• Personally? I don't believe he/she/it exists. What deity would do nothing about all the hurt, terror and wrong in the world today?
  • God is a character in certain mythologies. Not a particularly nice or helpful one judging from many things that have been done in his name and some of his followers. +5
  • God exists. He's one. He can't be seen. He's a form of energy. He has infinite power. He is the driving force behind everything.
  • To me something like an almighty god doesn't exist. I'm my own god. And there's also nothing like paradise or heaven or hell. if you die you're simply gone.
  • I know God exists. I have had personal experiences where there was no logical explanation but the existence of an almighty God. He blesses me every single day of my life.
  • I don't know..I pray a lot...but He doesn't answer...unless u always have to pray in Temple/church. Personally I"m beginning to think there really is no God...otherwise why is there never a break for seems one war ends another begins...and for the most part he doesn't answer even small prays. If there is a God he is SERIOUSLY ANNOYING ME
  • I believe he/she wants us to solve our own problems. Like a parent God will give little pushes and signs towards the right direction but after that you must solve the rest with want makes you you. God Sorta has this caring, guiding, mentor personality.
  • Holy, all loving, Just, all knowing, life-giving, patient, longsuffering, KNOWABLE PERSONALLY, praiseworthy, pre-victorious, Original, angry, revealing to name a few; because my Bible tells me so!
  • I know that some fanatic will DR me for my answer, but I don't believe that there is any such thing as a god, or gods. The bible is full of times during various points in our history when god appeared to man, showing his power to produce miracles or giving him instructions and guidance. Recent history is full of times when it would've been very appropriate for a god to show his face... but, he either didn't or wouldn't. History itself is full of times when a personal appearance by god could have been very influential in either assuring the peace or in assuring himself more followers... but again, he either didn't or wouldn't. And history is full of broken promises and unmediated bickering and infighting within his follower's ranks which might have easily been avoided by a simple display of the powers they all claim that he possesses... but, once again... he either didn't or wouldn't. If man's and the bible's descriptions of the bible and their assumptions about god are correct, and we certainly have no reason, other than blind faith, to believe that they are... why would he sit idly by and watch his creations, whom he claims to love so much, while they kill those who stand opposite of them and express hate for anyone who believes differently. Again, for me, the answer is simple... he shouldn't... or couldn't. Because, if such a god actually existed, he wouldn't be there for me when I really needed him and he certainly wouldn't help if I was in trouble or dying and he wouldn't care if our health or our future was at stake and he wouldn't even reciprocate when I gave him my own friendship as a gift. I would never consider befriending a human with such unadmirable traits... so why would I ever want to befriend or believe in such a god?
  • when you are with god,you are with majority because god is omnipresent.
  • God is: • The infinite divine being • One in being yet three Persons: . • Father . • Son . • Holy Spirit God has revealed himself as: • The "One who is" • Truth • Creator of all that is • The author of divine revelation • The source of salvation And, of course, God is love. Here are a couple of quotes about God as Love from C. S. Lewis that I really like: "He [God] has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense. .... Love, in its own nature, demands the perfecting of the beloved; ... mere "kindness" which tolerates anything except suffering in its object is, in that respect, at the opposite pole from Love." "You ask for a loving God; you have one ... not a senile benevolence that drowsily wishes you to be happy in your own way, not the cold philanthropy of a conscientious magistrate, not the care of a host who feels responsible for the comfort of his guests, but the CONSUMING FIRE HIMSELF, the Love that made the worlds, persistent as the artist's love for a child, jealous, inexorable, exacting as love between the sexes..." "The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell." For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 199 and following: With love in Christ.
  • God is my rock of refuge and my sheild. he is everything i want and need in a friend. dont know really what else to say in my own words lol
  • I think God is a vigilant ass, who thinks he should get his way or else, his way or the highway. I feel that one is most effective as themselves so any rule mongering God can eat my shorts
  • He is more than the total of everything physical and spiritual. He thinks in large and minute dimensions. Large in the size of galaxies, small in the number of atoms on the head of a pin! A large family to man is 35 children and two wives. He has nearly 150 billion children waiting, reluctantly, to become his family!
  • I assume you are referring to some variation of the Abrahamic God. I "personally" don't think he exists and if he did/does exist, he is either history's biggest a-hole or was completely misrepresented by those claiming to follow him.
  • Simply Awesome. Because I was made in His image.
  • My personal Savior and Friend, my Creator and Redeemer, my Lord and my King. All this because He forgave me of all my sin and saved me from destroying myself and hurting those I love. He saved me from His wrath, from hell, and the judgement to come. Thank you for asking. What kind of spiritual belief do you have?
  • There are no gods.
  • God is the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory; and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise............He knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful...
  • this video has the most amazing description ever...and after he uses like a million descriptions, he says, "He's indescribable!!" it's incredible & couldn't be said better.
  • I'm glad I don't have God's job. WOW!
  • I love God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.
  • God is okay I guess.
  • I'm sort of fond of Him, and He of me. He sent His Son to die in my place....and the rest of the world's.
  • What most people believe to be God is neither He, She, or even Humanoid. If God exists, then "IT" may certainly control the Nature of Life. All religious ideaologies of God are delusional. They have warped everyone's idea of God. If one can erase thoses ideas inherited from ignorance, then they will see that God is imaginery OR just the personification of something that created and maintains the Universe.
  • God is a fictional charter used to explain things that humans do not fully understand. God, ( or the gods, ), are an invention of the human mind to explain the unknown. As a fictional character - some versions of the myths are more interesting than others - but I seldom spend much time thinking about them.
  • if you forced them to stop, they would complain that they have no choice/no free will.

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