• I will stop leaving my pennies behind.
  • Not a whole lot with a recession. If we hit a depression, I'd finish the basement and bring in family that won't make it.
  • I don't know what more that I could do other than what I'm doing now. I thought to answer to sell my house but that wouldn't make sense because now is the worst time since I've been on the face of the earth to sell a house. Right now, I'm not spending money except on necessities. But, we can always cut the cable and the internet off. Then, I could start growing all my own food. If you think of anything else, let me know.
  • We're in a recession now... at least I am LOL Either way I was looking for a second job to help with college...
  • Stop buying lingerie Stay home more Eat out less
  • i will cut out spending on "wants" and probably even cut back on buying "needs" things also.
  • Eat more beans. Then the chickens.
  • I've been buying a lot more ammo lately.(Really) If it comes to a full blown depression I guess we will have to give up some of the luxuries we enjoy today. Like food and clothes. ;)
  • I already lived a simple life. The only luxury I have is cable TV and broadband. While I could downgrade my cable option, I seriously doubt I'll get rid of broadband. So, I'm not sure what I could change.
  • PB& J, mac & cheese, tuna sandwiches, a 10 speed bike, a bachelor apt, ect...
  • If we enter a new depression then that's it, I'm becoming a 30's style gangster. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! WISE GUY, EH?!
  • We're retired. Unless the administration fools around with our social security or screws us on medicare, we'll simply cut back and hope for the best. Not much else we can do. Happy Tuesday! :) ((hugs))
  • It depends. As long as my job status doesn't change there really aren't any changes I'll make based on the economy. Income stays the same, expenses remain the same. Maybe the one different thing I'd try to do is to build up a monetary buffer so that if something happens I have more to fall back on. The mortgage interest rates are fixed, the vehicles paid for, very little on credit. There really isn't much concern on my part. Pretty much life as usual.
  • I know that. What I mean is that you seem to recognize well what is good and secure. You would do well in business if that's what you chose to do. I very much like how you think.
  • 24-7 cheap foods. Probably only buy enough food for my husband and kid because I realize I eat up most of the food simply because I'm bigger than them and have a bigger appetite.
  • I will now be eating PB & J/tuna sandwiches/mac & cheese/pizza by the slice, ect...
  • Probably eat more Turkey;) Do more hunting to keep us fed;) I really don't know for sure probably just wing it;)
  • ive started ha! im rolling my own cigs instead of buying 'ready mades
  • For one thing I would stop eating out at restaurants. I would cut out all unnecessary travel. Grocery shop and run errands once or twice a month. Try to schedule more than one appointment on the same day.
  • i dont think i would change my life at all if there were a recession. it would be business as usual. its not as if the sky were falling. if there were a depression i would volunteer even more to help those in need. i am a total believer in the law of attraction. fear and negative thinking cut off the conduits to financial success. positivity attracts material awards. i believe in thinking positive. it hasnt failed me yet. :)
  • I will probably step up purchases for stockpiling and hoarding since others will be doing the very same thing! It means more things will have to buried in new locations! These are the items most important when preparing for after the collapse: liquor, tobacco, sugar,ammo, fuel, and drugs! If you have any of the above you will be able to get the other necessities easily!
  • Buy some ammo.
  • i am serious as a heart attack my job and what is expected of me is nearly insane. Someone tried to mugg me a few days ago because I was drunk and could hardly stand I pummeled for a while and then let him up he wanted to fight again but th element of surprise was lost. He followed me from bar to bar and was talking about taking my money finally he jabbed me in the face and down we went. Anyway that is just one of hundreds of such attacks on my personage. I am not supposed to lose.
  • I'm going to pimp myself out like I did years ago. My ex wife put me out on the street on a Friday night and I came home with $187.50. She asked me who I charged the 50 cents to - to which I replied "all of them".
  • Just one thing: LIVING
  • I live very simple now but I think I'll have to make wise decisions in shopping for food and household supplies. The only "luxuries" that I have are a cell phone and the internet. Since I'm in the healthcare profession, I don't think I'll have to worry about unemployment but the economy might affect my husband's line of work. I forsee that I will have to help my children. My daughter is back home already and that's fine by me.
  • We certainly have to look at lifes little luxuries going,nights out,lamb and beef on the table,holidays(vacations),excursions. So it looks like back to basics...what is worrying is the heating bills for this coming winter....fuel costs have escalated by 30% since last winter....
  • We looked at the budget when gas prices were high and cut back quite a bit, but it seems we still don't have enough to pay for what we thought was needed (mortgage, food, gas, electricity). My husband just got laid off again and is having surgery on monday that we don't know how we are going to pay for. I see Ramen Noodles in our future!! At least the kids get a price break on school lunches so we know they are getting one good meal a day. We have never been "wealthy" but we have always had what we needed and a lot of times what we wanted also. This year has been life changing for us as we have had actually had to stop and think about wether we can go to the grocery store or not. Sorry, that was quite a lengthy answer!! Have a great day!!:)
  • Extravant luxuries such as: food, water, electricity, heat, medication, deodorant...
  • My own personal motto is, "live below my means". I'm already wearing longjohns under my sweatpants and two sweatshirts on top in my house and plasticized every window. Already put my deer in the freezer. We don't eat out anymore and have cut back on all unnecessary trips with the vehicle. No satellite or cable and we have dialup internet. The last and only thing left is our whole bean coffee @ 8-12 bucks a pound. I'm not a big fan of instant(gags), but that'll either be next or the dialup I suppose. The last thing to go I guess will be the house, which I'm a big fan of just abandoning anyway. I hate mobile homes with a passion, but do what we must to get by.
  • tougher?!! gee we know who we got to thank for that.i guess i'll have to cut back on eating and donate some of my earnings to poor C.E.O's who you know will be hurting >:(
  • Eating out, movies at the theatre, trips to the mall to "look".
  • We'll have to suffer just like before, and when economists say this it's just them excusing the inefficiency of the economy - they're not actually going to cut back on anything themselves.
  • I would love to see NASA have it's spending cut. I wonder how many of the American public really cares whether there was ever water on Mars.
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      I would love to see you run over by a speeding truck. Great that we're ENTITLED to opinions eh? POS?
    • Mr PantsFellDown
      Maybe we should cut all tax breaks for rich people? Huh? Would you agree it would only be fair if your people payed the same tax rate as the rest of us? MM? No, of course not, because you're a liar and a tard and an asshole and FUCK YOU!!!!!
  • We are pretty much cut to the bone now. We've managed to make it through Little Bits tumor without going bankrupt so far, which is apparently almost unheard of. But we are almost out of retirement and the house is double mortgaged. I've made us polar fleece jammies and polar fleece pants and we are cutting the heat way down. Water is really expensive here, so the last time the washer died, I got a high efficiency. Water is so high it has paid for itself already. I'm making all our clothing and buying food in bulk from the Amish where I can. We only have one car and we hardly drive it. So other than cutting the heat way down, I don't know what else I can do.

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