• Yes. For example, I evolved into a vegetarian. It improved my life in many ways health-wise, improves the lives of others (meat production = 18% of greenhouse gas), livestock farm run-off ruins our water, and definitely improves the lives of animals. It wasn't an instant change (actually began in third grade, and finally fully in fourth). Going veg is one of the best ways to compensate for the population explosion the earth is experiencing. I would hope that as education improves, and some become less self-centered, they also would evolve to a higher level of existence. Using intelligence to increase empathy, health, and improve the environment is definitely a form of evolving. As Einstein said, "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet". I figure that if Einstiein referred to it as evolution, I could also.
  • NO. evolution involves not just the change in habits of an individual but a fundamental change in a species and includes physical changes as well in other words, if vegans were to begin having children with elongated rabbit teeth and long pointed ears, that would be an evolutionary change.
  • No ... while all changes are a form of evolution, I reserve the use of the words "evolutionary changes" for referring to genetic modifications and mutations that will be passed to my descendants at a cellular level ... and mere behavior does not meet this criteria.

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