• I think a dead body is wrong (because it will stink). 2) you shouldn't save your old "love" rags under there, like a collection (again, because it will stink) 3) bowling ball and vaseline (yea yea, well, it's a bowler thing) 4) it's not a good place to chain your immigrant kitchen help you dont have to pay 5) under no circumstances should you keep David Letterman under there (you'll never get any sleep..he'll be throwing pens and tie-straightening, and teaching your slave labor cuss words. You'd regret it. Trust me on this one. I would know. I am in fact the retired Lou Bud Melman.
    • beaker95
  • A naked Stephen Hawking - 75 feet of pig intestines stuffed into a pair of pantyhose - A jar containing 14 regurgitated cheese burgers - Caitlyn Jenner's testicles - A pair of vice-grips clamped to a severed finger.
    • beaker95
  • A dead body, dirty dishes, cat feces, hamburger meat, sybian, no, wait, that belongs there, my knife collection yeah that's it.
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Sybian!! ROFL (I like the ad "30 years of orgasms. 5 year guarantee") But wow they're charging WAY too much for a hobbyhorse! (although for an extra fee it comes disguised as a foot stool. Nice :D
    • Mr PantsFellDown (click the "buy" tab to see more details.)
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      And for men, for only $8,000.00 you can get a Real Doll (lol) Wanna see? You can't. She's in the bath right now. (I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I dont have $8,000 :{
    • Linda Joy
      (Smiling) I thought you'd like that! Unfortunately I don't have the cash either :( Hey! I know! We can ask your ex girlfriends rich daddy for the money! (Really laughing now!)
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Oh I can see the letter I'd have to type now... "Dear Mr M. - I know you're a busy man, what with counting all your money and all. But I thought perhaps I could offer some help with that problem. See if you give me some of it, there'll be less work counting what's left" - signed Mr PantsFellDown (but not in front of your daughter, I swears *blink*) ...... LETTER COMES BACK: Mr PantsFellDown, I hardly think anything you said is appropriate, and I should probably have Geeves call the police. ...What is it you need this money for? -Dr M ..... LETTER BACK from me: "Dr M - Linda Joy would like an $1800 sex toy. And I would like one that costs $8,000. I have a philosophical issue with the pricing of these items..for it is more often the financially challenged who end up in need of such products. Therefore, I feel a rich man owes me. - Sincerely yours, Mr PantsFellDown REPLY: *sound of cold wind* *dog (of doom) barking* *life itself laughing at Mr Pants* *tumbleweed..* :(
    • Linda Joy
      Lol oh my!

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