• I thought it still was?
  • It was and is calling Bush a baby killer was pretty much treason, questioning a nearly 4 trillion dollar budget with near 10000 earmarks after being told he would go line throw line and strike things he didn't want kinda just proves Obama lied from day 1.
  • As Rodney Dangerfield used to say,"I don't get no respect." Respect seems to be a thing of the past. It seems like you get more praise, but far less respect. I think it's just people don't respect authority anymore. Some of that disrespect is probably earned, however in that Presidents and politicians no longer keep their word and do what they say they're going to do.
  • Anyone who disagrees with Obama will have to go a LONG way to equal the disrespect shown to Bush. Disagreement is different from disrespect. ...and it will have to last almost 8 more years. In light of what has happened in the short space of only a few weeks, those that disagree with Obama have shown remarkable restraint!
  • Yes I do. It would have been unthinkable. Do you respect the office or the man/woman who holds it? I think it is unpatriotic of a president to lie to the people and it is treasonous to create "reasons" to invade a country and start an unnecessary war that results in the deaths of thousands of our people, hundreds of thousands of other innocent people, with the only "progress" being the death of Sadam Hussein. Very costly to get Sadam..very costly. So, yes I remember and it is nice to know that the person who chose those actions is no longer around. The current person has yet to show his stuff...check back in a couple of years.
  • No, I've only been old enough to care since about the first Bush. So I know more Bush jokes then you can shake a stick at.
  • No, and it shouldn't be. The best thing about this country is to be able to speak out against the people in power, and replace them if necessary. The President is just a guy. Just one of us who has a job, no better no worse.
  • Do you remember when people understood the role of government in the United States of America? Do you remember 9/11? Do you remember what this country was founded upon? Do you remember those who have fought and died so that you could speak openly? Do you have any freaking clue how much damage the liberal movement in America is doing to this country? Do you know that there was a time that everybody didn't look to the government to satisfy their every need, that people counted upon themselves as individuals, took responsibility for their own lives, did not think the government should try to take care of everything? Do you understand that people like you are cancer to democracy, freedom, and capitalism, and that those are the things that made America great?
  • Remember Nixon? Reagan? George W. Bush? Republicans are above the law. Just ask them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • During the 1 ,2nd and Korean Wars.
  • I assume you're referring to the Pre-Clinton years?
  • "...criminal charges of “treason” filed against President Barack Hussein Obama, by Retired Naval Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III in March of 2009." "So instead of a legal defense, every effort will be made to defeat Commander Fitzpatrick in the court of public opinion, by attacking his character..." ~
  • I still feel that way today. However, I disagree with the president all the time. It is not disrespect to question and disagree with our leaders. In fact, it's our duty as citizens.
  • Unpatriotic for sure. I remember back to Truman. You could disagree but have to respect their point of view and the people who support it. At the least you RESPECT THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT even if you do not agree with the President's viewpoints and policies. Treason: NEVER. We have the right to disagree and even disrespect.
  • wow Post 9/11 questioning Bush was deemed unpatriotic. So much so the people, the congress and the press failed to ask the important questions we should have been asking before going to war. It makes me ill. Now those self same persons who claimed questioning the Bush administration was unpatriotic are calling for armed rebellion, impeachment and worse of the current president. Doesn't surprise me though. It's the same group that called for the impeachment of Clinton for oral sex but ignored the subversion of the Constitution, a war based on lies and more from Bush. Sheeple...they make me want to throw up.
  • I think that went out when we had a Guy named Clinton who every time he was indicted bombed a city, then the Democrats being rather well not civil assumed falsely Bush was bad because well Clinton was bad. No this new guy we got has lied to all of you and you guys love him, having said that just as Bush was not many liberals President Obama is not my President since he hasn't proven to be a US citizen yet and acorn helped him steal the election.
  • Paradoxically, when the President himself has disrespects his own office, is that in and of itself a treasonable offense? Surely, its at least unpatriotic.
  • Yes when F*khole Bush was in office people were terrified of speaking out against him in many Republican based areas. Who needs it? The creep is gone and America is free again in that sense.
  • No, I'm 23 and I never paid attention in history class lol.
  • yeah, and remember when we used to throw women in ponds wearing 20lbs of clothing and if they floated they were considered witches and if they sank to the bottom they were considered innocent? ahh, those were the days.......
  • Treason! So that's the objective of you guys. Maybe we should try people for conspiracy against the state. Every President in American history has been talked bad about and made fun of. Have you ever seen the cartoons of Washington during the whiskey rebellion? They were hardly flattering. Obama is making it far to easy for us to make fun of him. This could be the first lamb duck president before hitting a year in the office.
  • I do not personally remember this, it's about the 1800 election, but offer it for what it's worth: Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman." In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father." As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward. Even Martha Washington succumbed to the propaganda, telling a clergyman that Jefferson was "one of the most detestable of mankind."

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