• That's just nasty...yes it's unavoidable, but it doens't mean you should act like a slob about it....women do know how to clean up after themselves....UGH
  • Us ladies should clean up after ourselves. It's like peeing on the toilet rim. Don't you wipe it off? Menstruation should be dealt with the same way.
  • If you make any kind of mess on the toilet, you clean up after yourself. Unless the person is blind, there is no reason for leaving blood on a seat.
  • It's not something I have ever encountered. And I've been around a lot of women. Menstrual blood doesn't really bother me. I can see how an accident like that might happen.
  • That's just gross, and that ain't no lady who leaves it there.
  • I don't really understand how it's unavoidable, unless they're like jumping up and down on the seat or flinging around the um....anyway Ive never had that problem lol
  • When I see something like that (maybe once in a blue moon because I'm usually hanging out in the MEN's restroom) I simply go, "Yuck" and then forget about it. I don't dwell on it. You and Rickster might have something in common: An interest in Womens' periods. Maybe you guys should get to know each other.
  • I'm female and that is just gross. There is NO need for that whatsoever - it's disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Once my young neice forgot to flush, and I was next in the bathroom. It looked as if someone had slaughtered a goat. It occurred to me that she would have been terribly embarrassed if I mentioned it, so I simply flushed the porcelain pony and kept it to myself. Problem solved.  
  • I've seen that way too many times. Its nasty every time I see it. But I've seen worst. People, if you leave a mess for the love of Pete just clean it up.
  • In all my 50+ years on this earth, I have never encountered this type this situation in a ladies' bathroom; and I think I've been in many more than you, young man. If it's a co-ed bathroom, then for all concerned, leave a note or tell facilities mgmt.
  • You should be grossed out by peoples' lack of hygiene and consideration for others using the bathroom.
  • Eh. I work construction, so I bleed all the time too. I just clean it up and move on. Still, that's a good way to spread disease, and it would gross me out that someone would leave blood lying around.
  • It's gross. Blood, of any type, for any reason shed, just slathered over anything I'm going to be using is completely unnecessary. Similarly, men, watch your aim when you're standing there. Honestly, blood, urine, feces, its all supposed to go -in- the toilet. That's why its full of water and you can goddamn well flush it. If a person is just going to get all of their bodily fluids all over the bathroom and leave it for someone else to deal with, why not just take a shit on the living room carpet. Animals. And people wonder why I disparage humanity.
  • If they were really ladies they would at least put the seat up. I would hardly call them ladies.
  • WTF? That's disgusting. Why would a girl do that? I'm disgusted just by the women who don't flush in public places so the whole bowl fills with blood.... let alone on the seat. As a woman.... I don't even understand how it would get on the seat....
  • I'm a woman - and I can't even see how that happens. I don't think I've ever gotten blood on the seat. I always check the toilet seat before I leave the bathroom because I want to make sure it's tidy for the next person. I would expect anyone else to do the same.
  • okay men as far as the pee seat comment goes, I have never had to deal with that, and guys leaving the seat up actually gives me comfort. I know they put it up in an attempt to make sure they did not get their bodily fluids on there, women I give you two pieces of advice, one if at all avoidable keep your bajingo off the actual seat. I actually kneel I don't sit on any toilets. but two if it is absolutely unavoidable to keep any bodily fluids off the toilet seat then you need to be prepared with bleach wipes in your bathroom. you just wipe the seat down. and then its sanitary for the next person and nobody gets aids or herpes
  • No better when a gal leaves the seat a mess than when a guy does. When you leave the bathroom, male or female, you should check to make sure the seat and bowl are clean and the toilet has flushed completely. Its just good manners.
  • Thankfully I've never encountered it, as every woman I've known has learned about hygiene.
  • I thank all that is holy that I have not had to deal with this matter.
  • I am a woman and it is not unavoidable and it would certainly gross me out. It is unhygienic and lazy not to clean any personal problem that a woman may have.
  • Ok, I'm female and this grosses me out. Who is the nasty woman you live with?? How embarrassing for her, it must have been hard being raised by wolves.
  • IIEEEW!! What kinda woman do you live with??
  • I'm a woman, and that grosses me out to no end! Just wipe the damn thing off! Besides, we yell at the guys to wipe the seat when they pee... isn't blood worse?! I'm with ya, buddy!
  • If you love a woman, you are willing to put up with just about anything. No one is perfect,you know. So, if there is blood on the seat, well just clean it up and take care of her. If she overlooked such a thing, she is either very miserable or very messy. If she is the former, then as her lover it is your job to take care of her. If it is the later, and you find it intolerable, then maybe you need to reexamine your plans for the future.
  • Going number two is natural too, and if any gets on the seat it should be wiped up as well.
  • in jamaica menstruated blood is the sickest most disgusting thing possibly ever imagined. the insult "bumbo clat" means tampon and is a very popular disrespect. no matter what case, that toilet seat should be cleaned. and if i saw that i would never EVER use that toilet again.
  • a box of baby wipes in a convenient place makes this easy to clean up, egads i would never leave something like that behind even if i was not a neat freak. +5
  • I was a cleaner of many things over the year but somehow I always got the toilet detail in camp~ in the military and in a factory I worked and yes~~ the women's toilet was always the nastiest it just a fact of life
  • No it does not gross me out.It's normal you know,maybe some ladies can't help it.But let us ask ourselves this question:if ladies see semen on the closet would it gross them out?It would mean a guy jerked-off to some of them.
  • Most women spend their lives trying to hide the fact that it's their period, and are mortified if anyone finds out. I'm sure the woman who left that would be mortified if she knew. So I have to conclude she doesn't know. You *must* be talking about under the seat because women do not leave evidence in plain sight. Women do not look under the seat. That's the dirty province of men. I am generally too disgusted by the crap men leave under the seat and ignore, than what women leave under the seat by accident.
  • No, it doesn't gross me out. Perhaps it was careless to leave it behind. Wipe it up and get over it. Wash your hands afterwards. Women menstruate. There's nothing unclean about it. We just get indoctrinated into silly taboos, mostly by religious men.

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