• Yep. I read the Harvard study on stuff like that. Apparently the faster someone can read that garbage the smarter they are. I was two paragraphs into the study before I realized it was jumbled.
  • Yes, all the time.
  • Yup, of course.. in London they actually use sentences like that for advertising the fact that public transport staff won't take abuse from customers.
  • Yes, I can raed sfutf lkie taht esaliy.
  • After being on this site a few months I have become an expert actually!
  • Sometimes. I know what your sentence says.
  • Yeah and I've understood it
  • Yes. (Have you ever read a sentence like this and still understood it?) I found a discussion on this here: 'Typoglycemia is a neologism given to a purported recent discovery about the cognitive processes behind reading written text. The word appears to be a portmanteau of "typo", as in typographical error, and "hypoglycemia". It is an urban legend/Internet meme that appears to have an element of truth to it. - The legend, propagated by email and message boards, purportedly demonstrates that readers can understand the meaning of words in a sentence even when the interior letters of each word are scrambled. As long as all the necessary letters are present, and the first and last letters remain the same, readers appear to have little trouble reading the text.' 'No such research was carried out at Cambridge University. The creation of such email messages started with a letter to the New Scientist magazine from Graham Rawlinson of Nottingham University in which he discusses his Ph.D. thesis, suggesting to keep the first and last two letters of each word' - 'However, a more plausible scientific basis to the origins of this work is given by Dominic Massaro, who identifies Tim Jordan and his colleagues who, based on their published research investigating the relative influences of the exterior and interior letters of words (first published in 1990), showed over a number of papers that the exterior letters of words are special in reading.' Source: - Further information:
  • Yea! I find it interesting how our brains can still understand that fun game of unscramble the word but when its in a magazine, NOOOOOO we cant understand that!

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