• Christmas. Worrying about who gets what, and who did I possibly forget. It's only good for kids.
    • Celifrog
      Yeah, it sucks when you're an adult and your expected to get people gifts. :/
  • I am not a big fan of Valentine's Day, not that it's an official holiday. Don't get me wrong: I love my husband, and he loves me. We are both content with a nice card; we don't need some expensive declaration or proof of our feelings. But a lot of people seem to. Their expectations are unrealistic, and this creates a lot of anxiety and insecurity. Or, if they don't have a significant other in the picture, they get depressed. Then there's the school thing -- you have to go out and buy valentines for every child in the class, so no one feels left out, make your child sign them, and then the child comes home with 20-something cheap valentines he doesn't care about and tosses in the trash. It's all too much for just one day. Christmas is just one day, too, technically, but the truth is that Christmas is really a whole season that ruins between Thanksgiving and New Year's, and I find that season enjoyable.
  • Yom Kippur

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