• She was arrested and taken out of the pharmacy in handcuffs
  • Same reason political science majors commit treason - there is no such thing as too much money and power.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you :)
  • I dunno. There was a case last week in NYC - former Miss America, college grad, college athlete, then lawyer and talk show personality (yes, she did ALL of those amazing things)...and then she killed herself at the ripe old age of twenty-something. NOT after her career had crashed, but in fact at the height of her career and fame. Tremendous accomplishments and, as far as I know, not one bad thing to her name. Why? *I* certainly don't know. I love life. I'm not deliriously happy or anything like that...but I'm quite attached to living and want to keep doing it. I guess I have a persistent hope that things can get better, and that there are things I can one day do that I want to do that I can't do now.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for sharing

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