• As a whole, I think Islam can be as peaceful as any other world religion.
  • Yes I do. The media distorts this view unfortunately.
  • Islam itself doesn't preach for violence. However, it does preach for its followers to give there lives for it, and it does preach against non-believers. Put 2 and 2 together.
  • Each and every religion preaches peace. Violence is never a part or partial of any religion. But its in tha mind set of the followers.How they take thier religion. In apeaceful path or to spread hatred. Theres nothing Wrong in Islam its A great religion.But only there are some followers who provoke other innocent people to join the path of violence for the sake of religion.Those people sholud be condemned . Not the Holy Islam by any way.
  • Yea. Islam is a relegion of peace. What you hear about islam through Fox or any other network is pure propaganda. Besides that unbiased opinions are unbiased opinions, mostly caused by ignorance. Islam teaches respect for non-Muslims. The acts of IRRATIONAL violence & terrorism are outside the teachings of Quran.
  • Every bit as much as Christianity or Judaism. Sadly in all three cases, adherents are able to murder and maim without attracting anything like the condemnation they should from their churches.
  • There are numerous sects of Islam that teach violence. While there are also sects that try to teach non-violence to their followers, these are fewer and less influential. The religion doesn't necessarily require violence, but it does seem to be conducive towards it.
  • I have no idea what Islam is because different Muslims tell me completely contradicting things. I know that some Muslims can use Islam in a peaceful way, others use Islam to say I am sub-human... and others kill my friends in the name of Islam. Quite frankly, the very idea of me saying that Islam is a hateful religion is too difficult for me - I can't do it. There are billions of people in the world who practise Islam and many of them are good people, including my friends. I have just come to the point where I don't care what Islam "truly" is any more. In my experience, Islam is different to different people, and thats about as far as I will take it. Like Sakhalinskii said so well: "Judge the man, not the scripture."
  • Of course Islam is a peaceful religion, like all the other religions in the world. However, it is the fundamentalists and extremists who infiltrate these great religions and alter their meanings to violence.
  • I wish I knew more about Islam than I do, but I'm told by Muslims that the religion itself advocates peace. If the scripture preaches against non-believers and warns of retribution for anyone who would threaten the religion, then it's no different from Christianity. Man chooses how to use scripture; man is either violent or peaceful.
  • yes it is very peaceful, its just the extremists that you get in every religion aswel as islam that distort the idea.
  • There are those who would use Islamic teachings to spread hate and violence. They are not peaceful people. I respect those who do take a message of peace and tolerance from the Koran. The current situation around the world is a fine example of why religion and politics should never be mixed, especially when it results in a form of government.
  • No, because their basic, Holy Book calls for the elimination of infidels, those who do not agree with them. They do not call for peaceful co-existence between different Cultures and Religions.
  • Islam is no more or less peaceful than the entire line of Abrahamic traditions. Yahweh was a god of war back in the Old Testament, and largely remains one.
  • I can only speak to what I see and for now my answer must obviously be no.
  • Yes. 'But if they incline to peace, incline thou to it too.' Medina Suras, the Koran.
  • I think all religions are peaceful. The problem lies with the fanatic element..those who take the words of their holy books and twist them to justify whatever they want to justify in order to perpetrate negative or even vile things upon others.
  • Holy Books don't kill people, Beliefs kill people. In the name of G*D or Allah, or Mohammed, many people may be led to do things that rational people would never consider. Pity that spirituality can be so corrupted by politically minded people with religious methodology.
  • I'm not sure that any religion is more or less peaceful than any other. If you look at most religions they've had followers (or supposed followers) who have preached peace, and followers who have gone to war. It's just that recent events have focused us more on the warlike elements of Islam. If we were back in the time of the witch trials we'd probably be asking the same thing about Christianity.
  • I think mainstream religions, like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and even Atheism, are peaceful. I think extremist sects and/or members of any religion can be very dangerous. It is best when mainstream members rein in their own extremists. With love in Christ.
  • Moderate version perhaps tolerates differing viewpoints. True Islam does not.
  • read first the Koran then give an answer. due to the Koran Islam is not peacful.
  • Most definetly it is very peaceful religion.
  • No, not if 'Islam' is what the Qur'an says. And yes, at times just like every other religion is, if 'Islam' is what is generally practised by people who 'call' themselves Muslims. ***** I say that Islam is what the Islamic religious texts say, since they are supposedly the perfect word of Allah - whatever the so-called followers say is Islamic is irrelevant if the Qur'an disagrees. The Qur'an does indeed involve the occasional passage of peace, but it contains far more about the opposite. Seriously, the Qur'an is the only book to have 'actually' scared me while I read it : / How anyone can believe such abhorrent filth is beyond me *sigh* (I must apologise if I have offended anyone here, it is not my intention to attack you for your beliefs, I am merely expressing my personal disgust at the contents of the Qur'an.)
  • I don’t think what Castrate has done here is peaceful or Christian or friendly. It’s like walking into a restaurant serving meat and publicly hurling, at all the diners there, accusations picked up from a hateful vegetarian website. If you want to pick up good reliable information on geology go to a good source on geology supported by people who have knowledge of and passion for geology. It’s no good going to a source full of doctors, lawyers and scientist, no matter how highly qualified, if they hate geology. Similarly, if you want to pick up good reliable information on Islam go to a good source on Islam. Muslims welcome questions, no matter how challenging, from those who genuinely want to find out more about this most maligned and misunderstood religion. Violence does not form part of the rituals of Islam. Islam aims to bring about inner peace within individuals and peace between individuals in society. The word Islam itself has meanings of peace, protection from harm, and submission. Islam, the religion, means peace acquired through submission to the will of God. It is the religion taught by all God’s prophets, from the first one Adam to the last one Mohammed and the countless ones in between including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Here are two basic principles from the HQ which apply particularly in times of peace (HQ 5:32) and in times of war (HQ 9:6). HQ 5:32 “if any one killed a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind: and if any one saved one life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind.” HQ 9:6 “If one amongst the Pagans (warring against you) ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah (and turn to peace) and then (when he wants to) escort him to where he can be secure (a safe place).” There are not many armies even today fourteen centuries later who will have that much concern for the safety and welfare of the enemy.
  • No, I do not. Thank you and may God bless you. :) -In Jesus' Name.
  • I think yes. Now can I ask another related issue, "Will my answer be down-rated if I say no?"
  • no religion at it's core is peaceful, "it's my way or death" is the general message behind religion, hence most of the wars throughout history
  • If this be true, we better stay attentive to what is happening in our world. Allah or the Lord Jesus Christ? This is very interesting and just a very scary ... The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races!!! Allah or The Lord Jesus Christ? ... By Rick Mathes Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs. I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked: "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?" There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, "Non-believers!" I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven.. Is that correct?" The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of "a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar." He sheepishly replied, "Yes." I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!" The Imam was speechless! I continued, "I also have problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?" You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame. Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' training seminar were Not happy with Rick's way of dealing with the Islamic Imam and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs. In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. To elect the President! I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with the Liberal justice system, liberal media and the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized. Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts. This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry. The Man who walks with God always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose.
  • I don't think that a religion itself is peacful or unpeacful. I think that no WHAT religion your speculating on you're going to find both types of people regardless of their race, religion, beliefs, morals, etc.
  • Yes, I studied it in RE - It is a peaceful and respectful religion generally (in theory)... as are all of the other main religions.
  • No more or less than any other religion. I think that the religion itself is peaceful, but some of the practitioners are not. The same goes for Christianity or any other religion.
  • 1% of a billion believers is a whole lot of dangerous (over 10 million). then theres the 10% who espouse these beliefs and teach their children these extreme beliefs. (thats another 100 million). not to forget the other 20%, who harbor, aid, fund, and abet and willingly hide and lie for the 1%. (thats another 200 million). not much need for infiltration
  • No religion is peaceful.
  • yea...any doubts anyone?? come to me..
  • Don't care in what's a peaceful religion and not. Just don't use vilence (expect for self-defence if someone attacks you). If you are a non-violent Christian/jew/buddhist/hindu/muslim or whatever you belive, you have always made something to make your religion peaceful.
  • Certainly not!!! Let me tell you why: I was highly enlightened tonight to read the interview of a Muslim converted to Christianity. Apparently, this convert used to be highly active in Jihad and even gained a parliamentary place under the Ayatollah. As a young lad, however, he had become quite famous in his area because he could quote the entire Koran; so he knew every verse in it. He was quite clear on just how contradictory the whole work was. Let me give you a very obvious example: He was saying that it was not a book of peace, but a book of war, implying that if one was not involved in Jihad, one would be lost to Allah. He said that there were at least 100 places within the text which encouraged to "kill" Jews, Christians and all other "infidels". Yet in severe contradiction, the Koran said that Jesus had "the Spirit of God" - that he "was a perfect man" and had been taken directly up to God. Yet, even Mohammad, upon whom Islam was founded, declared that he did not know whether he was going to be saved with God or go to hell!! He said that most Muslims are not greatly encouraged to study the Koran; so they do not know just how contradictory nor potentially dangerous the book is!!
  • A religion is no more or less than its adherents. I don't know much about Islam, but consider Christianity: at one end of the spectrum you have the Inquisition and Crusades, you have terrorist attacks on birth control clinic; and at the other end of the spectrum you have the Mennonite Peace Mission, which even rejects proselytism as a form of violence. I'm sure there are parallel examples for Islam: some use it in the name of peace, other use it in the name of violence.
  • This is a bitter taste of reality. Tough to watch,but much tougher if ignored. This is the film by Geert Wilders. He's a Dutch writer who is now under protection from the Islamists in the Netherlands. This is the film that has the EU and the muslim world with their pants in a wad. Most websites have removed it, including You Tube. All bowing to threats. Google still has it posted as of today but, will probably bow to pressure soon. It is about 16 minutes long but, worth the time. Can be a little tough to watch in spots. But this is what we are up against. I think we better get REAL serious.
  • Castrate, I cannot see anywhere on this thread where I have threatened you. Do you mean where I said, "But believe me, their time will come?" That is hardly a threat, it is just me telling you what I think will happen." As I am sure you can appreciate, I am unable to say on this site what I would like to say. If I did you would really have reason to complain. As for the suicide bombers, Allah recited to Gabriel who recited to Mohammed that anyone who dies defending other Muslims will go straight to heaven. These bombers are killing who they can because the Muslims are being killed. You seem to be an intelligent (if bigoted) man. Surely you understand this!
  • Um, guys like this make me doubt it... Granted, this guy could be to Islam as Fred Phelps is to Christianity... On the other hand, we only have one Fred. They have lots of Abdallahs....
  • Yes. When it is practised alone and at home for oneself. Just like every other religion. It's when someone gets the notion that their religion gives them the 'right' to tell everyone else how to live, that it turns ugly. Just like every other religion.
  • There are definately violent people and well controlled people..but not every religion has all of one kind. I say we are dealing with individuals with either warp teachings or warp characters..but if each one is able to see and understand that defense is still the safest way to be able to make sure we are not sitting ducks for shooting.. Religion can be a means of fooling others into thinking that they are docile and harmless.
  • Yes I do, having read the Qu'ran I found it to be a sensible philosophical text that does not justify violence any more than other religions.
  • Every war or skirmish happening in the world right now was started or caused by Muslims. Where were all of the Mullahs and peaceful Muslims after 9/11? I didn't see any press conferences denouncing those actions. I think that speaks for it's self
  • A relgion is never peaceful, every faith that has exsited perscuted their non belivers in some form.
  • Hell no and there's so much evidence to prove it.
  • Yes. Unfortunately a small minority of Muslims are not. And a small minority of 1 Billion is a big number of very dangerous people.
  • Ya know when i was growing up my muslims friends who were also growing up used to tell me jews were bad kill them and christians were bad kill them... ya know as i kid what do you believe, i knew mother never taught me that, but as i grow alread i saw that it was oppersite when you actually study islam it saying things like dont harm the jews or christians, and you can never make somebody believe the truth, as sometimes they are blinded. it also said things like never hurt your wives, but treat them well, treat your mother well, to be kind.. How could my muslims friends tell me one then and when i study it i learn something different and much better. its because not people who say they are muslims are muslims, they too need to study, and practise it to be and also to be telling you the truth when they say they are muslims. When you really look at islam and study it you see a very peaceful religion.
  • I don't know what to believe when it comes to Islam.
  • Dear brother's and sisters With due respect " The poper meaning of word islam is 'peace'. So how can you say that islam is not peaceful religion?? i think Islam is the most peacefull religion among all the religion in the world.. Best regards Waqar Hussain Laghari
  • alhamdulilah there is no doubt in that islam is a peaceful religion....there is no simple religion like islam and no religion as soothing as islam is... i am proud to be born as muslim alhamdulilah and inshalah die proudly as muslim..may allah swt give all of us toufeeq
  • As to terrorism, there are always those in any group -- religious or political or whatever -- who make it difficult for the rest of the group. In Northern Ireland, there are a few Protestants and a few Catholics that give their religions a bad name; in the U.S. there are the white supremacists; and the ultraconservative Christians; in South Africa there were the apartheid whites; in the late fifteenth century in Spain there was the Inquisition; in Sri Lanka today there are the Tamil rebels; in Iraq, small number of Muslims are terrorizing the rest of the country's population. My point is that a relatively small percentage of any group can make that group look bad.
  • The Koran has some crazy stuff in it, and so does the Bible. I'd prefer to stay away from the more zealous religious folks myself no matter what.
  • No. Its a violent religon with a dark past. The faith came into place in the late 700's AD when three Catholic spys paid Mohammad to write the Koran and tell about his many visions. The faith grew and Mohammad working for the Pope became greedy and began to violently attack many cities and rob the caravans. He even married girls as young as 6! The Islamic faith to this day copes the tragic seiges and wars of the eternally damned Mohammad.
  • Dear Bother, Studying wikipedia is not enough to get a correct knowledge. the wikipedia is showing only articles from different sites which may be worng not right they donot conisder it. If you want to know how was Hazert Muhammed (S.A.W.W). Then study this book you will understand what is islamic laws.. the book name is "Islamic Government". And one thing before proof please be avoid to talk about Hazert Muhammed(S.A.W.W). This is warning for you.... I hope you will understand.. Best regards Waqar Hussain Laghari
  • My girlfriend is a Muslim. (No they are not supposed to date but hey we are teenagers :) ) But I have went to her church with her and experinced it first hand. I was raised baptist. But as I have grown up and realized that religion iis a joke. I 100% believe in god. I know he is there. All you have to do is look around and see that it would be immpossible for there not to be a god. Now that you know a little about me I can answer this question, from first hand experince. Islam is a very peaceful religion. No where in the Koran does it say to kill or hurt anyone. It does say to defend your faith, which radical muslims have taken and used in a way to justify themselves. Just as all of the murders and rapes that went on during the crusades, all religions have their radical believers. Christians, Jews, and Muslims, you all have bad and good people. But I think that people need to realize that they are all pryaing to the same GOD. No matter what his name is. I urge everyone to look at themselves and realize that a 10 million dollar church is not helping to stop important things like world hunger, or disease. Religion is filled with hipocrites and liars just like everything else. I personally do not feel the need to label myself as a Christian or Baptist to be a believer. Because I am not a Christian, because I disagree about Jesus being the son of god. But NO Islam is no more violent than any other religion.

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