• A side-effect of taking too many asprin, (or many other drugs), is an increased heart rate--which would make it virtually impossible to fall asleep. Depending on your age, body health and type of asprin, you'de need quite a bit to least 20 400mg pills--though, like I said, it varries amung the indavidual. I would hope this question was in concern and not of serious thought.
  • Aspirin does not make you sleepy... too many aspirins can sometime cause internal bleeding or make stomach ulcer bleed profusely coz of it's anti-coagulant effects. The reason low doses are given to ppl with heart strokes. The amount that kill a person depends on person's weights, absorption from the stomach lining, and tolerance to the drug. At times higher doses does not kill a person but may cause permanent damage to organs like kidneys. One must never take a drug without a need and without consulting a doctor. What ever your intentions, seek help at once!!
  • It is possible to die from an overdose of aspirin but it is difficult to do. It irritates the stomach lining and most people will throw it up. It's also difficult to say how much aspirin would cause harm to someone because the amount changes with age, weight, and other variables. Medical literature shows plasma concentrations >350 mg/L (2.5 mmol/L) constitutes salicylate poisoning. Most adult deaths occur in patients whose concentrations exceed 700 mg/L (5.1 mmol/L). If anyone is having thoughts of suicide, they should seek help immediately.
  • Taking an extremely high dosage of acetalsalicylic acid (aspirin) would not cause you to fall asleep, but will cause, among other things, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, seizures, hypothermia, cerebral edema and coma. A fatal dose occurs at around 500mg of aspirin per kilogram of bodyweight. Death most often occurs due to pulmonary edema, which means basically you drown. Aspirin is most notably used for its blood thinning qualities, which is why large amounts are VERY dangerous. Toxicity can occur either through acute means, such as a massive dose or chronically, taking more than what is recommended for an extended period of time. It's interesting to note, also, that chronic toxicity is FAR MORE likely than acute to cause death. So an important thing to remember is that aspirin is a drug, not to be taken lightly. I do not intend to suspect your question to be anything other than just for information. I respect everyone's right to have the knowledge and information they seek. I would hope that if your intent would be for anything else, that you would seriously take the information I provided to heart, as attempting to harm oneself or another through an aspirin overdose would be mostly ineffective yet still highly dangerous. Not to mention illegal and immoral if the latter were true.
  • This is a really disturbing question. If you are feeling suicidal please seek professional psychiatric help immediately. Please do not use the Internet to hone the skills of killing one's self. Aspirin in high dosages can cause internal bleeding and that in itself could be really dangerous.
  • wasn't trying to be mean but what kind of question is that? i'm sorry if i offended but why would anyone want to know that. tylenol is more deadly.just for informational purposes.
  • if you dare and are that stupid take about 10 to 15 pills and cut yourself really good and maybe you'll bleed to death. what's wrong with you people?
  • i juss took 15 n im only 13 will it kill me?
  • It's a common misperception that you can kill yourself in that way. In a healthy body, your kidneys would immediately go into overdrive, and since Aspirin is a fairly easy drug to detect and remove, they would likely remove enough of it before your body reacted to it to stop you from dying. However, this takes its toll, and is a very quick and easy way to destroy your kidneys. That won't kill you either, but you will be on dialysis the rest of your life.
  • i was thinking about doing this and i am 17, i have been having problems and thought if i drank alcohol and aspirins or paracetamols together i would die
  • Now why would you ask a question like that? If someone you know has taken some pills than I suggest calling an ambulance immediately and not waiting for an answer to your question. If this is not the case than your question is just silly because no one needs to know this kind of information that has good intentions. All things (good and bad) pass with time and what seems so important today will just be a memory before you know it. Do not make a choice with potentially permanent consequences over something that will just be like a bad dream in the future. You need some pain to grow and be a better person. Figure out what you need to learn from this experience and move on to better things in life. Good luck.
  • im 19 and have been to this point several times if u ever need help or guidance ur not alone trust me and im here to help anyone aim is hotboinmb88 dnt be afraid to message me casue trust me i know what its like to feel lost and all alone
  • You might bleed to death from the stomach

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