• According the the Old Testament, the Jews were God's chosen people to lead the world. They weren't the best but they were the best HE could do on Earth. The deal (covenant) was for them to obey God and honor his rules (614 of them) and they would be honored by taking the "Land of Milk and Honey" known as Israel. Moses was chosen by God to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt into the land of Canaan. Once their the Jews were to "Kill every Man, woman and child" because the Canaanites were pagans. Then the land of Canaan would be theirs to keep. They called it Israel and they would prosper as long as they obeyed God. The problem was that they didn't. They got tossed out of Israel and have been prosecuted ever since. After WWII the Palestinians (by then, the new name for Israel) supported the Nazis. After WWII was won by the allies powers, it became a two country 'state' by the United Nations with Palestinians and Israelis in separate areas. They were overseen by the British. The British wanted out because they knew they were on a powder-keg. Independence was declared in 1947 and there was a war. The Israeli's won large Palestinian territories. Its been that way ever since. The problem is that the area is promised By God to the Jews. It is also where Muhammed ascended into Heaven. Hence the problems today.😌 Hitler exacerbated the problem because he built Nazi death camps to kill all the Jews in the world.😈 That's why the Jews needed their own homeland back - to defend themselves. That's the nutshell version of the Middle East.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Oh yeah, there was also the discovery of Oil in 1938. lol
    • Army Veteran
      How many years passed between the time when the Jews were sent into the Land of Canaan and told to kill everyone and their return in 1947 - 250,000? The Jews were evicted from the land of Israel (not "Israel" the country) and told to stay out until the Messiah returned, gathered them, and brought them back. Did the Messiah come in 1947 and the New York Times missed it? If the Messiah returned, he would still be alive, right? After all, he IS the Messiah. Unless you or anyone else can locate Him, there's a good chance that He never returned and the Jews took possession illegally (against God's laws). History is fascinating...
    • Creamcrackered
      Hi Hulk thank you for your reply. What I was trying to get as, was as to why so many countries persecuted the Jews even prior to world war 2. Why a peoples were subjected to comments such as the Jewish Problem, the Jewish Question, and horrendously the Final Solution? The Torah actually describes Israel as a hard-hearted and stubborn people, so the chosen people were not chosen because they were easy to get along with or even faithful. This is mentioned numerous times throughout the Torah, even the prophets weren't without issues, a reflection of humanity today. The first mention of a Zionist state was the Balfour Declaration, as it was in Britain's interest to form a state of Israel in the middle east. The state of Israel today, is a secular state, it was not founded on religious principle, in fact it could never of been by law. This is why many orthodox Jews are against it, because the Jewish peoples were not meant claim the homeland until the coming of the Messiah, and as you are aware, Jews do not accept Christ as the Messiah. There were other countries considered before Israel, and the Jews originally came from Judah, and fought against Israel which was in the upper region.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Hi CC, Frankly I don't see a distinction between the Land of Israel in the OT and the State of Israel. I think the latter is based on the former. Second, I think you have to be Jewish to be a citizen of Israel. And 3rd, The reason Jews are so persecuted is many people say they killed Jesus. This myth was debunked by Pope Pius who said "SOME" Jews killed jesus.
    • Creamcrackered
      Ok, thank you for your response Hulk.
    • Army Veteran
      "Land of Israel" refers to a parcel of territory given to Abraham's son Israel. "State of Israel" refers to the political state that declared its independence in 1947.
  • "The Jewish Question" was 'what to do with the Jews who had been persecuted in every country they settled in' - ((not just Germany)). In 1933, Zionists made an agreement with Hitler called the Havaara Agreement - also called "The Solution to the Jewish Question". The "solution" was to move German Jews to Palestine, and all went well until Britain declared war on Germany and the venture ended. In 1942, Germany resumed the original "Solution to the Jewish Question", calling it the Wannsee Protocol - also known as "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question". It was called "final" because Germany appeared to be winning the war at the time and believed they would accomplish their task - with no need to postpone it yet again. There is no mention of any kind of exterminating Jews or anyone else in the Wannsee Protocol. It was also called the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" because it referred to the previous attempt to move the Jews. Western propaganda used the part that said "Final Solution" to promote false claims of extermination because the term sounds ominous and foreboding. As for being rounded up, the blame for that falls on the shoulders of the "Jewish Intellectuals" themselves. Hitler had only been Chancellor for 54 days when Zionism declared war on Germany (March 24, 1933, Britain's Daily Express Headline, and again August 6, 1933, in a radio broadcast). It wasn't until two years later after steady attacks by the Zionists did Hitler pass the Nuremberg Laws that took away the influence that Jews had in German society. The German Jews themselves wrote to the US Embassy and denounced these so-called "intellectuals" because of the trouble they were causing. They said that these individuals abandoned them at a critical time and fled the country and that they had no right to speak on their behalf. As for the "exterminations", a question needs to be asked here: why is it that typhus and other disease epidemics took such a huge toll on the detainees (this is well-documented) - yet, whenever the story is told, it's never mentioned? Why are the deaths blamed on gas chambers? I'm not denying anything here except the misinformation that has been promoted as truth. The difference between myself and those who condemn me as a "Holocaust denier" is that I hate to be lied to - I'm not afraid to look for the truth. More people should try it - it's fascinating.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      " n 1933, Zionists made an agreement with Hitler called the Havaara Agreement - also called "The Solution to the Jewish Question". The "solution" was to move German Jews to Palestine, and all went well until Britain declared war on Germany and the venture ended." ---A) Again you lie. Here is what Fox News says about the Final Solution, ...A) Also, the "Haavara Agreement" was made to keep the Jews from going to Palestine and safety
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Don't listen to him. I don't know what 1465's game is but he's a compulsive liar and probably a Neo-Nazi.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I don't know what 1465's game is but he's a compulsive liar and probably a Neo-Nazi. His statement above is filled with so many lies its too much work for one person to correct them. I couldn't finish his screed. It takes too much of a toll on my sense of morality. He's severely disturbed.
    • Army Veteran
      And I am not a liar - compulsive or otherwise. I never say anything I can't back up. If ever I am mistaken, I admit it and move on. What you interpret as lies on my part is actually a lack of education on your part. Considering your Liberal sense of morality, I can fully understand how it would take such a toll on you. You have my sympathy.
    • Creamcrackered
      Thanks for your response 1465. As I said to Hulk, my main focus was on why the Jewish Peoples were persecuted in many countries even prior to world war two, why were they subjected to comments such as "Jewish Problem, Jewish Question, and horrendously, Final solution?" Prior to world war 2, the Balfour declaration was made, in the interests of Britain and France in the middle east during 1916, the first official contact was made to the Zionists, with the draft of the draft Sykes–Picot agreement. What prompted these contacts was the allusion to the aspirations of Zionist Jews to settle in Palestine, included in the critical response to the Sykes-Picot draft agreement, written by Captain Reginald Hall, chief of Naval Intelligence, in January 1916. A month later, Hugh O’Beirne, one of the most senior officials at the Foreign Office, distributed a minute, summing up the FO's views of the political advantages that adoption of Zionist interests in Palestine could bring to the allies’ cause, especially in the US. Since the search had already begun for ways to release Britain from her obligations to France in the Middle East, even before the ratification of the agreement, Sykes moved to explore the Zionist option. From the British perspective, the area south of the line extending from northern Iraq to the Mediterranean, or from the last E of Acre to the last K of Kirkuk, as Sykes once put it, should come under British control. While it was obvious that the agreement with the French did not convincingly fulfil such a vision, it was believed that bringing the Zionists to the table could supersede the French demands and secure southern Syria as a British area of influence.
    • Army Veteran
      Hulk has no idea what he's talking about. If you want to learn that, check out this link - it provides an excellent explanation:
    • Army Veteran
      Hulk - If I'm such a liar, then explain this:
    • Army Veteran
      CC: The reason they were persecuted has to do with how they've been stereotyped. When someone points out how Jews are astute in the areas of finance and own most of the media and banks, the immediate response is "misinformation" based on stereotyping. But it is not stereotyping - saying that it is, is a form of censorship to steer one's belief in another direction. However, it isn't all Jews. This is where it is so important to understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism - they're completely different although Zionism hides behind Judaism to block criticism. Judaism is the cultural and religious aspect of the Jews. Their reputation has been dragged under the bus by Zionism - which is a political movement, and distinctly different from Jewish culture and religion until they have a need to exploit the Jews to further their agenda. ¶ An example of this is the Balfour Declaration. The Zionists have more money than anyone can imagine (because of their involvement in finance, banking, extorting money from governments, etc). They were quite busy in WW1 manipulating countries like a chess game. The Soviet Union backed out of WW1 because Jacob Schiff, a Zionist financier, helped bankroll the Bolshevik Revolution, which took the Soviets out of the war. What this did was free up the German forces that were fighting in the East, allowing them to be moved West where they could put pressure on Britain into making a deal that would net the Zionists Palestine. ¶ Up until the Germans were moved West, Britain had the war all but won. But the Germans brought their submarines, which Britain couldn't defend against. Putting pressure on Britain, they manipulated Britain into handing over Palestine after the war in exchange for getting the United States into the war. ¶ The United States was maintaining a neutral position where the war was concerned. A Zionist lawyer named Samuel Untermyer defended a woman who had been promiscuous with Woodrow Wilson when he was an instructor at a university. She needed $40,000 to invest in a business, and Untermyer tightened the screws around Wilson for it. Wilson didn't have it, so Untermyer offered to pay it for him in exchange for a favor to be repaid at a future date. That favor turned out to be the appointment of the first Jewish (Zionist) Supreme Court Justice. As corruption breeds corruption, the "favors" didn't stop there. The Zionists needed America to get involved in the war on Britain's side so that they could get their hands on Palestine. The Balfour Declaration was Britain's written guarantee that they would comply on the condition that they won. ¶ Thus, we see the difference between Judaism and Zionism. Zionism is political, they have no scruples, and they're not above throwing the religious Jews under the bus if need be. They (Zionists) campaigned throughout the teens, twenties, and thirties to raise money and universal support using the "Homeland for the Jews" sales pitch because sympathy was more effective than "to establish a political state in the Middle East". And it has been because of the political Zionists that hide behind the Jews that the world has come to hate all Jews. Until people learn the difference between religion and politics, it's always going to be that way.
  • No. That is: the term could have been completely different linguistically. (In fact it was often referred to as "the Jewish Problem"...) It was the CONCEPT that led to the desire for some sort of solution, (including "the Final Solution"). The TERM used was not significant. *** For example: what if that very same term was used to refer to when Jewish Sabbath starts? (Note: this is a real matter of discussion among Jewish scholars. Does Sabbath start when the rim of the solar disk first touches the horizon, or when the solar disk is split by the horizon, or the moment when the rim of the solar disk falls below the horizon?) IF in the early 1900s that Jewish religious quibble were widely referred to as "The Jewish Question", of course that TERM would NOT have led to the Nazi concept of "the Final Solution" And that is because it is not the TERM that was the cause of the search for such a solution.
    • Creamcrackered
      I'm less concerned about terms, although the terms used demonstrate a gross discrimination against these peoples, but more regarding why they were so disliked and persecuted by so many countries even prior to world war 2?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      1465: Zionism wasn't the reason Germany lost WWI. It was because the US entered the war. I don't have enough time or patience to answer the rest of your screed. Anyone with Google can look it up and see how wrong you are. I advise everyone to do so. You are nothing but a bully. That's all you are. A racist, anti-semetoc bully.
    • Creamcrackered
      The Zionists were called in to world war 1, by both the British and French Hulk, in order to have some form of power within Palestine. This was when the Balfour Declaration was made, it demonstrates a way of using a peoples to their own benefit.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      CC: what does this mean, can you provide a link "The Zionists were called in to world war 1, by both the British and French Hulk, in order to have some form of power within Palestine."
    • Creamcrackered
      See:- Skyes-Picot agreement. Quote "Following the outbreak of World War I, Zionism was first discussed at a level on 9 November 1914, four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire. At a Cabinet meeting David Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, "referred to the ultimate destiny of Palestine." Lloyd George's law firm Lloyd George, Roberts and Co had been engaged a decade before by the Zionists to work on the British Uganda Programme. In a discussion after the meeting with fellow Zionist Herbert Samuel, who had a seat in the Cabinet as President of the Local Government Board, Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine."Samuel then outlined the Zionist position more fully in a conversation with Foreign Secretary Edward Grey. He spoke of Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire. Samuel's memoirs state: "I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk" The same evening, Prime Minister H. H. Asquith announced that the dismemberment of the Turkish Empire had become a war aim in a speech at the Lord Mayor's Banquet. On January 1915 Samuel submitted a Zionist memorandum entitled The Future of Palestine to the Cabinet after discussions with Weizmann and Lloyd George. On 5 February 1915, Samuel had another discussion with Grey: "When I asked him what his solution was he said it might be possible to neutralize the country under international guarantee ... and to vest the government of the country in some kind of Council to be established by the Jews.
    • Army Veteran
      Hulk: "Zionism wasn't the reason Germany lost WWI. It was because the US entered the war." - just who do you think brought them into the war?

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