• Would 4 more years of Mr. Trump made America any better?
    • Charin Cross
      we'd still have the Keystone pipline, low taxes, people would be going back to work instead of taking checks from the gov't to not work, which is socialism BTW. Biden is going to raise the corporate tax again and drive business and jobs back overseas. he's going to reinstate AND FUND the Paris Accord too which would be nothing without US money. And this open border policy of Biden's is not only allowing unaccompanied minor into the country, but drugs, and human traffickers. You can't honestly believe that senile old coot is doing ANYTHING good for this country! Biden is undoing all the good Trump did FOR THE PEOPLE! THAT'S difference between Democrats and Republicans RIGHT THERE!!
  • Covid would remain the same with the media and social networks. You just need to wait and see..😎
    • DancesWithWolves
      Yes thank you :)
  • Shut up, pay no attention to what we do, and above all, wear your snot-catcher. The liberals' new ideas for leadership.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Ok Radical Republicans
  • STOP CALLING PEOPLE RADICAL REPUBLICANS!! If anybody is radical it's the RADICAL leftist Democrats!! Ask the people of Portland Oregon!!
    • DancesWithWolves
      Ok Radical Republicans

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