• Why do you presume there's privacy in a public forum? That's the type of arrogance that's not only offensive towards atheists, but every one else in general. Furthermore, religion doesn't "adhere" to anyone. It's an abstract concept that's incapable of "adherence" to anything. I think you mean "pertain", in which case YOU'D STILL BE WRONG since religion isn't an exclusive club for the chosen few, no matter what most would care to believe. Religion can apply to anyone. Freedom is can be a painful bitch. Learn to deal with it.
  • Why shouldn't people who don't believe in God have an opinion on religion? And I think you mean that atheists don't adhere to religion rather than the other way round ;0)
  • I answer only questions addresses to atheists, or questions that assume that everybody is a believer, such as "Whey do people do X when God has forbidden it".
  • Mainly because so often, religious questions involve gross misconceptions about atheists, or are interesting, or are offensive. Sometimes, the questions are just plain silly, and are begging for a silly answer. I sometimes just can't resist.
  • i do not subscribe to any one particular religion so in that sense i am an atheist, however, i do think there is a lot that can be learned and shared. basic principles of goodness and compassion are lessons that we can all learn from, so i guess in that sense i am somewhat religious.
  • Anon, I think you mean that they do not adhere to religion.
  • Anyone can have knowledge on religion. You can go study it. You do not have to believe in anything to have a great understanding. I understand that having a faith in something like a 'God' is something different. An atheist trying to answer a personal faith issue is like somebody trying to talk about politics when they do not know anything about it. Religion is different..
  • That is such a clever question. " Doth they protest too much?" +4
  • because it's annoying when people are so obsessed with being religious some things that i see are just ridiculous religious people are SO close minded and they dont understand that their way of thinking is just A way of thinking not THE way everyone has different views and opinions and they REALLY need to accept that
  • Because prior to becoming an agnostic, I was indoctrinated heavily, and am quite knowledgeable on some aspects of religion.
  • Because out of the 10-20 questions for athiests i always see at least one religious person preaching and telling us how we will go to Hell. Then i am quite interested in religion but wont follow it. I have a nice amount of knowlege in religion and i like to correct religious people when they miss quote something :)
  • Its a good and valid question, but watch your spelling. When people can't win an argument with you, they'll jump on your spelling as evidence that you are unintelligent and therefore beneath serious consideration. The spelling is adhere, and I think you actually want the word apply. Atheists don't adhere to religion, religion doesn't adhere to anyone as religion isn't capable of faithfully following anything.
  • A an Atheist Witness I feel it is my duty to express my views.
  • Many atheists are of an evangelical flavor. +5
  • usually because the question is a bit derogetory towards them. this creates usually, an automatically defensive and someimes abusive answer.:)
  • Trolling retarded questions once in a while is fun, whether they are religious or not. :) Though not all religious questions are retarded, most of them that I come across are. . And all the other reasons "randomness" posted.
  • Some "Athiests" are not atheists but "Anti-Theist". Most are too stupid to know the difference. True atheists avoid religious controversies entirely seeing them as useless. It is just people who live without hope and are not content letting anyone else live with theirs that cause trouble.
  • For much the same reason religious folks answer scientific questions.
  • Usually to enlighten the religious folks, since they seem to have very little grasp of reality, science, or even their own religion. Besides religion effects the non-religious in many ways especially when religious people try to enact laws based upon their religious beliefs.
  • Because the vulnerable people who are being seduced by the wolves of religion need to hear the truth so that they don't loose their souls.
  • Are we outcasts of society or something? I'll give my opinion however I please, just like you can ask questions to atheist when we don't pertain to you......
  • Part of it is that many Atheists and Agnostics actually know more about religion than the people who (allegedly) follow religion. Yes, many of us read scripture! Part of it is that religious people tend to have all sorts of wacky misconceptions. Did you know that the reason that Jesus could not be tempted by women was that he had no penis? No joke; I've heard that one before! They *especially* have a lot of misconceptions about other religions. They also sometimes get delusional about role-playing games, music, movies, etcetera. Did you know that every kid who ever watched or read Harry Potter will sacrifice a goat and their souls will wind up in Hell? But mostly we do it out of concern that a lot of Theists seem to not know facts at all. Not reality, not their own scripture, nothing but dogma. We will probably stop when there are no proselytizers trying to make us accept Jesus as our savior, but until then, we are going to try and save your minds just like you try to save our souls.
  • I'm not an athesits, but it is a free site and counrty (the home base for the site is) this is not a strictly religious forum, if you don't wnat everyones opinion start a evangelical religionbag. Why do you answer questions that aren't religious in nature? you can answer your own question, if your brains isn't washed too much to think
  • Although I am an agnostic atheist, I enjoy discussing religion. Religion played a large role in my upbringing, and it continues to play a large role in how the world is run, so it can't hurt to know a thing or two about it.
  • Excuse, but you got that the wrong way round. Glue doesn't adhere to me, but I don't adhere to religion. I don't answer questions about religion, I answer ones against religion. You may remark the subtle difference. However I always ask myself why those scripture quoters paste segments of their history books in our science forum. Have they no respect or have they taken up Jehovah's recruitment tactics?
  • That's like saying, "Why do you protest --- war? You won't be drafted, so what do you care?" Because we're concerned about the way things are going.
  • Personally, I like talking about religion. I don't let my atheism get in the way of that. Even more importantly, I like attacking Christians, because they make the funniest sounds.
  • Because religion is their opposite number. Just because someone is a white supremacist does not automatically ban them from answering questions about other races.
  • duh. athiesm is a religion
  • Dont let them kid you........ATHEISM is just another RELIGION with all the same EMOTIONAL FERVER and BLIND dismissal of alternatives to their own dogmatic theories!!!!!!!!! AGNOSTIC who doesn't have the kind of arrogance it takes to dismiss other belifes especially when neither the christians who say GOD started it all or the Materialists who say a SINGULARITY started it begs the same question..........WHO or WHAT created GOD/SIGULARITY.....that created the universe............equally as lame!!!!!!!!!
  • I guess it's because until this site is called BibleBag, we are all free to answer as we see fit.

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