• More likely, you'll be seeing another Trump presidency after the faceplant of the current administration.
    • Victorine
      There will never be another Trump administration, not after the disaster of his one term. No one could do worse. You do grasp that political scientists and presidential historians -- people in a far better position than than you are to say -- rate him as one of the worst presidents we've ever had? Whereas Biden is one of the most experienced and qualified presidents we've had. Claims like yours are mere wishful thinking. No one of intelligence, education, and genuine knowledge takes them seriously.
    • Kevin1960
      75 million would disagree. And, there's a big diff between education and indoctrination.
    • Victorine
      Dear, you don't know what "indoctrination" actually is, clearly. That's where education matters. You learn to understand the difference. Have a nice day, sweetheart, in your limited little way.
    • Army Veteran
      @Victorine - If Trump was such a bad president, why is he still such a threat?
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      @1465 - He is such a great threat because 1) He lies his fat little ass off and 2) the people who follow him are stupid. I'll grant you the economy was great under him but you have to give Obama credit after he saved us from the Bush years. Remember the Big Three Auto Makers and how they were going to go under, or the S&L criss or the recession of 2008 and the subprime mortgage crisis - all Republican inspired. Trump did handled the economy well but Hitler built the Autobahn and Mussolini made the trains run on time. Economic success has to be measured in terms of other things as well, not just money. Or we won't have a democracy anymore. Oh, and I want a president who isn't trying to redraw hurricane Dorian or trying to buy Greenland. How about "Love Letters" from North Korea or the Coronavirus is a Democratic lie. And what about the Russian help he had in winning the election - Since when is he in a position to say anything about truthfulness when his whole life has been a lie. lol
  • No. He'll die or his mental-health issues will worsen significantly before all the legal issues are resolved. This will take years. On the tax matters, he and/or his company will likely pay huge fines, penalties and interest. He may also be sued for non-payment of debts -- he has a history of stiffing creditors, and he personally guaranteed loans from Deutsche Bank, but again, that could take years to resolve and will most likely result in financial settlements. Then his lawyers will probably sue because he hasn't paid THEM. They'll have to get money out of the company, what's left of it, because as I said, he will probably be dead or entirely around the bend.
  • In all honesty No, it will not come to a prison sentence.
  • He hasn't done anything wrong but expose the corruption that is "the swamp".
    • Victorine
      My dear, Donald Trump is the epitome of "corruption". If you don't know that, you haven't been paying attention.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      @1465 Ignoring the truth is the only way you can say stuff like "He hasn't done anything wrong" lol. How much are they paying you to post t this???? lol You remind me of the little kid who got caught stealing and still insists, I didn't do it, I didn't do it lol. Your problem is that you have no facts to support your conclusion. lol
    • Army Veteran
      No...I just ran out of patience and no longer debate people who exemplify "no child left behind".
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      I just want a president who isn't trying to overthrow the government and give it to Putin. You're problem is you lack patriotism and are very dangerous.
    • Army Veteran
      Stay tuned, Hulk. Eventually, even your own denial will disenfranchise you. If Trump was such a "bad" president, why are they still so scared of him?

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