• As defined by the dictionary "a large area of land". Landmasses are usually: continents--A continent (from the Latin "continere" for "to hold together") is a large continuous mass of land on the planet Earth. There is no single standard for what defines a continent, and therefore various cultures and sciences have different lists of what are considered to be continents. In general, a continent must be large in area, consist of non-submerged land, and have geologically significant borders. While some consider that there are as few as four or five continents, the most commonly used counts are six or seven. supercontinents--A supercontinent is a mass of land comprising more than one continent. Since the definition of continent is arbitrary, the definition of supercontinent is also arbitrary (as is the definition of a subcontinent), but the term refers to a landmass containing more than one of the modern continents. Present day supercontinents are Eurasia, Africa-Eurasia, and The Americas. Most commonly, the term supercontinent is used to refer to a landmass consisting of all the modern continents. It was originally believed that a single supercontinent, PangΓ¦a, had existed for a very long period of Earth's history. However more modern studies have shown that supercontinents form in cycles, coming together and breaking apart again, through continental drift, about every 250 million years. large islands--A small island in the Adriatic seaAn island is any piece of land smaller than a continent and larger than a rock, that is completely surrounded by water. Very small islands are called islets. Although seldom adhered to, it is also proper to call an emergent land feature on an atoll an islet, since an atoll is a type of island. A key or cay is also another name for a relatively small island. There are three main types of islands: continental islands, river islands, and volcanic islands. What exactle is defined as "large" in terms of islands was not answered by the reference I consulted.
  • A continent.

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