• James said: Faith without works is dead. Works are our response and use of faith. Works do not get us to heaven or make us in better standing with God. Works are the display of our gratitude to God and our shining in the world that others may see God in us. Good works are able to deepen our faith in God as we rely upon Him for support in our efforts to please Him.
  • I just wanted to throw in something completely out of this question. I don't think christians should support ufc or mma events. however they should support martial arts. Believing in something and having faith in something or meeting someone you miss terribly one day can be a good thing.
  • It means that unless a person’s faith is based upon a solid foundation and is firmly established, he will be in danger of being swept off his feet in the whirlpool of doubt and uncertainty by reason of the flood of these “misleading inspired utterances.” This plainly emphasizes the vital importance of taking in accurate knowledge of Bible truth, which is the very basis of faith. To the sincere Christian it also indicates the importance of being teachers of the truth, capable of instructing others in the way of life. Paul’s words to young Timothy apply forcefully today: “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.”—1 Tim. 4:16 Jesus said: “He that exercises faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do; and he will do works greater than these, because I am going my way to the Father.” (Joh 14:12) Evidently, Christ did not mean that his followers would do works of a more miraculous kind than he did, for there is no Biblical record that any of them performed a miracle surpassing that of Jesus in raising Lazarus who had been dead for four days. (Joh 11:38-44) But, since Jesus was going to the Father, and his followers would receive the holy spirit to be witnesses of him “both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth” (Ac 1:8), they would cover a greater area and work for a longer time than did Jesus, in this sense doing greater works than he did, Matt 24:14
  • There is no relationship between faith and works. Faith is about fervently trying to convince and bullshit yourself, God and everyone else into believing that you believe that God exists. As if belief in God is enough to make you a good person and secure you a ticket into heaven. Works on the other hand, is about making a positive contribution to society and helping your fellow man. People who focus on the faith aspect forget that the Bible says : "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers; That you do unto me."
  • The relationship between faith and works is similar to the relationship between a tree and an apple. Without the fruit, of what value is the tree? It may provide itself with shelter from the sun by way of its leaves. But it does not grow and spread beyond where it started. It does not multiply and bring benefit to others. Faith without works does not nurture, does not spread, does not renew itself. And when it dies, nothing remains to show it was there. Without the tree, how does the fruit come into being? Works with out faith is like a seedless apple. It may satisfy for a moment, but does not contain within it the means of regenerating itself. Works without faith cannot sustain itself. It will fail. You will know a tree by the kind of fruit it brings forth. And you will know a faith by the works it brings forth. In the name of faith some people bring forth truck bombs and death. Others build hospitals and places of learning, or feed the hungry. By their fruit, you will know them.
  • Keep the faith do the works

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