• No. Anyone can operate a video camera.
  • No. "Your school alone will not make you a household name. Just ask someone if they heard of David Wyatt Craig yet. The most important thing you have to do is hustle. You have to sell yourself. You have to convince that what ever you are doing is going to be the next big thing. So the three keys to becoming a filmmaker are: Making movies, long or short if you are not making movies even just for fun you a person with a dream not a filmmaker Selfpromotion, you have to sell yourself, network with the right people and make the contacts that will help your projects. Learn always learn. You must learn. The skills and the technology involved in motion pictures are always changing you must be mindful of the past but also being on the bleeding edge." Source and further information:
  • Not at all. A lot of successfull film makers don't have degrees. Kevin Smith actually dropped out of film making school to shoot Clerks.

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