
    • Army Veteran
      CNN was accused of lightening the background to an almost pink color to soften the stark color. No, I don't think it was photoshopped.
    • notyouraveragedummy
      That's a response to question 2, what about question 1?
    • Army Veteran
      I only meant to answer the question I answered. But if you insist, no I didn't see the speech live. But the fact that most of the media on both sides of the aisle who did and saved the video is probably correct in saying it was red. You either have trust issues and refuse to believe the obvious or you're a nit-picker.
    • notyouraveragedummy
      You got me! I'm a political agnostic!!
  • Seemed to be, in a nutshell, Biden saying that he was no longer interested in reaching across the aisle. I'm not sure I like the message, but the GOP and DNC have both become particularly nasty toward each other, so this was pretty much inevitable.
    • Army Veteran
      When the DNC has been doing everything they can think of to impeach a duly elected President - even before he is sworn in (before he has supposedly "done anything wrong" in their eyes), I would say the RNC's reaction is more than justified. The Left went after him solely because they didn't like him. And they didn't like him because he said he was going to get rid of the corruption. Since Biden has taken over, we have seen corruption at a magnitude never before witnessed in history - and this, in itself, calls into question the legitimacy of Biden's "win". Forcing illegal social distancing mandates up until and beyond election day allowed them the opportunity to run the easiest-to-defraud voting system ever - mail-in ballots. Watch the movie "2000 Mules" to see this fraud in action.

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