• Totally Trolling
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Actually BM, its Halloween Humor.
  • Trump. He is unpredictable. lol
    • Army Veteran
      That would be scary for someone who has a reason to be scared.
  • Jason is (blatantly) fictional, so it's hard to be frightened of him even a little. It's like being frightened of Darth Vader Jr. (Kylo Ren) at your front door. *** I never liked Trump. I'll never understand why or how the doofus won the Republican nomination for the 2016 election. But seeing what Biden has done, especially with "the border" and with Afghanistan, I wish that almost anyone else were in office...even (shudder) Trump.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      The people who are complaining of illegals taking their jobs would be the same people complaining if a white person took their jobs. Its what happens to low-skill folks. They are at the mercy of the elements. If it wasn't Mexicans it would be something else. Of course those low skill whites could always pick cherries for $1.50/hr if they wanted to experience the "pride in work" but they don't. They just want to sit in their booties and collect a welfare check and blame it on the Mexicans. Great Scam! lol
    • Army Veteran
      The problem with your "logic" (if I may go so bold as to call it that) is the word "illegals". Illegals don't belong in the country, to begin with. So if the law was enforced the way it should be, there would be no "illegals" in the country, and employers wouldn't have the chance to pay cut-rate wages for jobs. They would be required by law to pay the minimum wage. If the jobs given to illegals paid minimum wage, you wouldn't have people "sitting around on their booties collecting welfare checks".
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Underground economies exist all over the world. Its called the Black Market. Getting rid of it is impossible. Also, every country has its share of illegals. Its been going on ever there have been countries. Look at the USA. The Europeans were illegals and the Indians tried to kick them out. We will always have illegals no matter what we do. Its called "Looking for a better life" like the Pilgrims were. As in Thanksgiving!!!!!!! LOL - Deal with it. Besides, they pay sales tax and the never get credit for it. Stop blaming Mexicans for your problems. If it weren't for them you couldn't afford to buy fruit or vegatables.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Thanksgiving is an holiday that celebrates the illegal immigration of the Pilgrims to Native American territory. !
  • Be afraid. Be very afraid! Let's go Brandon!
  • Trump re-elected because the man is a genuine psychopath and has real problems. Jason Voorhees is a fictional character so there’s no reason to be afraid of him. Trump is a lunatic. Good riddance to him now that he’s out of office since last year. He made a mess of America making the Americans look bad. Then there was the time when some of his supporters went through the building while few were killed. That’s real horror and not a Friday the 13th movie
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Kevin, Joe Biden never tried to buy Greenland, re-draw Hurricane Dorian while it was active, or suggest people shoot bleach in their veins. Trump did. The only idiot here is YOU>lol
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Who is Kevin? I think your comment is meant for another user.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Shadow, it was meant for Kevin. His remark was taken down for calling someone else an idiot.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Oh ok
    • Army Veteran
      Hulk70156: " was meant for Kevin. His remark was taken down for calling someone else an idiot." Hulk70156 (above): "The only idiot here is YOU>lol".'re not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?
    • Army Veteran
      Trump never suggested that people shoot bleach in their veins - that is a downright lie and has been proven. You just refuse to accept it because you have nothing else against him that even comes close to the truth. Here is a link that explains exactly what the incident was about and what was said. Have someone read it to you s-l-o-w-l-y. In the future, please refrain from spreading lies - it doesn't help your credibility (as if it's worth anything, to begin with).
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Okay, so he didn't specifically say bleach but he did say disinfectant, like Lysol, Formula 409 Windex, or Pine Sol. Feel better now?
    • Army Veteran
      That's right - he didn't "specifically say bleach" - but that's never stopped you from saying it - no matter how many times you've been told otherwise. It's a bone that you like to chew on. The other references you mention were said - but not to "ingest" them (did you have someone read the page I linked to for you?). He was expanding on what William Bryan, the undersecretary for science and technology at the Department of Homeland Security said about a study that found sun exposure and cleaning agents like bleach can kill the virus when it lingers on surfaces. What Trump was suggesting was a food-grade solution of these cleaning agents that might work. Before you go into your "DUH" mode, there are a lot of chemicals that have a food-grade use to them for ingestion in the body - hydrogen peroxide is one. If you recall, the incident played out in June of 2020 - before a vaccine had been found. It was during a time when the Libtards were accusing him of not doing anything about the virus (which was started by Democraps). It was none other than Joe Biden himself who said that Trump suggested ingesting bleach. So THERE is your source for accuracy - Lying Joe Biden. Still think he's so great? Of course, you do - you're still repeating his lies.
    • Army Veteran
      You like that "buying Greenland" matter, don't you? Here's something you **OBVIOUSLY** don't know. Other countries have had ideas of buying Greenland as well - including China **AND** President Harry Truman - for $100 million in 1946. When you get on something, you don't like to let go do you? No matter how stupid or incorrect it is.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I cite Greenland because it is proof of Trump being out of touch of reality. Its proof of his dementia. You don't buy people. Its called slavery and its illegal. You didn't know this so you are also out of touch with reality. And neither Truman or China ever tried to buy Greenland. If they had I would have found out by now. lol.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      And I'm pretty sure if you injected (or drank) hydrogen peroxide you would die. You are out of touch of reality too. No wonder you like Trump.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      If you think hydrogen peroxide is safe to drink, why don't you try it?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      And while you busy drinking food-grade hydrogen peroxide, whatever that is, tell me how the Democratic Party devised Covid? I'm fascinated. And btw how did Trump win the 2020 election? LOL, LOL, LOL
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Can the 2 of you place your comments under someone else's answer? I'm not part of the conversation between Hullk70156 and 1465
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Shadow, I didn't design this website. I have no choice as to where the answers are put. I do know however that Liberals and Progressives lose elections because people like 1465 are left unchallenged. Even though his opinions are crazy, some people think they are truthful. That's is why I am so concerned about people like him. He may be crazy but he's also dangerous.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Ok but if you communicate with this person next time can you respond underneath their answer please?
  • Hard to say. replies "We found 74 people named Jason Vorhees with email addresses, mobile phone numbers, USA home addresses and more." Which one do you mean?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I bet there are lots of Freddy Kruegers and Michael Myers
  • If we are giving Bad Humor (BM) as you've said, what about Jason vs. Biden? After Afghanistan, he's running up.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      There was nothing Biden could do. The government wasn't paying its troops,
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Perhaps Biden could have asked the Taliban to delay their invasion until the government was ready? How do you think that would have gone?
    • Army Veteran
      Everything that has happened since Biden took office has been Biden's fault.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Actually I wanted Bernie Sanders, not Biden to be president.
  • DT 4 sure
  • It's interesting that so many people still find Trump "dangerous". They're blaming COVID on unvaccinated people while, at the same time, supporting Biden's open borders policy to bring hundreds of thousands of new COVID cases into the country at an ever-growing rate. There's logic for you - and Democrats are sooo smart. It would be funny, except their "high intelligence" is destroying the country.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      If you are unvaxxed, you have a much higher chance of spreading covid. Trump called it a Democratic Hoax. I have said repeatedly. Stop spading lies and cork your bottle. Its tiresome having to correct you on the same stuff day after day after day. You do this for fun don't you?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      Okay Trump said "disinfectant" like Lysol, or Pine Sol, Or Ajax, or Simple Green or Windex, Formula 409. Sales of all these products were increased after he said this. >
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      The choice between Trump and anybody else is the choice between sanity and the loss of sanity.
    • Army Veteran
      RE: the first link you provided - did you bother checking the date or does it not matter? The page you linked to was dated Feb 2020 - the Coronavirus had been in the US for what...a MONTH already? After the 4-year-long scandals thrown at him and an impeachment attempt based on nothing but hoaxes, what else did you expect him to think? There's a saying that goes: "If a man's mistakes determine what he was, then what he does about those mistakes should determine what he is." Looking ahead at the end of 2020, Trump had an effective vaccine on the market - after the Left claimed it would take several years. What Trump did - after making the "hoax" statement (an obvious mistake) identifies his integrity more than you're willing to give him credit for. But you don't want to give him credit for anything, do you? You expect him to be perfect in every way - but you're not above making up things to hold against him.
    • Army Veteran
      "Okay Trump said "disinfectant" like Lysol, or Pine Sol, Or Ajax, or Simple Green or Windex, Formula 409." - I again refer to the link I posted. You either didn't read it or else you have a serious problem with comprehension skills. I might suggest the latter. Again, he was pondering using **food-grade** levels of cleaning agents. He threw these out as an example of known virus-killing agents so that simpletons like anyone on the Lib side of the aisle might comprehend. But alas, this too went over your heads - stopping at the level of "LOOK! Something else to hold against him!".
    • Army Veteran
      "Its tiresome having to correct you on the same stuff day after day after day. You do this for fun don't you?" - LOL. It's amazing how people in denial can be so entertaining. : )
  • I suppose that Donald Trump would be to a left wing Godless Communist, but to normal people the thought of another tired and wore out sequel that is just the same thing over again is so sickening that it is frightening.
  • Trump re-elected of course. It would kill off what's left of the US economy. Jason would just kill a few people.
    • Kevin1960
      I don't recall $4.00+ gasoline, 6.2% annual inflation, or massive supply chain issues under Trump. Your idea of a boisterous economy is idiotic.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      People are staying at home now because they like it. They don't want to wear a mask to work and they don't want to get vaccinated. That's not Biden's fault. Biden can't do anything about it.
  • I agree with Shadow. Rump is a egotistical lying psychopath.
    • Army Veteran
      Is there any kind of proof behind your accusations or is mimicking Shadow the best you can do?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I've given you tons of proof. There have also been several books. You probably work for Trump in some capacity or you would respond intelligently.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      And how about Hurricane Dorian, 1465? How do you explain that dumbo move? lol Or taking the side of the Russians against the CIA at Helsinki?.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans

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