• People have done so before, I imagine.
  • In the UK you can. As long as you have been fully advised of the ramifications and the documentation is sufficient there is no problem at all with doing so. The children could contest the will but if it meets the necessary criteria there is no problem at all with this.
  • Legally, yes you can. You can leave everything to one or none, giving it all to your dog, like Leona Hemsley did. I could only do that if one of mine did something sooo horrible that I couldn't be bothered knowing them, and that wouldn't happen.
  • Of course. You can give your property to anyone you want to. However, you don't actually want to cut the person out of the will. What you want to do is include them in your will, and indicate you leave nothing to them.
  • You can but if you child provided any financial support to you they can contest your will and then probate gets ahold of it.
  • Ok, I'll write myself out of the will. Excuse, wrong place.
  • You'll want to include language that you're doing it intentionally. Otherwise they can argue that you forgot them.
  • its your will, do whatever you want with it

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