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  • Why are you asking strangers if you "should" kill yourself? You know the response you are going to get is a resounding no. If you have problems you need to work through them and get help. Here are a few contact numbers to help: If this is a joke ["Or why should I?"] it is extremely distasteful.
  • believe me u wouldn't like it!
  • NO ... YOU SHOULD NOT You take the easy way out, and then destroy the ones who love you they will have to wear the pain forever there is no turning back from that mistake ... life is precious ... deal with the problems ... and live As the saying goes where there is life, there is hope
  • Resume Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. -- Dorothy Parker
  • Obviously not one of you has ever been even close to the despair that would bring a human being to think these thoughts. If this question was asked in ernest then it was asked by someone whose pain is so great that the only choice for "life" that they can see is to end the one life they have. Technically there is nothing wrong with any of your answers. But they show a shocking lack of empathy. I sincerely hope none of you ever experiences the turning of light into darkness and life into death that can happen in the deepest of despression and despair. Comment one was good to refer to professional help, but as human beings it would have been nice to see even 1 person stop for a second and try to imagine the darkness from which this awful and fearful question is asked. PS: I appreciate the comment about loved ones but I assure you a person facign suicide is so overwhealmed by pain they stopped feeling loved by anyone or anything long long ago. what you talk of is like speaking a foreign language. A nice thought, and kind of you, but pardone me for saying you have no idea what darkness really is.
  • Any person who seriously contemplates suicide should seek professional help immediately. That being said, as one who has thought about it, though not really seriously, my opinion on the subject is as follows. Suicide is not only a cowardly way out but also one of the most selfish and thoughtless things a person can do. A person who commits suicide is sentencing his family and friends to a lifetime of grief, pain and guilt. In most cases they will always wonder how they could have prevented it and why they did not see it coming. Every time you face a seemingly impossible situation and get through it, you become stronger. There are always other solutions to problems besides "opting out".
  • My husband died of suicide 8 years ago. He was no coward, he was not selfish, nor thoughless, he was a very sick man mentally that was inflicted with Bipolar Disorder. This disorder has about a 25% death rate, even if they are under a doctor's and therapist's care. The despair, sadness, hopelessness, depression and the darkness from his Bipolar Disorder was just too much. I do not blame myself for his act of suicide, so I do not feel guilty. Everyone that knew him has grieved the pain of this loss and it has changed everone's life, especially his child's. Suicide is the most confusing, misunderstood and judged death I know of. Every life has an impact on another's life. Everyone is special.
  • Should you commit suicide? No. Why not? Because you will only make your spirit's journey longer and harder. Spirit will pay for your stupidity. And in the whole scheme of things so will you, and those who care about you.
  • Just remember death is final. There is no way back. Life is full of changes and you may open the next door and be glad you are hear. Don't miss a minute-Life is a gift.
  • you most certainly shouldn't... because tomorrow is a new day and things are really all that bad then things can only get better. chin up, everything will work out, i'm sure of it :)
  • why would i care if you want too
  • You shouldn't because you are worth more than that. Life is a gift from God that you should enjoy and not waste or destroy. You are given life by your Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, for a purpose, a very speciel purpose. He loves you and has a plan for your life. I hope that this is helpful. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • It's true - if you haven't been there, or have been educated about it, what you say really does not get through to the would-be suicide. Concerns about the effect it will have on 'family' or 'loved ones' or 'friends' count for nothing when all you can comprehend is that you are a burden on them with your obvious mental/emotional/physical/spiritual problems. Selfishness is a great quality to have if you DON"T ever want to committ suicide - you will then be able to do whatever it takes to ensure your own survival/happiness/'get out of jail free' card type thing/whatever. I am struggling once again with the decision of if it would be more 'sensible' for me to just end it all or not once again - that is how I found this site because in desperation I just googled the question and was led here. Can any of you who are fortunate enough not to suffer from Depression/BPO/a dysfunctional upbringing/lack of survival skills imagine what it's like to grasp at straws such as turning to google for some hope...some support...some guidance????? I don't think Suicides are usually stupid people. We know what ramifications our actions can have if we go through with it - but we are only too aware also of the ramifications of hanging in day after day, year after year when all you can see after the soul-searching, the medications, the Theraphy and the hell of screaming to a God you wish was there for you to help you or just kill you in a 'respectable' manner so the stigma does not attatch itself to your people... Personally, I am so tired of the struggle. I am at the point where I know that even if the present catalyst that is sending me down the tunnel is 'solved' something else will reoccur in the future. I am almost fifty and I am just so tired of a lifetime of struggling with my internal damage and lack of skills to 'fix' the accumulated damages of a lifetime spent surviving rather than being able to live a 'normal' life. If you really are interested in helping people who are suicidal - in other words if you actually want to do something instead of the well-meaning advice which I know is genuinley meant but you honestly don't realise it is not applicable - show some kindness to the survivors of the next suicide in your neighborhood. Find out from somone - or some book or whatever - what they REALLY need from you in the way of true symphaty, practical help or whatever. I have been to too many funerals of people like me where the same kindly intended but pointless comments are voiced as in the comments preceeding this for the most part. IF you really want to help in a practical way, work to remove the stigma, embarrasment and artificial shame from the families and others the suicide leaves behind. That is the best and easiest thing for anyone to do - the harder option would be, of course, to qualify as a therapist/counsellor/Psychiatrist/Medication Inventor or whatever which takes a lot mote time, energy and brainpower than most have....but you can absolutely do more than either the unthinking conventional 'responses' or feeling that there is nothing you can do. I have a wife and four kids - I know how it can be seen as 'selfish' to 'do that to them' as in suicide...but have you ANY idea of how selfish it appears to me to NOT do it when all the evidence of my intellect, feelings, prior experience and lifestyle is telling me that 'Here we go again - Dad's on another journey down the tunnel and everyone around him is going to suffer for it' Before you judge someone like me - ask yourself one simple question 'Am I so special a person that I would never ever EVER get to a point where I just could not carry on?' and before you answer too quickly figure out some scenarios that frighten or depress the bejezus out of you and then figure if you would really be as 'unselfish' as the people who actually live in a hell you cannot imagine every single day of their lives....
  • If you really wanted to commit suicide you would have done it by now, you wouldnt have posted this question on AB. Therefore, you're not going to go through with it, you're just looking for a pity party.
  • Fisrt you should understand you are not supposed to commit suicide and you are not supposed to mention the word. You should not commit suicide and not even play pranks or jokes. It may lead to disaster. Many a times people who have commited suicide are people who have lost the ability to think. Most of the problems for which many have committed suicide are all solveable if approached properly. So lets not speak about suicide, but let us speak about taking suggestions for good living.
  • Because whether or not you think it, you are loved. And you would be missed.
  • Only you can answer that question you need to see what are the reasons that are making you feel like you wanna die if your life is that bad and you see no option left theres nothing i can say to make you change your mind. so if you want to kill yourself or not its totally up to you.
  • are you serious? GET HELP
  • I don't know. I have no idea what your life is like.
  • if you were going to why would you let other people know. if your gonna do it just do it and stop telling other people about it. the only thing that we here on AB can do is give you some type of info that might not even help your situation
  • why do you want to?
  • 'Cause we'd all miss yer poignant AB questions! ;-)
  • Wow what a bunch of narrow minded people you are. If you have never been affected or felt this wicked horrible feeling then shut the f8ck up as you have no idea of there pain, someone very close to me tried to end there life. The pain we are still going through now well its hell. But i will walk right by his side to the deepest darkest of places i will be by his side and will love & support him every step of his dark journey, people who feel this low are not sellfish or seeking attention far from it, you actually think they wont to feel this way? No they have no choice. So untill you know that feeling of someone you love in so much pain and sadness you dont have a clue..
  • There's nothing to stop you but the idea that all the attention you are trying to get would certainly cease for good. I have known people who killed themelves and I have known people who talked about killing themselves. The people who killed themselves never talked about it. The people who did were attention seekers who sometimes made feeble, dramatic attempts for the thrilling attention it brought them. Find out why you need this kind of attention. Work with a counselor andd look hard at your childhood and current existence for clues. You can overcome the penchant for drama and live a better and healthier life.
  • there are solutions to all problems. not all have the happy endings we want, but yet these things are what make us grow up to the people we become. We are not the only ones to notice our lives so mind you the effect will hurt more then just you . you'll live through this emotional trama, and it will make you wiser. so live knowing life sucks but it's my life
  • life is too good to end it. Also what about your friends, and family, they will miss you so much. :) If something is causing to be in a funk, remember, karma, what goes around comes around, things will get better :D
  • Death is eternal peace. Sounds good to me. Still, you should keep trying for a little while longer. If you give up, kill yourself. I'll probably eventually suicide.
  • Do it, the world is over-populated anyway.
  • Why shouldn't you commit suicide? Because my dad always used to say, "You never know what tomorrow may bring". That's what is so cool about life, Thedubuc, you may have a day/week/month/year or a decade even of the stormiest weather but man, when the storm calms, it can be the most beautiful thing...but sometimes, you wouldn't see that beautiful thing without going through the storm. People tend to take things for granted when beauty of life surrounds them every day. Why should you commit suicide? Personally, I believe in dealing with issues rather than run away from or avoid them, no matter how trying they may seem. But there are religious people that do it all the time and it's not my place to judge them. Also, there are regular people that just can't cope and feel so alone. A mind can play a trick on a person and make one feel like there is no other way...and all it takes is that one moment of really letting go of oneself...
  • No ofcourse you shouldn't...even if everything looks bad today it is just temporary, you will regain control of your life and your future; one day you will look back on this time and say 'Thank God I didn't do anything'. The other thing, Thedubuc, is that it is a pretty selfish way out... those you leave behind will live in guilt for SO many reasons if you go, do you really want that? Parent, siblings, children family, friends...they will live through the 'If only', 'Should have' for the rest of their lives. Ofcourse ther is very litlle any of us can do if you have already made the decision....but think very carefully
  • You shouldn't commit suicide because no matter how bad things may be going now, suicide is a very permanent solution to a temporary problem. :)
  • Out of all of the answers that I have read on here. Only about 4 seem to have a grip on what committing suicide is actually about. First for all of you that thing this person is seeking a pity party or attention. Shame on you, I am in this position right now. The person would certainly not post the question here if they were looking for pity or attention. What they are looking for posting attention, please get over yourselves. Second for all of thoes who said that this person is not going to do it because he asked the question here or has not done it yet, did you ever think that this person is looking for help in reason why not to. That what brought me to this site and question. third, for all of thoes here that keep saying we are going to hurt the love ones we leave behind or that we would be selfish do to this because of the loved one that we leave behind, shame on you, we are not being selfish in fact that was the reason I was searching the web for something to help me get through it. The fact is I feel like me ending my life right now would be best for my family and "friends" the burden of my problems will no longer haunt them. The only advice that I have gotten as simple as it seems is this. Tomorrow another day and hopefully --Keyword-- Hopefully tomorrow will be a better brighter day. But let face it, if the day keep going grim and things just don't brighten up, Need someone ore something to help you get through it.
  • from someone who's seen the impact that suicide has on the people close to the deceased i'd have to say no. there's also the chance that you could (depending on the method) end up in a vegetative state or paralised to some degree is there. however, ive attempted more time than i like to admit, and i understand how horrible things can get and that the pain can be so immense that you'd do anything to get away from it. but implore you to seek help if you are seriously contemplating suicide because it can really help. good luck
  • if you commit suicide you will only guarantee that the day after you died you would have had a winning lotto ticket, a job promotion, found out the girl of your dreams liked you and you inherited a small island from a distant relative. that's how life sucks major..sometimes more than it is good. but dying doesn't solve anything, it only ensures you don't get to see the next creative ways life up with to stick it to you...and hey even a sucky life is better than no life..I think..actually death might be better I've never been dead so I do not know...but it's a 50/50 shot and you'll find the answer to that question soon enough without doing it yourself so enjoy what you have and realize it could always be worse, if you are on here you probably have more than a lot of people in the world have (computer, internet, income, a home, food etc)..that's somethin to be happy about.
  • You should just do it, cuz your being an annoying emo bag... jaykaay! :)
  • Well, with a little bit of effort, you can create a life for yourself that is so interesting that you are not eager to die. From your prompt, it sounds like you are at a level of despair where you would take some risks. So take some risks. Go skydiving. Eat a raw mouse. Try to marry a movie star until they get a restraining order on you. You can frame it. Whatever. If you are willing to sacrifice some safety for adventure, you might find that life is rather mysterious and interesting. I don't advocate things like drugs or whatever, but if you are seriously contemplating dying by your own hand, wouldn't you at least want to find out what the rush of pure heroin is like? Or what it is like to drive a Ferrari 75mph over the speed limit? Most people value stability and safety enough to forsake such pleasures; indeed, collective choices to NOT do these things form the foundation of an orderly society. But if you are thinking of chosing to DIE, why not fool around a little first. I will surely be flamed for this answer; all the things I have suggested with the possible exception of skydiving are incredibly self-destructive but suicide is truly, totally self-destructive. I was very close to someone who died by suicide and it was just a banal, sputtering end of a beautiful person. So perhaps you can stay a little longer?
  • No, don't kill yourself. You can make something of yourself, sometimes people need other rescourses. You mean something to many people out there. You can make a diffrence in someones life it is possible just invest yourself.
  • I'm very sorry to be so blunt, but suicide is a coward's way out. Life is shit at times, really shit, but there's always going to be a problem in your life, no matter how big or small. Problems are there to be faced, and overcome, not run away from. If there were no bad times in life, it's hardly gonna be special, is it? Whatever it is, work it out. You'll feel much better once you get past it. Life's precious, never throw it away!
  • You shouldn't because God put you on the earth for a purpose, and if you die, you will not fufill your purpose.
  • If your question is serious, the biggest reason NOT to kill one's self is those who are left behind grieving your selfish act. Whatever it is that is driving you to relinquish this great gift of incarnation on the material plane, as time progresses so will your intentions change. Remember this secret, circumstances NEVER determine one's happiness. YOU make that choice and the Universe aligns itself around whatever YOU decide.
  • fuk u all my life is over
  • I look on this site when i feel like committing suicide and of course my mood is unbelieveably low, at the times when my mood is low i feel like getting it over and done with. BUT... it could be in the next hour, day, or week something good perks from nowhere and the thought of commiting suicide seems pointless or not needed. I would probabaly say that 80% of the time i feel like just taking the easy route, even if i have a good day the thought is in the back of my mind. Im afraid that one day the time will come to commit suicide and my 20% of good in my life could change into a highe percentage or will it get lower? The thought of life becoming greater in the future is what stopsme from commiting suicide. the family and friends part doen't affect me in any way as this is my life and it would be better for everyone in the long run. i am 18 year old with a family, a house, cars, money, food, friends, everythings here just not the mental thoughts that enables me to get over such issues that affect me everyday of my life
  • You start by asking your simple brain...Do I have any choices left? If you think you do than dont do it, if you ask yourself and nothing comes back than get comfortable baby, its your final hour!
  • Always assume such a question is serious. This way if you're wrong, you've made a fool of yourself by answering it seriously. Otherwise, if you're wrong, you've contributed to a suicide. At the very minimum, tell the person to get professional help, in a concerned rather than dismissive way. Attitude is a whole lot more important that what you say. The most helpful response is something specific that delays the final decision and action. Something with an explicit deadline for the person who can't at the moment handle the open-ended responsibility of staying alive indefinitely. Also, respond directly: "don't kill yourself" is amazingly more helpful than "you shouldn't kill yourself". Anybody know why? The fact that the question is asked anonymously suggests it's serious: attention-getters prefer more personal attention. Saying the person is a selfish coward is useless: either they already think so, and that's part of the pain driving them to suicide; or they believe that it is cowardly to fear death, and selfish to inflict themselves on others. Saying, cheer up, it might get better, is useless: if they were capable of that, they wouldn't be contemplating suicide. Example: if your eyes break and you stop seeing color, you can still remember and imagine color; but if your brain breaks just the right way, you can no longer remember or imagine color. When I am sufficiently depressed, I cannot look forward to joy and happiness because I cannot imagine what those things might be. Reminding the person of people around them can be useful, but be careful: there are people who really don't have anyone around them, and then you're just reminding them of it. Reminding people that their brain is broken and they are probably not percieving the world correctly, like "you think nobody cares, but probably they really do," is helpful. Empathy without contempt is helpful: "yeah, i've felt like that before, but i managed to get through it and i'm glad i did" is helpful, while, "yeah, i felt bad as a teenager too; boy, was i stupid then" is not. The most helpful response is something *specific*. Open-ended responsibilities are terrifying and counterproductive; but if you promised to help a friend move next week, that's a reason to stay alive for a week. Vague "life is beautiful, enjoy it" is useless, but specific "make use of not caring, try something you wouldn't normally do because of consequences" is helpful. even specific "clean your kitchen and cook yourself a nice dinner" is helpful.
  • Life is good. Cowards think differently. Enjoy life! My 2 cents.
  • Life is only with us for a short time. And though it seems like it can't get worse i'm sure it can. i now it's hard to beliieve but it definatly can. I suggest to vent your feelings. pick up a hobby. do things that occupy your time and make it enjoyable for you. and the next best thing i can say is to maybe spend some time reading a book even the bible. Even if you do not believe in god it never hurts to read something and come up with more reason's why you don't. of course i would say u should believe in god but im not on this site to take ppl to christ im jus here to give my opinion. and if you are seriously considering such an act please don't i had a counsin who did and effected everyone. whether you tink it does or ot it will i promise
  • old question: twenty one months old.
  • Don't commit suicide. Please! Whatever it is you are going through, (and it must be extremely painful for you)I believe you can make it past this crisis in your life and come out on the other side of it if you'll just give yourself a little more time. Allow me to introduce you to the tallest man I've ever seen on youtube video. His name is Nick. If anyone had to overcome things in life, he has done it. Please watch and listen to what Nick has to say.
  • You know I've been asking myself that same question a lot these days, and while all these people keep saying oh you shouldn't be selfish and kill yourself have they ever even thought to wonder if we're actually doing them a favor I mean look at it from our perpective, from our view we're doing them a favor. And you may keep saying things will be better but they haven't at least not for me. It's been years and just keeps getting worse. Don't give me that what about the light at the end of the tunnel. Well for me that light has been blocked by some pretty thick bricks. So I'm not trying to say go and kill yourself just really think about it because once you decide to do it there's no going back. Oh and p.s to all you people who say there is medicene and theripy, who actually opens up to theripests? I mean really you don't just go in and tell your whole life story. Seccondly it costs money, which not all of us have a lot of these days. And third have you ever even seen thoose comericals for the meds they procribe? Most of them say symtoms can be thoughts to kill onesself. And trust me I know my mom's a pharmasit. So just remember things might not be greener on the other side, but they sure as heck aren't green on this side either. Just saying really think this through maybe even write your death letter and see if you could really give it to your parents, I couldn't and that fact has helped me for a bit. So just really think long and hard about this, don't just go from someone else. The answer must come from with in....
  • Cause it isnt trash day, and people might miss your depressing a$$ : )
  • -Shouldn't- Things tend to work out, not always, but you never know. Give it a chance, one can always die later. -Should- Pain is so unbearable and consistent that it would be cruel to continue living. It is advised for one to man up and take as much as possible though. Every second lived is a victory and a big middle finger to an unkind fate.
  • When it comes to living, it needs to be viewed as "how will you know if you don't try?" Sure, things may suck today, but you don't know what the future holds (for better or worse I suppose)... and how many great things will come as you grow.
  • People always vomit that "permanent fix to a temporary problem" cliche all the time. It's total bullshit, if you are always in pain and life constantly kicks you in the balls no matter what you do, then why not pack it in. I personally don't look down upon anyone contemplating it nor those who have done SUCKS all around.
  • Because you have a purpose here and cutting your life short would defeat your purpose.
  • I don't buy into any of this bullshit about everybody has a purpose and so on. There is no grand scheme. There is no grand purpose. The only thing that there is is the relationships that you have with those in your life. If you kill yourself, you won't be missing out on some grand purpose, because there isn't one. But you will be missing out on any positive relationships and cause immense grief and guilt to those you DO have relationships with.
  • 1) I hope you did not do it - because you were not seen anymore after asking that question. 2) I could imagine situations of extreme suffering where someone would not see another solution. But you could always look for help in those situations and hear what various persons would tell you. And only do it after you could not find any help. 3) The main idea is that we know where we are and we can still experience it fully for the days that are given to us. Even if our situation is bad, something could happen that would make it better. We know what we have here, we don't know for sure what happens after we die.
  • Tell me why you want to? What's going on? Tell me why you think you should. Tell me why you think you shouldn't. I understand that it is like a horror movie going on in your head right now, except you don't know when it is going to end so you think you need to intervene on that bit. Let's watch that movie with you. I hate watching horror movies on my own too.
  • Because you will take the pain you are suffering, double it, and put it on the backs of everyone who cares about you.
  • Do you people have any idea how bad that hurts everyone else in your life? There are people everywhere to help you if you are depressed and it hurts more than anything to lose somone you love to that. You need help please don't hurt yourself. Ecerything goes wrong before it can get better! But it really does get better!!
  • life is short, dont make it shorter.
  • your question leads to another question... why exactly would or would you not commit sucide?
  • Although suicide amy seem like the better choice in some situations, you've just got deal with your problems in a safer way. Most of the time, suicide is the reaction to depression. So, if you are depressed, you should make a new friend, or get closer to old ones. Trust me, a good friend can help you get through some tough times. So no, you shouldn't commit suicide, even if it seems like the best thing to do.
  • Best reasons not to kill yourself. It's permanent.
  • Suicide is dangerous. It brings on many changes. So leave it.
  • Wow! I have been teetering on this for so long, struggling to convince myself that if I just hold on a another day that something might happen, some break, some...ANYTHING! Anything to act as a counter balance to this sense of pointlessness. Didn't realize it was not so uncommon. I have run out of reasons to con myself with, arguments to not just let go and dive into that oblivion. No wife, no children, no family left living except a sister who I have not seen in three or four years. No job, house was just foreclosed on, am currently "couch hopping" and see no end to it. That is but the tip of the iceberg, and when I write it out it just sounds so, crybaby-ish, but is all that revolves in my head, I can't eat, sleep and have such a terrible time just being up-beat for more than a few minutes at a time and I am just SO tired. And I don't even know why I am writing this now, have no clue what I expect to accomplish, if anything, just doing it. anyway, thanks for letting me vent a bit.
  • I read the first few posts to this question then skipped ahead to the last few, I wonder if anyone’s found mine using the same method? This whole section seems to be a combination of the painfully cynical that think saying “jump!” is funny and the empathetic who know what it’s like and speak from experience. I came onto this site because I typed in “why shouldn’t I commit suicide”, in fact I got so far as “why shouldn’t I…” then Google pre-empted the rest, so here I am – must tell you something about searches. Am I suicidal? Not at the minute… I have been throughout my life, but at the minute I was just trying to find someone to talk to. Something like the Samaritans, but I didn’t want to talk to anyone on the phone (I think it’s a man thing) I just wanted to Instant Message someone, just to talk about things. For some reason I thought maybe writing here, without anyone to say anything back to me may make me feel better. Which is what we all want I think, isn’t it? No one wants to die, it’s just sometimes the pain, the horrible black f4cking pain you wake up to every day, the misery which makes you feel physically sick, makes a knot in your stomach which won’t go away. That f4ucking horrible malevolence in your guts every day… you just want it to go, I’ve never truly wanted to die, I’ve been suicidal twice, both those times I just wanted the pain to stop. I think it’s just hope we’re after. Hope things are going to get better, and if it does go bad again, that it won’t be as bad as it is now. I’m not even going to bother discussing the merits of accusations such as “coward”. I’m not saying the people who say that are evil, or bad or stupid. They’re just blessed with never having been in the same blackness as someone who is suicidal has ever been. The first time I was suicidal I was 17/18, I think I spent 5 or 6 months every day with the blackness, with the sickness, the knot in my stomach that I spoke about early. If you’ve never been there I’m not sure anyone can empathise just how horrible that was. I went through months of that horror, I kept plugging away, kept crying myself to sleep, alone and without help. This is nothing even approaching cowardice, if I would of succeeded in killing myself at the end of those months, if there would have been more pills in the house then I could find, if I would of actually killed myself – that’s not cowardice, I just lost the greatest battle of my life up to then, lack of stamina maybe, cowardice never. There was a second time when I left University, and I felt after failure that all the time I’d spent working was for nothing, one more experience of a life when I’ve tried and failed (so many academic examples of that in my life). I was so down and low, the difference then was that I’d got someone to help me through. My then girlfriend, now wife, took me to a doctor. I got some medication, although I don’t think it’s biochemical qualities really helped. What helped was that we turned our lives upside down, we moved from where we were. I got a low paid no pressure job. All the problems associated with a University Education was stripped from my life and I was given the opportunity to work for minimum wage for a while just to get some confidence, hope, some idea of a future back again. I’m not telling all these things for no reason, just to give some background. I’m 30 now, I have the same wife, I have a beautiful baby, my life has been headed in what would be seen as a positive trajectory forward. But the last 2 months I’ve been off work with stress, a job which is sh1t and very unrewarding. The problems at work look to continue for another month at least (which means another sick note from the doctors), I got a letter through the post this Saturday morning from my employers telling me the issue is moving forward to the highest level of disciplinary at my works hierarchy. This afternoon the familiar knot, the unwelcome anxiety and sickness returns to me. I’ve had it on and off for the last 2 months. About 4 weeks ago I managed to pull myself back, I became strong I talked myself around and felt very “in control”, that my life was my own and what these people do at work can only effect me if I allow it – oh yes, all very brave talk. But after this letter this afternoon… gah… it just makes me feel how much longer is this going to go on? How much longer can I keep feeling sick. I don’t want to die, I just don’t want the pain anymore. I’ve made some massive changes to my life recently, recently in the last 12 months. I started seeing a therapist for a few months, it was before my baby was born. I wanted to have a go at sorting my life out before bringing a new life into my world of crap. I was, I am, a “depressive” person. Things in my life have structured my attitude towards life in a pessimistic way, negative way, I see problems, I see danger, it was hard to be happy – I’m grossly over simplifying things here, but it would serve no purpose to embellish it anymore. What the therapist did was allow me the time to find my own solution, my own attitude. I’m not going to explain what it was, because it’s personal to me, it wouldn’t help anyone else unless they’ve had my experiences. This little thing I’m writing here isn’t a self help book, it’s got no answers, it’s only got my story. And what my story is, what it’s turned out to be… well… I don’t know. It’s lots of things, lots of ideas and philosophies, lots of coping strategies and most of all, the promise of hope. Not hope itself, just the sensation that hope is there, somewhere. So even now, when I feel like sh1t, when I’m down and feeling awful, I can’t smile, I can’t crack and joke or be social, I snap at my wife, I complain, I’m intolerant – but there’s just something there, just a tiny little thing that makes me think there’s some hope there. I think about all crap I’ve had in my life, I think of all those awful times, those I’ve mentioned here and all the other ones. I think back and most of those times are just like a memory of a bad dream now, I can’t recall them with any great clarity. It’s just part of a horrible past, in-between then and now there’s been good times, and now I feel, NOW what I get hope from, the important thing, the HOPE, is that I know life always finds a way of getting through, no bad time ever lasts forever, they always end. There’s a lot of crap talked about life being short, it’s not, it’s long, life is long. I know that in 12 months time, this period, February, March, April 2009, they’ll be a footnote in my life story, put down as “officially f4ucking sh1t months”, and that’s all. It won’t have any lasting damage, yeah I MIGHT lose my job, MIGHT lose my home, there’s so many bad things which might happen, but whatever happens, I know a way will be found, it’s managed to find a way EVERY single time it’s needed to in the last 30 years of my life, I don’t expect it to stop now. I hope this hasn’t been too long, I hope if you’ve read it you’ve found a little, just a tiny bit of comfort. Thanks for reading because I feel better now I’ve written this down, I don’t know why, it’s not important I guess, feeling better is all that matters. Lots of love and hugs
  • I read the first few posts to this question then skipped ahead to the last few, I wonder if anyone’s found mine using the same method? This whole section seems to be a combination of the painfully cynical that think saying “jump!” is funny and the empathetic who know what it’s like and speak from experience. I came onto this site because I typed in “why shouldn’t I commit suicide”, in fact I got so far as “why shouldn’t I…” then Google pre-empted the rest, so here I am – must tell you something about searches. Am I suicidal? Not at the minute… I have been throughout my life, but at the minute I was just trying to find someone to talk to. Something like the Samaritans, but I didn’t want to talk to anyone on the phone (I think it’s a man thing) I just wanted to Instant Message someone, just to talk about things. For some reason I thought maybe writing here, without anyone to say anything back to me may make me feel better. Which is what we all want I think, isn’t it? No one wants to die, it’s just sometimes the pain, the horrible black f4cking pain you wake up to every day, the misery which makes you feel physically sick, makes a knot in your stomach which won’t go away. That f4ucking horrible malevolence in your guts every day… you just want it to go, I’ve never truly wanted to die, I’ve been suicidal twice, both those times I just wanted the pain to stop. I think it’s just hope we’re after. Hope things are going to get better, and if it does go bad again, that it won’t be as bad as it is now. I’m not even going to bother discussing the merits of accusations such as “coward”. I’m not saying the people who say that are evil, or bad or stupid. They’re just blessed with never having been in the same blackness as someone who is suicidal has ever been. The first time I was suicidal I was 17/18, I think I spent 5 or 6 months every day with the blackness, with the sickness, the knot in my stomach that I spoke about early. If you’ve never been there I’m not sure anyone can empathise just how horrible that was. I went through months of that horror, I kept plugging away, kept crying myself to sleep, alone and without help. This is nothing even approaching cowardice, if I would of succeeded in killing myself at the end of those months, if there would have been more pills in the house then I could find, if I would of actually killed myself – that’s not cowardice, I just lost the greatest battle of my life up to then, lack of stamina maybe, cowardice never. There was a second time when I left University, and I felt after failure that all the time I’d spent working was for nothing, one more experience of a life when I’ve tried and failed (so many academic examples of that in my life). I was so down and low, the difference then was that I’d got someone to help me through. My then girlfriend, now wife, took me to a doctor. I got some medication, although I don’t think it’s biochemical qualities really helped. What helped was that we turned our lives upside down, we moved from where we were. I got a low paid no pressure job. All the problems associated with a University Education was stripped from my life and I was given the opportunity to work for minimum wage for a while just to get some confidence, hope, some idea of a future back again. I’m not telling all these things for no reason, just to give some background. I’m 30 now, I have the same wife, I have a beautiful baby, my life has been headed in what would be seen as a positive trajectory forward. But the last 2 months I’ve been off work with stress, a job which is sh1t and very unrewarding. The problems at work look to continue for another month at least (which means another sick note from the doctors), I got a letter through the post this Saturday morning from my employers telling me the issue is moving forward to the highest level of disciplinary at my works hierarchy. This afternoon the familiar knot, the unwelcome anxiety and sickness returns to me. I’ve had it on and off for the last 2 months. About 4 weeks ago I managed to pull myself back, I became strong I talked myself around and felt very “in control”, that my life was my own and what these people do at work can only effect me if I allow it – oh yes, all very brave talk. But after this letter this afternoon… gah… it just makes me feel how much longer is this going to go on? How much longer can I keep feeling sick. I don’t want to die, I just don’t want the pain anymore. I’ve made some massive changes to my life recently, recently in the last 12 months. I started seeing a therapist for a few months, it was before my baby was born. I wanted to have a go at sorting my life out before bringing a new life into my world of crap. I was, I am, a “depressive” person. Things in my life have structured my attitude towards life in a pessimistic way, negative way, I see problems, I see danger, it was hard to be happy – I’m grossly over simplifying things here, but it would serve no purpose to embellish it anymore. What the therapist did was allow me the time to find my own solution, my own attitude. I’m not going to explain what it was, because it’s personal to me, it wouldn’t help anyone else unless they’ve had my experiences. This little thing I’m writing here isn’t a self help book, it’s got no answers, it’s only got my story. And what my story is, what it’s turned out to be… well… I don’t know. It’s lots of things, lots of ideas and philosophies, lots of coping strategies and most of all, the promise of hope. Not hope itself, just the sensation that hope is there, somewhere. So even now, when I feel like sh1t, when I’m down and feeling awful, I can’t smile, I can’t crack and joke or be social, I snap at my wife, I complain, I’m intolerant – but there’s just something there, just a tiny little thing that makes me think there’s some hope there. I think about all crap I’ve had in my life, I think of all those awful times, those I’ve mentioned here and all the other ones. I think back and most of those times are just like a memory of a bad dream now, I can’t recall them with any great clarity. It’s just part of a horrible past, in-between then and now there’s been good times, and now I feel, NOW what I get hope from, the important thing, the HOPE, is that I know life always finds a way of getting through, no bad time ever lasts forever, they always end. There’s a lot of crap talked about life being short, it’s not, it’s long, life is long. I know that in 12 months time, this period, February, March, April 2009, they’ll be a footnote in my life story, put down as “officially f4ucking sh1t months”, and that’s all. It won’t have any lasting damage, yeah I MIGHT lose my job, MIGHT lose my home, there’s so many bad things which might happen, but whatever happens, I know a way will be found, it’s managed to find a way EVERY single time it’s needed to in the last 30 years of my life, I don’t expect it to stop now. I hope this hasn’t been too long, I hope if you’ve read it you’ve found a little, just a tiny bit of comfort. Thanks for reading because I feel better now I’ve written this down, I don’t know why, it’s not important I guess, feeling better is all that matters. Lots of love and hugs
  • there is nothing cowardly about suicide. cowardly is shooting a Dr who provides health care in the name of G-d and running away, knowing what you did was wrong. cowardly is bullying and picking on someone who is different because you think it's funny. cowardly is throwing rocks at a soldier to get them to shoot you on camera cowardly is attaching a contoversial bill to a law at midnight to get it thru without anyone noticing. mental illness is just that, an illness. it makes you feel things others can't understand, and do things to stop the pain of daily life. while talking to a professional may sometimes help, sometimes it doesn't help. same with medication. I have gone to see doctors and felt worse. I have also been told to find Jesus, and I assure you that didn't help at all.
  • You shouldn't commit suicide, because you'll be dead soon enough anyway. Nobody lives forever, so try to put what is making you feel suicidal behind you and await your natural inevitable demise.
  • You shouldn't because life is precious and fun. +4
  • Well, you have quite a life ahead of you. So why not live a bit longer, see what's in the future for you? And don't be grin, if you don't like what you have in your future, then that's because the life you're going trough is shitty and not for you. Then I'd recommend leaving everything, say fuck everything, and go on your own, grab a 100 bucks and go to the other side of the country and try to start a life over there. It's better than suicide and if it doesn't work out, well, you were gonna kill yourself in the first place. But I don't think that'd be the case, I think you'd find some rich experience that would make life a bit interesting, and less gray. :D Whoever glances at suicide, I'd be honoured if you read this, since this is how I stand life :P
  • Don't. You'll see.
  • Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!
  • Suicide is selfish. A permanent solution to a temperary problem. When you meet God you'll wish you'd have lived a meaningful life instead of giving up. If there is no God, then this is the only chance you have to do anything. Though none of it would matter...
  • you shouldnt because it might end your sadness, but it will be the beginning of a lifetime of sadness for the people that care about you. Plus thats the loser way out.
  • First you need to tell me why you put this in the 'Kids' category.
  • Only if you voted for Sarah Palin. +5
  • Does scuicide involve diving without an oxygen tank?
  • That is a personal choice.
  • Sometimes. No matter how hard you have tried to 'make yourself happy' with all the professional help and drugs. It just doesn't work. I honestly don't feel depressed anymore (in the medical sense). I just don't CARE anymore, if I live to 'fight' another day or not. This life, with it's social subtleties and etiquette is TOO difficult for someone like me to sit happily with. If you are brought up in a home where you are deliberately excluded from social interaction and CANNOT comfortably co-habitate with your fellow human beings - it becomes an insurmountable mountain to continue this struggle day after day after day in this world. Even the basics are difficult. So besides becoming a hermit...which for an intelligent person is tantamount to suicide - doing the deed becomes a very desirable prospect.
  • thnx "originallyjustme" . thnx for voicing some truths. I came here cuz I needed some love even if it were through the internet. googled 'why shouldn't I commit suicide?' and bam here i am. Some of yous might say that's pathetic, priests might say the devil's taking charge, those who feel real good bout themselves'd say 'go commit suicide it'll help cleanse the human race from stupidity, etc.', and then clinicians would try 2 diagnose a mental disorder. I am not selfish or an idiot or boring in any way shape or form despite people's ever-growing opinions. Limited viewpoints & advice from people who've made life worthwhile is useless. I just need someone to relate to. I, a 17 year old who has been in delirium upon leaving Central high school Philadelphia (more correctly: "leaving my life at CHS") 4 years ago is losing her life. I mean I'm not stupid i know the difference between teenage angst and being distraught. if u looked at my achievements from the outside you'd be amazed. If u 'knew' me you'd probably think i was a lost cause. Would u believe me if I told you I've read the first five chapters of the Bible and took notes in secret, got my half my tooth knocked out by my dad, sincerely love my grandmother, got accepted to two PGSE governer's schools (and didn't go cuz of parents + sister-not cuz its not free anymore -my family's pretty well off), received a 2100 on my SATs w/out serious studying, cried at least three times every week for the past 4 years, and am applying to UPENN? At least there's expression in college applications but who wants to hear all this? No one! They'd take it for complaints and leave it at that. But no!!! Those r the only times I have some authority. I have authority when I write and work. Kind of crazy how we people who write this stuff might walk by each other and not even know it! =] really agree w/ u 'originallyjustme' And 4 Thedubuc who posed the question, Even in all of those 'acheivements' of mine I've made myself less than i could be. That is like a form of suicide. &please don't commit suicide PLeeeasse! If u don't think anyone needs or loves you well I do.

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