• Annoying them by spelling "habits" with an extra "b" that shouldn't be there.
    • shar746
      oh really ?>
    • Murgatroyd
      Yes, really.
  • Pedantically correcting orthography.
  • Not doing dishes or cleaning the kitchen after eating immediately and 100% of the time. It's critical because leaving one dirty dish seems to give permission to leave all dishes dirty to wash later (which never happens).
  • Not doing dishes or cleaning the kitchen after eating immediately and 100% of the time. It's critical because leaving one dirty dish seems to give permission to leave all dishes dirty to wash later (which never happens).
  • Pissing in the sink because they're too lazy to walk to the bathroom. Not flushing the toilet when they do decide to use it instead of the sink.
  • Leaving wet towels on the bathroom floor. Making way too much noise late at night. Leaving dirty dishes all over the living space. Leaving laundry in the washer or dryer.
  • Peeing in the kitchen sink

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