• Its definitely an illusion.
  • You wouldn't survive one day without the warm embrace of society's labia.
  • We are connected at some levels to some individuals, it is not all illusion.
  • I heard a great quote once that this question makes me think of "We are, all of us, sentenced to a lifetime of solitary confinement within our own bodies."
  • well.. we are not really born alone - we are born connected to our mothers by an umbilical cord.
  • Im going with... illusion.
  • We are all connected, it is the lack of a connection that is the illusion.
  • We're most certainly not born alone. Although we do die alone as for living alone, well, some do and some don't and everything else in between is really debatable
  • i believe everything is interconnected and the disconnect from others is the maya. i also believe in the holographic universe paradigm and that the physical universe is just an illusion. we are all stardust ~ we are all eddies in the waters of life ~ we are cosmic energy ~ we are as one.
  • Borrow money from this guy and see just how connected you two are.
  • People push and pull us out of the womb, people influence and affect our lives, and people carry us to our graves and bury us when it's all over. We are never alone. Man is not a species but an organism, not unlike Kudzu. We do not have a central mind but a hive consciousness. Some of our branches are in better condition than others but when parts of us die off the whole lives on. We live under the illusion of individuality. We are not unique, merely infinitesimally minor prismatic variations of the same spectrum of light. We revel in connection and communion and ultimately crave to return to the soul pool and be one again in form as well as function.
  • Disconnected! If I was connected then I wouldn't have this problem trying to connect to someone I love. Then I wouldn't feel so lost and alone
  • not an illusion. we are disconnected at birth and spend our entire lives trying to connect and disconnect once again at death. 6 degree of separation tells us that we are pretty well connected. doesn't mean that we are "connected" w/ fame and wealth. but we are connected.
  • Of course all are connected. You're not "born alone" you have your mother giving birth to you and the medical staff by her side. You don't "live alone" as you have all the people going about their business around you. You also do not "die alone" as you have the murderer or medical staff by your side to see you through. It's an "illusion" that you are ever alone as you have the NSA keeping an eye on you and a lot of people elsewhere. It;s you that chooses to close yourself off and become the hermit.
  • We are connected online.

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