• It's YOUR decision. Not theirs.
  • People are dumb. Edit - (The people who tell you that, of course!)
  • It's nobody else's business, unless you already have a partner who DOES want children and he expected to have them.
  • No one is obligated to have children. Find yourself a guy who also doesn't want children and live happily ever after. Children CAN bring a lot of joy into your life though.
  • u will regret it get some kids out
  • I personally love my children, and am glad I have them. However, if you have decided not to, and you have good reasons, then don't listen to them!! (edited here). I love it when people who have no idea what you are thinking try to give you advice. They don't know your state of mind, they don't know ALL your reasoning. That is a personal decision, screw them. I would rather you decide not to have children, then be pressured into it, and then resent the fact over the life of the child. I say, way to make a responsible decision! Too many people today crank out a kid, and THEN go "uhh.. maybe we should have thought about this." Way to go!
  • to be honest... I'm glad you don't' want to have children... our world is overpopulated with humans as is. :) Congrats on your decision :)
  • Stupid people love to share their stupidity. Stay away from them. Stupidity might be contagious.
  • I think it is selfish of people to bring a kid into the world when they aren't even ready to support it. There are many people like you, you may just be around people that only see life one way: Go to school, get married, pump out 3-4 kids and life is over. Life is not that simple, people have their own agendas.
  • If you are not prepared for a lifelong responsibility there is nothing selfish about that at all. It's a completely personal decision.
  • Being a parent to children you don't want is selfish. Having children when you can't afford their basic needs is selfish. Having children knowing you will hardly be in their lives is selfish. Sometimes NOT having children is the most selfless action you can take.
  • I wonder where that comes from? It seems like such an odd thing to say. "Selfish" seems like a randomly-chosen criticism but I've heard it too, so it really isn't. I don't get it. It seems more selfish to me to have children you don't really want or without regard to the lives they're going to have, just because it's what you're supposed to do. "Selfish" is acting in your own self-interest WITHOUT taking the effects of your actions on others into account. Understanding that you can't afford or are unable to take care of a baby is the opposite of selfish. Understanding that you would resent the limitations on your freedom and the changes in your life that would result is the opposite of selfish. I've seen the resentment of parents who didn't really want to have kids; it's not pretty. Not wanting to inflict a crappy childhood on another person is pretty considerate from my POV. I wouldn't say "they're just jealous". But this kind of mindset is very duty-oriented. It says that this is what we're supposed to be doing, and if you're not doing it, you've somehow "escaped" and are getting away with something. They don't look at having kids as one choice in a range of options, because for them it's not a choice, it's a duty. You're shirking your duty and are therefore lazy. They don't see that you've chosen other priorities like a career, like pursuing your creativity or fighting for a cause, that are as much or more demanding than child-rearing. I guess they figure it's all party all the time without kids, I dunno.
  • Well sometimes I wish I had never did. It's your choice, you deside this one.
  • Let's say it is viewed as selfish by Sounds like you have put some thought into it and decided not to have children. I would sooner frown upon those who put NO thought into it and HAVE children when they can't afford or provide for them yo...
  • See it in another way: With no children, you will probably have more time to care for those kids who really suffer from wars and stuff like that.
  • You don't need the approval of anyone else...who cares what they have to say! It's your choice, not theirs.
  • I can't imagine how that would be construed as selfish, unless the people in question are your parents and they were really looking forward to being grandparents. Otherwise, I don't see how it would effect anyone else in any way.
  • If you are not in serious relationship then you really have not made up your mind on this. You arenotselfish as you can never say never and it is your life and your choice.
  • No. Selfish is bringing kids into the world that you arent ready for or dont want. You are doing what is right for you and no one can fault you for that.
  • My husband and I chose not to have children and I don't think it was any more selfish than those that decide they will have children. It's all good to make decisions carefully and go by them, but we do each process our own information and decide for ourselves. It's part of being a mature adult. Those with children think that I have missed out on something very special and they are right. And those that don't know what it's like to have a family of two people completely devoted to each other have missed something as well.
  • I think a lot of people have kids through selfishness..i will have what i want attitude!! Its your life and if that does not include children then it does not include children ...good for you honey :)

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