• He is playing with us, wanting the U.S. to give him money. The left likes to pay evil people to behave themselves.
    • Victorine
      Don't be moronic, dear.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • He doesn't want to go to war with the US. He knows we are vastly more powerful and have many more weapons. He's just saber-rattling, trying to make himself look tough in front of his people. As for whether he's ill, none of us has any way to know what the situation may be. If he is sick, however, that would be even more of an incentive to make himself look and feel more powerful than he actually is.
    • Douglas Wade
      I agree with everything you stated, however, we do pay countries to behave themselves. Pakistan is one example.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
    • Victorine
      Douglas, we give foreign aid (and other countries give aid to us) to maintain positive relations, both economic and political. This has been going on for thousands of years. I am a historian, and I think you need a few history lessons. It's about benefiting ourselves, not making countries "behave themselves" as though they were small children getting an allowance or a bribe. Grow up and grasp the principles of Realpolitik.

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