• Aside from aiding photosynthesis in plants, it also allows our skin to synthesise vitamin D.
  • Sunlight triggers the body to make its own vitamin D, which is crucial not only for strong bones and healthy teeth, but for keeping the immune system healthy too. Studies have shown, for example, that exposing the body to sunlight or even ultraviolet light from an artificial source increases the number of white blood cells or lymphocytes. These are the body's primary defence against the onslaught of an infection and are an important part of your immune response to the organisms that cause illness. Vitamin D also plays a role in increasing the amount of oxygen your blood can transport around the body which, in turn, will boost your energy levels, sharpen your mental faculties and give you an improved feeling of wellbeing. Few people realise that sunlight actually lowers blood cholesterol levels and so can be a powerful ally in the fight against the Western World's biggest killer - heart disease. This works because the body needs the ultraviolet light in sunlight to breakdown cholesterol, which at high levels could otherwise block the arteries. Sunlight also triggers the increased production of the feel-good brain chemical, serotonin - which, as well as controlling your sleep patterns, body temperature, and sex drive, lifts your mood and helps ward off depression Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system. It happens when the myelin sheaths, which cover and protect the nerve fibres, are damaged, leading to symptoms such as tremors and even paralysis. The cause is not known but what scientists have noted is that exposure to sunlight in childhood appears to dramatically reduce the risk of this disease in later life. got this info off a website
  • Keeps me warm, sometimes too warm if your living in Australia. Dry's the washing when I hang it up Helps my plants grow, because I have a few fruits growing. Other than that, just makes my day a bright and sunny day :D
  • it gives us vit d
  • Sunlight Cleans Water “Canadian scientists have discovered that ordinary sunlight breaks down potentially harmful mercury compounds in water,” reports The Globe and Mail, of Toronto. Researchers from the University of Manitoba and the Freshwater Institute of Winnipeg found that exposing lake water contaminated with methylmercury to sunlight for only a week resulted in a lowering of the level of methylmercury by 40 to 66 percent. “Until this experiment, scientists had believed that microbes alone broke down methylmercury in lake water,” says the Globe. The report also notes that sunlight seems to “operate 350 times faster than the previously known microbial process.” Sunlight Increases Morale Bringing more natural light into a building results in “higher productivity” and “fewer days lost to absenteeism,” reports The Wall Street Journal. Originally introduced as a way to conserve energy, building architecture that draws sunlight into the workplace is paying big dividends in improved employee morale. For example, when the aerospace giant Lockheed Corporation opened a new office in Sunnyvale, California, its energy-efficient design “cut overall energy costs in half.” What Lockheed didn’t anticipate, however, was that employees would love their new surroundings so much that “absenteeism dropped” 15 percent. The advantages of allowing more sunshine into a building have not gone unnoticed among retailers either. One merchandiser found that sales were “significantly higher” in stores that use natural light over artificial light. The Sun and Pregnant Moms “A study of vitamin D levels in pregnant women has found an alarming number are dangerously deficient, posing a risk to their unborn babies,” reports the Sun-Herald newspaper of Australia. Babies deficient in vitamin D can develop bowed legs, suffer fits, and may develop the bone disease known as rickets. A study of 1,000 pregnant women, conducted at St. George Hospital in Sydney, found that “one in 10 fair-skinned women, and one in five dark-skinned women were deficient in vitamin D.” The solution to this problem seems simple. Humans produce about 90 percent of their vitamin D requirement by exposing their skin to mild sunshine. “Most women [need] only about 10 minutes of sunshine a day or about one hour a week to get adequate levels of vitamin D,” says the paper. The sun is a star about 1,392,000 km (865,000 mi) in diameter, more than a hundred times the diameter of the earth, and more than a million times the volume of the earth. Its average distance from the earth is over 149,600,000 km (93,000,000 mi). The surface temperature of the sun is said to be about 6,000° C. (11,000° F.). But because of its great distance from the earth, less than one billionth of its radiant energy reaches the earth, an amount, however, fully sufficient to provide ideal climatic conditions that make vegetable and animal life on earth possible.—De 33:14; 2Sa 23:4. What the Bible Says About Rain Jesus Christ drew attention to a vital provision without which there would be no rain. “Your Father,” said Jesus, “makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) Did you notice that Jesus referred to the sun before mentioning the rain? That is fitting because the sun not only provides plants with energy to grow but also drives earth’s water cycle. Yes, it is the heat from the sun that causes an approximate 100,000 cubic miles [400,000 km3] of seawater to evaporate into freshwater vapor each year. Because Jehovah God created the sun, he is rightly called the one who draws up water to make rain. As these explosions proved, a small amount of matter represents an enormous quantity of energy. This link between matter and energy explains the power of the sun, which keeps us alive and well. What is the link? Well, some 40 years earlier, in 1905, Einstein had predicted a relationship between matter and energy. Many know of his equation E=mc2. Once Einstein formulated that relationship, other scientists could explain how the sun has kept shining for billions of years. Within the sun, there are continuous thermonuclear reactions. In this way, every second, the sun converts about 564 million tons of hydrogen into 560 million tons of helium. This means that some 4 million tons of matter are transformed into solar energy, a fraction of which reaches earth and sustains life.
  • Light warmth solar nutrition (like vitamin d) Inspiration

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