Voting process as in the difference between ballot automated voting? Yeah I don't like the new system. We used it in our school and it was sooo confusing, I voted for the wrong person once actually :/ it was like, pull this knob then yank that lever and slide this button while yanking it :/ wtf? just let me write it on a paper and drop it in a box
There was a Chicago suburb a few years ago that had trouble counting about 800 votes to determine their mayor. They actually wanted to recount a sample of 10% to see if their counts were accurate or needed a fuill recount. 800 votes, guys. You could count them 25 times in one evening. In the meantime, American Idol could get like 45 million votes in a three hour timespan, and have accurate results by the next morning. Maybe American Idol should be in charge of running political elections. 1-888-LIB-ERAL or 1-888-IAM-4GOP These are 888, not 800 numbers, so dial carefully.
Do away with E-voting, junk those computerized BS machines! Hire someone with an IQ higher than a 6 year old to read the punch cards.
I think this election has turned into a popularity contest. Instead of voting for the person you think will make the best change for us, people are focused on who is more popular. Lots of people have said that Sarah Palin has that hot librarian look going on, do you really think that McCain picked her for her smarts or whatever the reason he picked her for. I think he did it hoping that all the women will vote for him because that would mean that we'd get a female V.P. and because the guys might find her attractive.
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