• I can only respond that I know of three people who have tried them. One person lost a little weight, and the other two said they didn't. I guess it depends on the person.
  • Anything that promises weight loss in a day or two is more than likely just a diruetic. (Or even worse, maybe a laxative!) They'll cause you to lose water weight, but do nothing for real weight loss. My suggestion for weight loss is to find a plan you can live with. If you can't see yourself following a diet for the rest of your life, it's quite likely not going to work for signficant long term weight loss and maintenance. I've lost 70 pounds in the last five months on Weight Watchers, and I couldn't be happier.
  • Safe or not, they are not going to burn any fat, they are going to cause you to lose water, the same effect that drinking a normal amount of water would have (8 glasses a day). The truth is, there is no magic fat loss pill, anything that claims to be has some really slick advertising people behind it. The ONLY way to lose fat is by proper diet and exercise. If you want to lose muscle and water weight, be my guest and waste your money on miracle medicines, but if you want to look good, you have to have patience and work on it...
  • One of the biggest problems with the new weight loss drugs is that the real proven substance ephedra was taken off the market. When combined with caffeine it helped produce fat loss. (As previously stated, it helped, but didn't do it for you.) Most of the diet pills out there are different forms of caffeine, which will stimulate the cns (central nervous system), which does help a little. But you need to realize that you don't need to pay $35 for a bottle of caffeine pills when you can get a generic bottle for $6 at Wal-Mart. (Don't exceed the bottle dosage if you decide to do this.) Or you could just drink black coffee most of the day. There are a few substances that will help, but they are often hard to find, and most companies don't use them. And as far as the cortisol claims, yes cortisol is one factor, but not all, and one of the popular pills, which got in trouble with the FDA, has a substance that actually increases cortisol in it. But taking a few fish oil capsules a day will do more for cortisol then the diet pills will. Then again so will getting a full nights sleep. Don't ever take a diet pill unless you know why every single ingredient is in there.
  • You don't lose weight and keep it off with those things.There is no magical weight loss pill.Diet and exercise and you will lose the weight.

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