• A healthy alternative to regular cow's milk, soy milk provides vitamins and other nutritional benefits with fewer potential risks. Men in particular can benefit from drinking soy milk.

    Soy-Milk Content

    Soy milk contains protein, calcium, and essential fatty acids. Soy milk, while high in dietary fiber, is low in sodium and saturated fat. Soy protein helps men grow and nourish hair.


    Soy milk is lactose-free, making it ideal for men suffering from lactose-intolerance. As an added bonus, soy milk is also free of casein, a protein found in cow's milk that causes many allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems.


    Men who add soy milk to their diet can lower their cholesterol, lower their blood pressure and reduce their risk of both heart disease and prostate cancer.

    Expert Insight

    Researchers from the University of Guelph published a study in the February 2006 edition of the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" stating soy's effects on lowering cholesterol in men. The men given soy protein demonstrated significant improvements in cholesterol profiles, including total:LDL ratio and LDL:HDL ratio.


    The effects men receive from soy milk depend on the quality of the soy milk. Only organic, nongenetically-modified soy milk should be consumed.


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