• can you believe they let fools like this have a pulpit?! I'm not an Obama supporter, I don't suport any presidents or politics but to say Obama is more popular than Jesus? To liken Obama to Hitler?! Puhleeze...But seriously, America itself has adopted more philosophies and ideals of Hitlers since WWII that other than putting people in gas chambers, we almost ARE Nazi Germany...go ahead and DR me, but Fascist America is here and it came before Obama!
  • I think it's funny. Anyone who believes that has their panties in a bunch. When Obama starts death camps, THEN I will see the similarities. And Obama is more popular than Jesus. Hahahaha. *snorts* Way to bash your own religion, right? Gees. America NEEDS inspiration. And Obama has given it. Germany needed inspiration, however Hitler did it to kill off everyone and start war. Much more different than what I believe Obama will do. And until I see that happening, I think this guy has a major stick up there. Oh and that's another thing. This guy says no one is afraid to stand up to him. I know a TON of people who say how they feel about him. AB included! And clearly this guy is as well. Guess that means he's not Hitler. And what if this guy inspires? Does that make him a devil for being an inspiration to his people. Seriously. He's quite a hypocrite. =/ Barack also has an advantage of getting more popularity than all these people he speaks of as well due to the masses on the internet, the TV, and over all media is more advanced. I don't think the speaker is being fair. Okay those are my comments, I watched the whole thing. I am now prepared for trolls who will not respect my opinion.
  • It just reminds me of how warped this world is. John Lennon was said to be more popular then Jesus also. Who is this preacher? Don't look to good for the future if lots of people are going to fall for this quack.
  • I agree with the crazy man, clearly all public speakers are Nazis. It makes so much sense. Also, isn't it sacrilegious to take Gods name in vain? Some pastor he is.
  • It makes me feel like people will really reach for the can o' bullshit when they don't like a person. I thought it was hilarious!
  • I did not vote for Obama, but since he is now our President I can only pray that he does this country a great service as he promised. Although while I was watching this video it came to my mind that Jesus spoke of the deception that would be in the latter days towards the end of time and I know nobody knows the day or the hour but the bible does say that we will know the season and the signs of the time are appearing. I would not be so quick to call this preacher a fool but I don't agree with what he is preaching to his church, they should pray for our country and it's leaders instead of putting them down.
  • That who ever made it should GET A F****G GRIP!!!!!!! . I am soooooo tired of the whole "Obama is Nazi Socialist Communist Terrorist Islamist Arab Who is Coming to Rape Our Women and Steal Our Babies" meme....:-(....
  • I didn't vote for Obama..I am not an American..but I think this video is just stupid.
  • Aright. Let me just clarify: I am not an Obama supporter. However, this is rediculous. Barak Obama is NOT a bad man. He might not have projected the best idea's for restoring our country, in my opinion. But he's not planning the death of a race. Know who else could speak and drew big crowds? EVERY OTHER MAN THAT'S BEEN ELECTED RPESIDENT IN OUR COUNTRY'S HISTORY. Take Abe Lincoln. Needless to say, this video is ridiculous.
  • I don't think politics should have any place at church or other places of worship. Disgusting.
  • Obama is Hitler!? No wonder he looked so familiar!
  • Its no worse than what thousands of people say about Bush!
  • I read the answers posted...and decided not to watch the video...forgive me. Since it feeds their most basic desires, I do not approve of giving any attention to what I assume is just another wacko nutcase in this land of some 305 million. I, too, did not vote for President Obama, but I support the will of the majority of American people, and I wish him well for the benefit of the Nation and of the world.
  • I too see the similarities. A large population of voters spellbound by effective oration and an infatuation with race. I haven't heard the call for genocide though.+2
  • Get A Life!
  • You believe this? Very interesting. Happy Sunday. :)
  • I think that anytime somebody wants to find the bad in another person, it becomes very easy to see. I don't dispute that many do seem to be in a trance over Obama, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't warranted.
  • ROTLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Someone is in some serious need of help, if they believe that.
  • Sorry, but I call this childish. Spreading lies and rumors about someone you don't like is totally primary school. This is no personal attack on Americans, but more often than not people use the most ridiculous tactics because they have: A) No better way of expressing themselves other than through the use of horrible analogies and comparisons. or B) Because that's the only way a large percentage of the US can take-in information. It must be biased information that is clearly making a point - whether true or not. Makes me look back at some of those PROP 8 campaigns. But that's another can of worms I won't open right now...
  • Hilarious! Fortunately for us we can safely remove tyrants from power should the need arise (something Mr. Manning has overlooked). I may not adore President Obama but I will not 'liken' him to Hitler. I didn't like when president Bush was either yo...
  • It makes me feel sorry for the deluded idiots who made it, and for those who promote it. Obama is your President. He might be a good one, he might turn out to be a bad one. Only time will tell. Live with it.
  • Someone has to much time on their hands.
  • It makes me feel that churches should stick to talking about Jesus and God and stay out of politics. Because this shit makes no sense.
  • What is the difference between this man's message and his method of delivery? He sees a dictator as being someone who commands total loyalty through oratory and rhetoric. He likens Obama to Hitler , because of the power of their oratory, but yet, he is doing exactly the same himself - he is using his own brand of oratory to control the minds of his church members - he speaks of a member of his congregation who apologises for liking Obama, and yet his message is one of open criticism for the ability to capture people's minds. There are also one or two inaccuracies in what he is saying. I am sure, if he were alive, Bonhoeffer would have something to say. A final point - the person who put the video together was certainly very clever in that they managed to synch this preacher's movements and words with those of Hitler in some of the clips. Well done for demonstrating the irony of dictatorial preaching!
  • Well I am not a Hitler I mean Osama sorry I mean obama supporter! So yeah I liked it! Maybe just maybe it made someone think!
  • I have been trying to tell this basic same thing for way over a it is coming to pass...Look at the backgrounds of those he has appointed, and not the secular controlled press and media's opinion. Obama is worse than Bush...both of them....mark my words Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
  • In one case people are praising a monster; in the other, they are praising a good man. Evangelical churches raising hands to praise God look like that too. Be careful whom you praise.
  • It makes me feel like some braindead moron had too much time on their hands, and a little bit sad for the human race. Otherwise *yawn*.
  • The man speaks the truth about Obama. Obama is NOT the solution to our problem, he IS the problem.
  • I know it was said before but it bears repeating. I agree with the crazy man from Atlah World Ministries. He must be right. He's a preacher, right?
  • The so called Pastor is an idiot.
  • Points for the question. WOW people get out of that church, the guy has a serious problem and he needs a lesson from History. I can not believe it is coming out of a black mans mouth. It is the other extreme. (I don't think it is right that someone is in favor of another just for the race) About Hitler. he was not popular with majority of people. The factory owners pulled their workers to go to a Hitler meetings or they would loose their job. Back than you could not afford to loose your job. That "pastor" should get a dvd from the library about Hitler and the propaganda movies they made prior to war. Who did Obama kill? Is he kiling some white people that I don't know about? :) Does anyone know how 2WW started? Let me just answer this short. You always have to get people on your side, no nation will just attack someone for no reason. They dressed prisoners as Polish soldiers and make a movie as they were running down the field. Within a few days Germany attacked Poland following by the other countries shortly after... Does that remind you of Obama or anyone else??? So if you are not happy with Obama you can thank Bush for it. Without Bush, Obama would would not be half as popular as he is.

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