• Are you referring to the narrow road that leads to heaven as opposed to the wide road that leads to hell? Hmm ok. The narrow road would be the direct route the ball takes that leads from the offensive line to the to the goal line the wide road that leads to hell would be running laterally and getting hit by a bunch of Defenders?
    • Anoname
      Can't go wrong using football metaphores.
    • Linda Joy
      I don't think I could have done it with any other sport.
  • 6-1-2017 ACYROLOGIA -- An incorrect use of words -- particulately replacing one word with another word that sounds similar but has a diffident meaning -- possibly fuelled by a deep-seeded desire to sound more educated, witch results in an attempt to pawn off an incorrect word in place of a correct one. In academia, such flaunting of common social morays is seen as almost sorted and might result in the offender becoming a piranha, in the Monday world, after all is set and done, such a miner era will often leave normal people unphased. This is just as well sense people of that elk are unlikely to tow the line irregardless of any attempt to better educate them. A small percentage, however, suffer from severe acyrologiaphobia, and it is their upmost desire to see English used properly. Exposure may cause them symptoms that may resemble post-dramatic stress disorder and, eventually, descend into whole-scale outrage as they go star-craving mad. Eventually they will succumb to the stings and arrows of such a barrage, and suffer a complete metal breakdown, leaving them curled up in the feeble position.
    • Linda Joy
      Is this why you don't ask questions? Because you don't want people to be as rude to you as you are to them? Or can you just not think of any good questions to ask regardless of your supposed enormous vocabulary?
    • Linda Joy
      And once again you didn't answer the question.
    • Anoname
      I noticed he didn't answer the Q also. Did you also notice he said, "post-dramatic" instead of post-TRAUMATIC, and "stings and arrows " instead of SLINGS and arrows, and "star raving mad" instead of starK raving mad, also he said it would cause a "metal breakdown" instead of meNtal breakdown, he also said "wiTch results" instead of wHich results, and "Monday world" instead of MUNDANE world, then he said when all is "set and done" instead of SAID and done, and curled up in a "feeble position " instead of FETAL position, and a few other intentional errors... ..."replacing one word with another word that sounds similar but has a diffident meaning --" and he spelled the word diffIDent instead of diffERent.
    • Anoname
      He may have been joking. I appreciate that type of humor.
    • Jewels Vern
      Why thank you, Anoname. I thought this was a much better answer than "Gee you're stupid, saying medaphore instead of metaphor". I'm glad you noticed, and I'm trying to be polite by not answering that other ill mannered person.

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