• There's no single formula for this because there is no single type of snow. If it's light, dry, fluffy snow, it could take up to 30 inches to equal an inch of rain! Conversely, 2 to 4 inches of heavy, wet, compact snow could equal that same inch of rain. I tried to find a single rule of thumb to go by. Living in the snowy north, I've heard that a foot of snow equals an inch of rain. On some websites, I've found everything from six to eight to ten inches of snow generally equaling an inch of rain. This would be a fantastic opportunity to try an experiment with the kids. Grab an old coffee can and set it in an open area outside. After it snows, measure the amount of snow in the can. Take it inside and let it sit until it melts then measure again. Make a journal listing how much snow to how much water and a description of what the snow was like (heavy, blows easily, etc). Of course, if you're particularly handy and your significant other isn't thrilled about the free advertising Folgers is getting in your yard, you can find instructions to make a more scientific device here
  • Here in the Northeast, it is said one inch of rain is equal to a foot of snow..I didnt say, the Meteorologist did

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