• I'm more of a good or bad prejudiced person. Ugly folk usually end up hanging from a tree, yelling curses.
  • Actually I consider myself more prejuidiced towards beautiful women. I could care less if a guy is ugly or not. But beautiful women get the benefit of the doubt I might not give other people. I saw this one woman turn and drive down the wrong way in a parking lot. I was about to say something like "You know they have arrows there for a reason." but I noticed she was cute so all I did was smile and leave her alone.
  • Not prejudiced...I'm not exactly a stud-muffin myself. So maybe I deal equally with all sorts of people regardless of looks.
  • Not consciously. But tall, attractive people do get better jobs, get more promotions and earn more. If they can also write, talk and think rationally, that is an added bonus! New study today confirms that people who lose lots of weight earn $12,000 per year more. Weightism strikes again! That seems to be a prejudice.
  • No, for some reason I seem to be more prejudiced against beautiful people. Well, to be honest, beautiful popular people. I'm sure it stems from lack of self confidence that is still lingering from my awkward youth. I actually seem to be drawn towards more "interesting" folks, and by "interesting" I mean those that don't fall within the narrow band of popularly perceived "attractiveness". This, in itself, is a kind of prejudice, I guess.
  • For me to be biased or prejudiced against what you term as "ugly people," I would have to approve of and use the word "ugly people," which I do not, and also have an idea of what a person looks like who I think is "ugly," which I do not have. So I would say no, definitely not.
  • no because I see something in matter what
  • I am prejudice against people who think they are better than others and people who put others down because of their looks, spelling .. etc. =) I am prejudice against those who spend more time looking over their backyard fences into other's business and not tending their own.
  • No, because I believe myself to be ugly.
  • I have never seen an ugly person.
  • No, but I am prejudiced against mean and rude people.
  • "Ugliness" is not a set state, it is a very subjective perception, as varied as people are. Most of what we find ourselves attracted to or not is not so much physical in the long run, but something else, something like the "vibe" we get from people. I think it's probably a common experience that people who you may initially and superficially find physically unattractive become increasingly attractive to you as you get to know them better, the reverse is also true. So, consequently, whatever prejudices you may have about them are also subject to change.
  • I hope not to be o.o But who knows? If I ever come across an astonishingly ugly person beyond human nature, I don't know how I would react.
  • I make myself accept the fact that people are treated differently because of their physical appearance. It just seems futile (from my perspective) to fight that prejudice no matter how hurtful it is. The only way I try to balance the scales these days where looks are concerned is to be conscious of my own behavior and forgive, forgive, forgive.
  • I love exotic beauty. Some people call that ugly. For instance, i think "Ugly Betty" is really cute.
  • At a point where I feel like most answers could have passed during a beauty pageant questionnaire, I'll be completely honest as to how I feel. I DO feel a certain way when I'm around less attractive people- "ugly" is not a word that I use often or at all. I've adopted the feeling from having others do it to me when I'm around someone who's more attractive than me. I don't usually base people on their looks, but I don't like ignorant people or people lacking in smarts, whether they're beautiful or not so much. So, honestly, I judge people from what they exude from the inside rather than what they look like, though it does become a factor sometimes. Sue me, lol
  • In a way yes. I am really nice and patient with those how have like scares on their face those. It bothes me that I go it but if it is not from an accident or a birth defect then yes I find myself being prejudiced.
  • I'm ugly and proud hehehe, I'm an ugly activist. I don't feel prejudice against us if you have a personality
  • Not at all. That would be very shallow.
  • I do not consider myself prejudiced against "ugly" people. That is because I do not find myself all that attractive. I am more intimidated by people one might consider attractive because of how I view myself so I do not make eye contact or purposely engage in conversation with them. I am much more at ease around people who do not look like they stepped off the pages of Glamour Magazine. I do not hate those people and am not prejuciced against them. I will still be polite, hold doors, smile, etc. just like I would anyone else. But I am more comfortable around people who don't look so "exotic". I hope that made sense.
  • I'm not. because who really thinks they are ugly?Most ugly people self esteem is higher then a nice looking person.
  • NO! We all have floors No such thing as a perfect person.
  • I do not prejudge people on their looks, but I have to be honest, there are some folks that are just more attractive than others. They may have a beautiful heart and be the nicest person in the world, but some people are ugly. But that would not prevent me from being their friend or even going out with them.
  • It's weird because all of my past friends were the "ungly" non-populer kids in school and stuff. I think of ugly people as being far nicer then the other types and usually more open-minded and smart. Ugliness is in your mind.
  • YES Ugly people tend to fly under my radar more often than estheticaly pleasing people, so yeah I'd say I'm prejudiced!
  • I don't look at ugly. I see people as different. In fact, the most beautiful person I knew had a face disfigurement. I found it interesting when I first met her, because I had never seen something like it. In a way, I was attracted to her uniqueness. She was intelligent, had a great sense of humor and fit in with every crowd. I asked her about the clep mouth condition and how she felt about it. She said that as long as she saw herself as an individual, as someone who accepted her differences, she didn't have a problem about. She embraced her differences and when she had the option to get it(so called) fixed, she chose to say the way she was. People will stare, gawk and make looks at a person who is considered ugly. It's not their fault either. It's just that they aren't as experienced and often fear what they don't understand. What is ugly are those people who choose to be ignorant, those who shun someone through their physical nature.
  • I can hardly be prejudiced against my own kind.
  • If I was, I wouldn't be a huge fan of Erik, the Phantom of the Opera.
  • No, not at all, besides what i think is ugly someone probably thinks is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • well, i dont think im prejudice against ugly people. this might sound cheesy to you but to me everyone has a beautiful quality in their body. i make fun of my cousin sometimes because she is so ugly but i think she has gorgeous hair. people might be ugly to you, but pretty to others. to me eveyone is a looker.
  • Yes, I am. The only people I consider ugly are that way because of their personality and actions. They are sadistic and take pleasure in hurting others. This is an ugly person, and I am prejudiced against such people.
  • No, absolutely not. In addition, I try not be prejudiced against anyone. (I wish I could provide you all with a less political correct answer...) Do I dislike ugly people? I dislike people who put up a grumpy face. I can't state this enough: IT'S ON THE INSIDE. IT'S ON THE INSIDE. IT'S ON THE INSIDE. if a person THINKS he/she is ugly, THEY are sometimes "prejudiced" towards others, by thinking we don't like them. This makes them look grumpy or frustrated at us>>>THUS UGLY.(at least no fun to look at for long...) Would I start a relationship with an ugly girl? Absolutely NOT! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; maybe she's the prettiest girl on earth by any other standard, but I can't tell my body what it should be aroused by. So yes, I'm not imune to appearence, but it's not by concience choice. Here also, the inside counts most. (things were different during highschool ;-) The "prettiest" people, when having self criticism on their looks or unhappy, can look ugly. The "ugliest" people can shine like stars when feeling goooood inside!
  • I would more likely be prejudiced against fat people - they can do something about it
  • I personally dont like the term ugly,because everybody has something on their body they dont like so therefor we all have something unattractive about our body.
  • I don't look at the outside.
  • there is no such thing,your outer looks are just a shell, just as a catapiller is to a butterfly, true beauty comes from within.Every one in life has a beauty that is unique to them and there is always someone out there that sees that beauty. Sight is a gift unfortunatly some of us do not really see.
  • There was something I read once, which described a beautiful vase, which, on closer inspection, was full of spiders. I have seen so called beautiful people who are like that vase, ugly within. Then there are others who ain't too perdy on the outside, but whose love shines through, making them the most beautiful people you could ever see. What counts is not our outsides, but our insides.
  • I don't consider anyone the U word but for those who are less fortunate then others I tend to lean toward more of helping because I know they don't have things handed to them as often as the Paris Hilton kind of people. I guess I kinda help the underdog more because of personal struggles I've had growing up & the ones who had more material things usually had less brains but teachers & bosses thought when the more attractive more wealthier ones made a mistake it was cute but the ones who worked hardest got less credit. So I guess I'm more prejudiced against the "pretty people".
  • Ugly is as ugly does. It is what's inside that matters.
  • To be honest, a little. I do not despise their looks. I despise their unwillingness to change. (eg. Obese people eat massive amounts knowing that they will only get fatter).
  • Ever seen an ugly Miss/Mr America? model? news announcer? flight attendant? glamour queen? cosmetics salesperson? If we have an idea about what is pretty, then we must have one about what is ugly (and I'm NOT talking about inner qualities). I think we all have feelings about people's looks, if we're honest with ourselves and not blind, deaf and dumb.....but that's another issue.
  • I do. And I really try not to be.. but sometimes that initial gut reaction that someone lacks in personal hygiene makes me completely adverse to their personality. Once I get to know them, maybe I will change my mind, but per se someone who doesn't shave.. has one of those weird upper lip mustaches, greasy hair, etc.. that is ugly in my opinion. My desire to get to know or meet that person is little because they lack in personal hygiene.
  • To be honest, at first I'd feel a bit prejudiced after meeting someone I considered "ugly". But then I'd slap myself and yell at myself (in my mind of course so I dont cause a scene ha) right away for being so horrible. Although I've never met someone I thought was ugly before so it would be a rare occasion anyway. Judging people on how they look is a mean thing to do, there's no reason for it other then to hurt that persons feelings. There is something wonderful in absolutly everyone- no matter how they look.
  • Honestly, no. Because I, myself am not attractive at all but I couldn't care less. As corny as this may sound, people need to look beneath the surface of people.
  • I love all people. I could never be prejudice against anyone. Oh, and I never see people ugly, only their ways sometimes.
  • What is "Ugly" anyway? If I don't find someone attractive, I don't use that to define anything else about them, just my own taste. They can still be a breathtakingly beautiful person, even if their exterior appearance isn't what most people would call "Beautiful". If anything, I have to admit that I'm slightly prejudiced againts people who *Are* conventionally attractive.
  • i dont consider myself prejudiced in anyway, and i think everyone i know is beautiful! and who am i to judge anyone i dont know to be ugly or not? it all comes down to your definition of ugly.......
  • I think everyone is prejudice against "ugliness". No one wants it around them. Ugly and beautiful are truly subjective and what is ugly to one is the opposite to another.
  • Ugly is different to everyone. I think all people have a special beauty. Remeber, to someone else ~ YOU may be the ugly one.
  • I am attractive and it seams too me that attractive people are more friendly too me and nice and down to earth. Guys are very nice too me females I really dont get along with the ugly people or average people well at least where I live out here they are not nice at all. I think they are jeallous of me. honestly. Ive all ways all my life people who are attractive or drive nice cars are that are high ups or high incomes I have always got along with and they are friendly but others are snobs.
  • Hmm, in a way, yes, I would have to say I do look down on ugly people. Not because of how they look, but because of how little they care for themselves. If they took some time watching what they ate, grooming themselves, and finding eye-attractive clothing, then they wouldn't be ugly at all. Those who don't help themselves I cannot feel pity for. A reason jobs hire people who are thinner is because they will (hopefully) not have as many medical conditions to have to pay for down the road.
  • I've never been prejudiced against anyone. Everyone is created as an equal. I don't judge people by the way they look on the outside. It's what's on the inside that really counts.
  • I'm prejudiced against people that are ugly on the inside.
  • No, i am ugly
  • Prejudice for.. They should have great personalities ;)
  • Not at all. Looks aren't an accomplishment. I admire people who have done things for themselves. Saying that you don't like ugly people is like saying you don't like someone because the are a brunette. BUT if you are talking about emotionally ugly--like mean...I won't tolerate that kind of ugliness.
  • It may seem pretty shallow that we're attracted to such things as: big breasts, a big butt, rock-hard abs, muscular toned arms, an hour glass shaped body, full red lips, and so on. But part of being human is wanting to pass on our genes. Men are more commonly attracted to full, red lips because it reminds them of health. Of life. Of vitality. Same thing for the whole "hour glass body" that is (for us normal women) seemingly unattainable. An hour glass shaped body equipped with large full breasts reminds a man of when he was a child. It lets him know that this carrier will be able to nourish his offspring. The attraction to hips is because it lets a man visually see that the woman can provide a spacious birthing canal. We all want to pass on our genes... It's our sub-conscious that we can blame for being "superficial & shallow". But it's a matter of how you treat whom you want to mate with, and whom you don't that separates us from being good decent human beings, or just plain insensitive creatures.
  • No. I don't judge anyone by the way they look.
  • Not so much as being predjudiced againest people who smell like #2.
  • depends on the cause of the ugliness... if you were born ugly i won't hold it against you. if you have a tattoo of a troll on your face or your hair is filthy thats your own fault
  • Ugly people, no. Fat people, I tend to be. People who are ugly because they're way too made up, dolled up, surgery-ed up, and STILL dumb looking? Oh, yes! It's not ugly people's fault they are ugly, and the fact is, I'm not the best looking gal out there either. Fat is something you can almost always fix - and I could never stand to be fat. The whole 9 yards and still bad looking? Get over yourself and quit trying to paint yourself into being who you're not.
  • Once I get to know them, no, looks don't mean a damn thing. However, do I approach the ugliest guy in the bar when I'm feeling flirty? no. So I guess yeah, to a point I pre-judge them by how they look because that's all I have to go on, then JUDGE them by personality. I come across sounding like a real ass here. :(
  • definitely not! i'm one of them!
  • Not really. I'm prejudiced against stupid, fake people.
  • No not at all , I don't go by looks
  • Nope. We are all humans. We all bleed the same. Im a lover not a hater.
  • No, because I am ugly, so I empathtize with those that are uglier than me (not too many)
  • There is beauty in all of us. Look my friend. Look.
  • I'd rather have a long lasting relationship with what people call an "ugly" person with a cool personality than a drop dead gorgeous asshole.
  • I do not judge people, I simply treat them as they treat me! Outer appearance has nothing to do with the way a person should be treated, no one has control over certain aspects of their appearance.
  • no. because whats on the inside is all that counts and it doesnt matter if you are attractive or not as long as you have a good heart.
  • No one is ugly to me. Well, people who treat other people badly, because they think they don't look good enough, are kinda ugly and sad
  • I honestly haven't seen too many people I would call "ugly". There are people we call beautiful, but sometimes they are like Greek vases filled with spiders (I read that in a poem once). Many times the less than perfect person has a great personality, while the technically beautiful person is not nice at all.
  • I'd liek to say no I am not, but I believe subconciously we all are. I society in general, those of us who are attractive always appeal more to appeal, whether it be in getting a partner, having people listen to you and so on. You just have to watch an old Disney movie to learn were we get that habit from. All those cartoons depict the hero or heroin as a beautiful person and vice versa depict the villain as something who is physically "ugly", so its not surprising that people grow up having these osrts of prejudices.
  • How can I when Iam so ugly.
  • There's ugly people? Where?
  • I know this girl that does not have a pretty face. She has buck teeth. her eyes are sunk deep into her face and she is very slim. I do not consider her ugly, because she has a big heart and will do anything for anybody.
  • Absolutely not. That said, I'm more apt to choose a more attractive woman for a mate but I don't see that as being prejudice. I've come a long ways from my younger years though and would consider someone less attractive if she had a good personality and showed it.
  • In a way we are all ugly and pretty, so we really cant judge others without judging yourself first.
  • How silly! Of course not. I ALWAYS go for personality over looks, in every situation.
  • yes i do happen to be sadly the only ones tht i am not mean to are the ones who cant help it!
  • I see the beauty in people, I don't focus on their flaws.
  • Not at all, but I am prejudiced against people with BO.
  • I've met some people that weren't terrific people but I don't think I'd ever call anyone I met ugly, if they had a good heart. And even if they were a real stinky, I'd still treat them fairly no matter what and keep my opinions to myself:-)
  • No..but I'm prejudiced against people who are unkind to others and call them ugly.
  • I think now people r obsessed with their looks, not counting what's within, (its not that u couldn't take care of urself,just dont do it too excessively!), i dont prejudice people, people r unique n shouldnt b called UGLY,god made them that way,so let it b, n i think the self-proclaimed too-goodlooking people have far more rotten attitudes n bad motives than any of normal people like us here
  • i usually see beyond facial features etc. someone loves them, someone thinks they are beautiful
  • I do not respect people that don't take care of themselves. If someone can't decide his/her own hairstyle - go to a stylist, there are professionals who would help to pick the right clothes, there are pros, who'd fix nature's mistakes surgically, there are fitness clubs, dentists, nail salons, esthetitians. No money? Save on uglying foodstuff, like sloppy burgers, cancerous french fries and vomit-looking stuffed with cellulite poutine. Lots of stuff could be done by yourself - there is internet, full of info, for crying out loud! Nowadays it's a shame to be ugly. People have to take responsibility to show themselves out, because they make the other peoples's surrounding. You might call it a prejudice, but I think there are no ugly people, there are lazy ones.
  • the only people I find ugly is the ones i have to serve everyday . I work at the mall
  • An ugly girl would have to have one amazing personality for me to pay much attention to her. Is that terrible? Yeah. Probably. And I'm not proud of it.
  • its the beautiful people i have difficulty approaching.
  • I truly don't think there are any ugly people . . . just people who don't care about how they look or who don't attempt to make the most of the beauty they've been given. When you see the makeovers on shows like Oprah, everyone's attractive if they want to be.
  • I discriminate people who don't take care of themselves. Who eat unhealthy, don't hve good hygiene, etc. These people are generally ugly. so in this case, yes. However, if someone takes good care of themselves and perhaps they aren't the prettiest catch out there, I certainly don't take any discrimination against them.
  • Yes, but subconsciously. We all strive to be good but the truth is it is biologically programmed in us for us to weed out ugly people (i.e. so they don't have children/ don't survive)
  • No. I honestly want to find something attractive about everyone. I strive to see inner beauty. Everyone has it.
  • i have been known to take the mick out of ppl for being ugly but surely i cant be prejudiced against them seeing as i am one :P
  • No because everyone is attractive in their own way.
  • when i look at a person i look at their morals and their heart and what they are in their lives, i dont judge by looks, but i dont like hanging out with ugly girls, just because im shallow
  • GOOD QUESTION! i think maybe i am. or if i see someone as "ugly" it usually means that the mainstream media sees them as that. it can be very brainwashing. if i see some one physically unattractive i usually check out the personality. wonderful spirits are beautiful. sometimes i hate "prettyP people bc it means i have to work hard to get on that level or get that mans attention- temporary inferiority complex i guess. but im secure in my insecurities!

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