• i guess because not many people would lie about such a thing. also,it'll be in the paper.
  • G'day Shultz, Thank you for your question. Who would sign it? Besides it would seem heartless if you asked grieving relatives to provide a certificate. Most people who ask for leave are genuine. However, it can be a problem if an employee asks for three days off over 6 months because his grandmother dies. The type of employee that would abuse that type of leave is generally someone who is known for other problems and can be easily detected. Regards
  • In most cases, it is considered crass to question such a thing, let alone demand documentation. Unfortunately, it has gotten to the point where some college professors, myself included, are requiring proof because a few students find it to be a convenient excuse. I had a student request an extension on a major assignment due to a death in his family. I felt like a real jerk doing it but I had to make sure his excuse was valid to be fair to the rest of the students that got their work in on time. If he was just missing a regular class, his word would have been good enough.
  • Many employers require such documentation. Most funeral homes have a form for this purpose and will fill it out on request. It's commonly called a "work excuse".
  • Some places make you have some proof for a funeral. Especially if you get paid for funeral leave. I think for the most part people are too superstitious to lie about something like that.
  • Because it is frowned upon to say somebody is dead just to get the day off - this is assumed to exert enough pressure by way of superstitious beliefs (eg, if you say a person is dead, then it may make it come true) - therefore a letter to confirm is unecessary. Also, if the death is true and it was someone close, it would be offensive to ask the person to write confirm it in writing - it could upset them further making them more distraught (as they write the words, Dear Mr Smith, I can't come in as my Mum just died'. Together with the stark reminder provided by writing it down there would also be some anger about "what kind of person would say such a thing if it were not true" Blah blah blah. Of course, all of the above makes it the most fool-proof excuse for getting a day off despite the fact you could only say it once possibly twice at most.
  • Because some people are superstitous . If the employer has built a relationship of sorts with the bereaved one and has got to know them and their family they would. When my brother died my Mum's boss told her she could have however long off she wanted to get over it, he also helps lots of charities and sponsers my family each year on this walk for TCF. He is a nice boss and if most bosses are like that, there would be no need.
  • Most people would assume you not to be so ignorant to use that as an excuse. But also, I don't think an employer would feel right questioning you after they find out that you went/are going to a funeral. Out of respect for you and the deceased most people will leave it at that. (they might ask who passed away, but thats really the most someone will inquire after hearing about you going to a funeral.)
  • I needed proof once for work because of a funeral.The reason was is that i attended 2 funerals the week before that and they just wanted to make sure that i wasn't lying to them..When i came back to work 2 day's later.I gave them the program from my aunt's funeral.They apologized to me bigtime.I guess ppl lie about that stuff all the time.Don't they know about KARMA?

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